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Posts posted by Floyd

  1. 1 hour ago, Tracker said:

    According to figures posted by CNN, there are 2,620,250 active cases and  127,272 deaths reported. That is a mortality rate of 4.8%- much higher than seasonal influenza deaths and this should put an end to the "it's just another harmless flu" rebuttal to how serious this really is. But it won't.The reality is that the mortality rate is probably higher.

    You’re jumping the gun - they were just saying the actual number of cases is like 20-40 million based on the lack of testing


  2. 6 hours ago, wbbfan said:

    every one shouldve been paid 250k to be associated with the argos last year. 

    Make a stupid pay day on a dog of a team or make a reasonable one on a contender. If he chooses the henoc muamba route hes better off not being on a contender. 

    Well umm... he wouldn't have signed here if we wanted to play on a contender... so maybe that's why he didn't - not greed.

  3. 6 minutes ago, do or die said:

    Interesting that the White House actually didn't challenge the accuracy of the story "Bounties to Afghani militants to kill US troops." as reported.  
    They simply deny that Trump was briefed on it.....

    After all, why would US intelligence agencies bother to brief a President, about this kind of thing?

    It’s safe to say all briefings stopped in early 2017 when they realized he was a Russian agent

  4. 11 minutes ago, Goalie said:

    When half of the teams rosters test positive they will. Its not happening. 

    Yeah I guess they would be worried that another player would test positives and the whole team will die just like the Ottawa senators - oh wait no one else got sick but the point remains... better safe than sorry

  5. 38 minutes ago, Noeller said:

    Bradley is a cheap *******. Yes his money kept franchises afloat, but just barely, and I don't think he ever turned any of those franchises into anything more than a tax write off. The sooner we get him outta the league and have more owners that actually care about having a successful franchise, the better. 

    Yeah he’s been holding back the CFL since 1987... what a jerk... we need to get rid of that scourge and bring in any one of the long list of people waiting to buy a CFL team...  I mean the Lions have only won the grey cup three times since he started bleeding them dry - now they’re stuck with a has been like Mike Reilly

  6. 3 hours ago, Starman115 said:

    I doubt there are any informed people who think the pandemic will be over this calendar year. Unfortunately the CFL is not at all in the same position as the other major pro sports leagues in North America. They are now in survival mode.

    No CFL team is going to make any money this year, if there is a season of any kind. It's more a case of trying to slow the bleeding with the hope of somehow getting through this, and moving forward post-pandemic. Yes, there will be great risk in playing a shortened season, and people will test positive.

    On the other hand, to not have a season at all could put the league in even greater risk, with its future existence largely in the hands of government(s). So there are enormous risks either way. The CFL is in the unenviable position of trying to determine the overall most intelligent path forward without the benefit of necessary information right now to make a prudent decision for the fall.

    Braley had a good point that fewer fans basically means teams are losing $10 million instead of $20-30 million... 

    Any brand has to try and stay in the spotlight - somehow... to simply back away for a full season while all the other sports leagues are opening up just seems like the death knell for the league

    Setting a league start date and showing your market and potential govt funders that you are giving it a real shot with a slogan like 'Canada makes it work' or something hokey/nationalistic...  then even if there's a second wave and you have to shut it down - THEN you go ask Canada to pick up the rest of the tab

    Right now, the CFL has given people the sense that they were ready to call the season off and just take govt money from the start - the optics aren't great.

    I still say that the CFL likely has a plan and would have announced something but the execs are twisting and turning trying to find a way to make Toronto a hub - that's the delay imo.

  7. 3 hours ago, DR. CFL said:

    So what exactly is the plan? Clearly they are a long way from one...especially given there is no working relationship between the CFL and the PA. Next question...for this hypothetical Sept 1st start. How long in advance do you think it would take to logistically set up?  I’ll give you a hint...I have been told by CFL personnel that July 1st is a critical target. That doesn’t factor in border issue, provincial and city health regulations, the possible isolation for 14 days of players. And here is the million dollar question? What are the plans when ( not if ) when people start testing positive...if you ever get this organized? People seem to not want to look at this situation from an objective, practical prospective. I get it ....fans want football.

    A typical negative know it all dr cfl post ... of course the cfl is working on a plan and of course that takes positive cases into account - one would assume they are using e same IR idea as nfl and plastic visors in face masks

    We have already heard about hub cities etc - by sept social distancing will be even more relaxed in Canada and we will be able to get 5-10k people in an outdoor stadium

    but for guys saying ‘just shut it down for a year’ - that stance just seems naive 

  8. On 2020-06-24 at 6:22 PM, DR. CFL said:

    Obviously you think wasting money on a venture that will get shutdown within a week or two is a sound business practice. MLB, NHL, and NBA ...even golf are having issues and they are only having informal workouts. Those leagues at least have more financial reserves than a league that is financially treating water.

    So a league that is financially treading water can just take a year off... okey dokey

    annouce a labour day start and bust your ass to make it work - don’t announce nothing and sit there hemming and hawing 

  9. 6 minutes ago, GCJenks said:

    Normally when I see a licence plate from out of country I’m kind of excited “I wonder what brought them here???” Today I saw and Arkansas plate and wanted to berate him with “Go the F Home!!!” 


    Sad time to see fear overtake us like this

    in the Yukon people have yelled at others at gas stations - fkn nuts

  10. 2 hours ago, Wideleft said:

    It's a global pandemic and you are looking at it through a very narrow lens.  California and Michigan had their **** together and look what happened. 

    I don't understand how your Manitoba solution resonates with opening things up.  Opening things up means opening up tourism too.  How do you think that's going to go?

    And we didn't overwhelm the nursing home system.  That's where people died.  People got sick taking care of them.  Some nursing homes refused to release clients to hospitals.  Long term care and COVID-19 are actually 2 different issues and yet you keep conflating them.

    Manitoba is so fortunate to be in the situation it is and people are clambering to screw it all up.

    If you are the self-proclaimed lefty you purport to be, you'd be more concerned about the wealthy living off the government through tax-evasion than you are about the working poor who have caught a break.

    Well in one response you accuse me of conflating two different issues and then say I should be upset about wealth tax evasion...

    Ontario and Quebec transferred elderly patients from hospitals to care homes at the beginning of the lockdown and this inflated our numbers - that is not a pizzagate 5G conspiracy it’s just a basic fact - that in turn overwhelmed several care homes who were informed not to transfer patients back to hospitals - again a fact

    you obviously have a job where you are getting paid to stay home so of course you’re fine with a cautious approach that is bankrupting future generations...

  11. 1 hour ago, 17to85 said:

    Pandemics always hit nursing homes hardest. Closed communities full of the most vulnerable population. Yeah just ripe for spreading diseases around and having worse outcomes. 

    I thought it wasn’t just a nursing home problem

  12. 4 hours ago, Wideleft said:

    The answer hasn't changed since this started.  If health care systems are overwhelmed, we are in trouble.  People don't need to die from COVID-19 (even though they are) for this to be a significant health threat regardless of your (or my) politics.

    Yes I understand the need to 'flatten the curve'...  we did it - but instead we overwhelmed the nursing home system accidentally at least in Ontario and Quebec

    I'm not sure how long you think we need to take to prepare the health care system... if we haven't got our **** together by now then we never will.  Maybe some people have the luxury of living off the govt and always ready to have a free vacation if we shut down... but most I know don't.


  13. 13 hours ago, HardCoreBlue said:

    Fake news, deep state, masks are killing people, infringement on my freedoms, Covid hoax, all lives matter, my God is under attack, arrest Obama and Bil Gates, George Soros is trying to control us, Biden’s a pedo living in his basement etc etc etc.

    That’s what 36% of Americans hear in their heads blustering it out loud when they ‘read’ information like this and do their ‘critical thinking’.

    I’m a pretty left wing antifa guy... but what happens if the death rate does not rise in states with ‘covid spikes’ - I look at Canada and our covid rules are a gong show but we are not seeing a spike in deaths or anything

    Right or wrong this will be another ‘flu’ next winter

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