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Posts posted by Tracker

  1. 2 hours ago, WBBFanWest said:

    Guess you haven't really been paying attention the last couple of years.    He played as well as anyone could possibly ask.

    Disagree to an extent. Nichols has played well most often but has also had games where he was ineffective or just terrible. He could be another quarterback who can play well enough to keep a job (AKA Kevin Glenn) but just not well enough to win the Big Games.

  2. 5 hours ago, 17to85 said:

    Bottom line I am shitting bricks because Calgary and Edmonton are teams that can make life tough on this team. I believe in the Bombers but I've seen them pull some stupid **** before. 

    I agree with you that Calgary has the talent and coaching to put it all together and take a run at the Cup, but there seems to be something rotten in the state of the Eskies. I suspect that at the end of the season they will say, "No Maas."

  3. 2 hours ago, jazzsax said:

    I still don't get why people live like this. I carry a mortgage (with a good chunk of equity), and an LOC for an emergency. Charge everything to my cards and pay it off in full every month. Agressively paying down the mortgage and choosing not to have all the toys now (buy a car 2-3 years old instead of new so someone else can pay the depreciation), then drive it into the ground.

    Easiest way to retire is have no mortgage. By the time you've paid off your mortgage your housing costs are dirt cheap --- utilities / insurance and maybe property tax, which honestly a small pension can cover. Even if you work part time, you can survive on way less than normal. 

    We're in an age though where everyone wants instant gratification. $1000 cell phones and $100 plans. $90 internet. Come on... find the cheaper route and make it work and then live like a hog when everyone is struggling to retire.


    This is the way to go, and we have been doing this for some time. Our credit card gives us 2% rebate and another 2% at Costco gas bar. Our cell phones are through Zoomer Wireless and we get both for $50.00 per month (new LG cellphone every two years) with lotsa data, prime-time calling and other perks. Plus they throw in free membership in CARP. 

  4. 16 hours ago, TrueBlue4ever said:

    1. Ottawa needs one win to clinch top spot, or one Hamilton loss. In their head-to-head game, a tie will also clinch top spot for Ottawa.

    2. Hamilton needs a win against Ottawa, AND a win and Ottawa loss or tie in the final week's games, or a tie and an Ottawa loss in the final week's games, to claim top spot.

    2. Calgary needs one tie in their last 2 games to clinch top spot in the West. They can finish no lower than second.

    3. Saskatchewan needs a win and 2 Calgary losses to clinch top spot. They need a win, a tie, or a loss by less than 3 points in their game against BC, or a BC loss or tie in their game against Calgary in the final week, to clinch 2nd place. In the event of a 3 way tie with Winnipeg and BC at season's end (they lose to BC, and Winnipeg and BC win all of their other games), they will finish 2nd. They can finish no lower than 3rd.

    4. Winnipeg needs a tie in their last 2 games to clinch a playoff spot and eliminate Edmonton. They need any combination of wins and BC losses totalling 2 to clinch 3rd place (not considering any tied game scenarios), provided there is no 3 way tie involving Saskatchewan at season's end. They can finish no better than 3rd.

    5. BC needs a win over Saskatchewan by 4 or more points and a win in their other game to finish 2nd, provided there is no 3 way tie with Winnipeg at season's end (in that event, they will finish 3rd). Not considering tied games or the 3 way tie scenario, they will need any combination of wins or Winnipeg losses totalling 3 to clinch 3rd. they can finish no lower than 4th.

    6. Edmonton needs a win and 2 Winnipeg losses to make the playoffs. They can finish no better than 4th, regardless of any 3 way tie scenarios.


    Aaaand,,,,my brain still hurts.

  5. Mitchell has had the luxury of a decent O-line and clutch receivers who he had a feel for, until this year. Now Stamps are playing musical chairs with receivers and while these are good, they and Mitchell do not have the same familiarity. Still, I wouldn't count them out just yet.

  6. Refereeing aside, this has to be the best Collaros has played in forever. He actually looked like a legit QB out there. Sask looked like a whole different team from last week and Calgary looked like they expected to throw their jocks onto the field and have the opposition run away and concede the game. Questions need to be asked about the grit of the Stampeder team.

  7. Here is a more comprehensive list of children raised in dysfunctional families:

    • Become isolated
    • Fear people and authority figures
    • Become approval seekers
    • Be frightened of angry people
    • Be terrified of personal criticism
    • Become alcoholics, marry them, or both
    • View life as a victim
    • Have an overwhelming sense of responsibility
    • Be concerned more with others than themselves
    • Feel guilty when they stand up for themselves
    • Become addicted to excitement
    • Confuse love and pity
    • "Love" people who need rescuing
    • Stuff their feelings
    • Lose the ability to feel
    • Have low self-esteem
    • Judge themselves harshly
    • Become terrified of abandonment
    • Do anything to hold on to a relationship
    • Become "para-alcoholics," people who take on the characteristics of the disease without drinking
  8. FWIW from 3Downnation:

    "The Lions’ victory also gave the Bombers’ post-season hopes a massive boost: Winnipeg can now secure a post-season berth with at home against Calgary next week. They also hold the tie-breaker with B.C. on point differential and will finish ahead of them in the standings if they finish with the same record.

    Winnipeg can also finish second in the West if Saskatchewan loses their two remaining games and the Bombers win out.

    The big game on Saturday is the Calgary-Saskatchewan tilt. A win by the Stampeders and they win the West while a Saskatchewan victory keeps them in the hunt for the division title (while also ending Winnipeg’s hopes of hosting a playoff game.

    While B.C. can still finish second even with a Rider win, a Calgary victory helps their cause as well. Essentially, both Winnipeg and B.C. fans should be cheering for Calgary (if they weren’t already.)"

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