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Posts posted by Tracker

  1. 2 hours ago, NorthernSkunk said:

    What I mean is...WE all know drunks are driving away from the bar,  groups like MADD know drunks are driving away from the bars,  LAW ENFORCEMENT know drunks are driving away from the bars,  how come nobody is at the bars are catching these people ?

    Because there are laws against over-serving bar patrons, but problem drinkers can find ways around that.

  2. Watched the game this morning on PVR. When Lulay is healthy and on his game, he has to be considered one of the top two or at worst, three QBs in the league. Wally just out-coached Maas, particularly in the second when it counted, so he hasn't lost all his marbles to old-timers' disease yet. Maas doesn't have much job security left. Bombers may not have been able to sign Posey for one reason or another, but Lordy, he would have good in blue and gold. Sutton was a great pickup for the Lions.

  3. 3 hours ago, Mike said:

    I think you have to aim for skill players in this draft and I think you need to look towards the idea of making a move on a future guy (a la Geoff Gray) with one of those firsts. This draft, from what I've heard, is pretty loaded.

    I'd look to take a linebacker or d-lineman, and a receiver. Maybe a safety if there is one, since I think Loffler may be a question mark going forward for us. Then again, I'd love to see us transition to an American safety if he leaves. 

    Dejon Brissett seems like the kind of guy O'Shea and Walters would be all over ... can play all over the field, on offence and special teams, honour roll student at Richmond ... big bodied receiver.

    Maybe you grab a guy like that or Oliviera with the BC pick and aim for a guy like Kongbo with our pick later on.


    But could Brissett cut the mustard?

  4. 2 hours ago, TBURGESS said:

    FTR: That's what I said in my post. Trying to get your post count up?😀

    If it's his first offense, I doubt the Riders or the League do anything about it. He says he's sorry and pays his fine.

    If this isn't his first offense, he calls himself an Alcoholic, which is a disease, so his employers have to try and help him. Can't fire him. (I stupidly hired an Alcoholic because their ex-boss gave them a glowing review. Took almost a year to get rid of them, then they wanted me to give them a glowing review to get back on their feet.)

    You didn't hire an alcoholic, you hired a drunk. Big difference.

  5. 2 hours ago, Ripper said:

    Do you actually think he will get suspended from team or anything like that?  That won't happen. Its a stupid thing for him to do, no one is defending it. People don't lose their jobs because they got a DUI unless their job is driving related

    This is a criminal offence as well as a summary offence, and in many instances, a criminal conviction will cause job loss or suspension.

  6. 5 hours ago, Bigblue204 said:

    Riders have signed Shepley to their PR. That's huge for them considering the state of that OL and the injuries from last week. Likely same role as Gray, won't step in immediately but gives them flexibility next year.

    True, but the Riders will have a lot of holes to fill. Bladek sustained a pretty serious injury, and two other Canuck O-linemen are aging. Plus, their overall NI talent may be one of the two thinnest in the league.

  7. 2 hours ago, Booch said:

    I wouldn't really say you really BEAT us twice tho...you won the games sure and it counts towards the win loss record certainly..but beating us and being the better team over the course of the 2 games is a total stretch...and like many say...it's a what have you done for me lately thing...and over the last 2 games you guys havn't scored an offensive touchdown...not even close to it so that should be a major cause for concern especially with the new injuries.

    On another note...I find it quite comical that you can and do post here and are able to freely...disagreeing with many on a opposition fan site...at times doing so in a bit of a smug cocky way and get to still participate...and I post a comment on the Rider site about knee injuries...get a stupid comment shot back at me...and asked where I have been in the last while...so state I was just reading post...but didn't post as didn't feel like bickering...and now have lost my posting/replying privileges there...Just an example of the Juvenile/Infintile mentality there and major rerason why most around the league consider Rider fans and most things associated to them as the bigger D-Bags in the league...maybe you can find out and shed some light on the reason for me since you seem to be an avid poster on both sites and somewhat of a pied piper there :)

    I would hate to have this forum deteriorate to the point where it resembles the content and function of Riderfans. Buddhists maintain that whether you love or hate something, you are just as bound to it. Discuss among yourselves.

  8. Statistics are interesting but not absolute determinants in sports. What they do is chart trends and are good predictor of the future. Most in this forum were expecting that the Rider reliance on their defence to bail out an anemic offence would cause the team to implode at some point and it has. Spectacularly. Similarly, the Bombers expecting their defence to carry the team when the offence for whatever reason is barely getting the job done almost certainly will fail, perhaps at a critical juncture. The Bombers may defy this, but history would indicate that this is unlikely to be the case. We shall see.

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