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Posts posted by Floyd

  1. 36 minutes ago, Noeller said:

    I've said all along, while I understand all the reasons they're (all sports leagues) trying to get going, it just doesn't seem worth it to me. Just ******* lock it all down until this time next year and see where we're at. 

    Obviously you’ve never run a business 

  2. 59 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    He'll get signed & go back to being a coach killer like he was with the 49ers. He was the worst starting qb in the NFL last time he played.  When you lose your starting position to Blaine Gabbert...

    Well we are all talking like he actually wants to play again...  he's probably worth 20-30 million without playing a down

  3. 38 minutes ago, Brandon said:

    He should of been given a look 4 years ago.   It's just tacky that they are giving him a look now after recent circumstances.  To me it's them trying to capitalize on the situation. 

    I actually look at it more that Kaepernick is off the Roger Goodell 'blacklist' and teams are finally 'allowed' to look at him

  4. 50 minutes ago, Tracker said:

    California Police Investigating Nooses Found In Public Park As A Hate Crime
    Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf dismissed the idea that the ropes were meant to be used as exercise equipment.

    Multiple nooses were found hanging from tree branches at a public park in Oakland, California, the city’s mayor confirmed Wednesday, as Americans continue to wrestle with issues of racial inequality brought into sharper focus by recent civil rights protests.  Oakland police are currently investigating the incident as a hate crime.


    Racism is absolutely an issue in Canada... and we need to do better...

    but for those people who say we are no better than the states... I mean modern day lynchings and KKK cops... cmon.

  5. 1 hour ago, Mr Dee said:

    I really don’t know about that. I consider what the rich boys are doing..mainly in MLB and their Player association, to be the clown show. They have tremendous assets, both sides, and they’re arguing about pro-rating. Small potatoes comparatively.

    Our League and our players are up against the wall big time..through no fault of their own. The players are afraid and I don’t blame them. The League is without answers, but really, who has answers? This is unprecedented.

    Elimimian seems to have a handle on it, but he’s got yappers behind him. Ambrosie has tight lips. He’s losing the room. They must get together..with the aim of next year, at 5he very least, as the end game.

    There’s a hell of a lot that has to work out for a season this year, but I sincerely believe they’re trying.

    This reminds me of the lead up to last season where 'the league hadn't even talked to the players about a CBA' etc etc and then suddenly the deal was done

    The league doesn't run everything by the players because they know the players have no bargaining power - its just reality.

  6. 1 hour ago, Brandon said:

    The guy hasn't played in years and was not disciplined and had troubles following coaches order leading to the 49ers giving him the boot.    I see this purely for publicity in a market where the team has absolutely zero interest in the team.

    Well this is the same team that couldn't quite sign Tom Brady...  that and they don't even have a work out scheduled...

  7. 16 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    You just have to look at America's affinity with the Wild West & Civil war movies to understand why they like guns so much.  Unlike Canada, the gun is part of their history through their War of Independence & Civil War right up to the taming of the West & then in the 1930's with the gangsters in Chicago & New York. The gun is then glorified with 2 World Wars, the Korean, Viet Nam & Gulf Wars. To a lot of Americans the gun is part of Americana like picnics & apple pie. 

    In Canada, we value beaver.

  8. 1 hour ago, HardCoreBlue said:

    Shocking. Southern States screwing things up. Feel bad for the people who live in these States, get what’s going on, do what’s needed to the best of their ability but are clumped in with the knuckle dragging Neanderthals walking around blustering their liberty or death into megaphones cloaked in their confederate flags.

    Nice sentence, man.

  9. 17 minutes ago, 17to85 said:

    Well you'd be a fool not to learn from other experiences, however I wonder if they aren't waiting too long to copy cat another league rather than working on their own strategy in the meantime. 

    It's a time to be proactive and yes things are constantly changing, but you gotta have some kind of plan that gets updated regularly... That's what every other business and institution is doing right now. 

    I doubt there's another league as reliant on gate revenues...

    They are probably waiting for some way to make Toronto work as a hub city... however Bombers did just call and say they are expecting a season starting in September

  10. 5 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Rookie assistant coaches don't make a lot of money. I'd say $50,000 is a safe bet. The more experienced & the longer you coach the more $$$ you make. I don't think you have any idea of the pay structure for coaches & videographers in the CFL. You just believe because it's pro football that automatically they are making big bucks which is not true. They also have no benefits. Sure Miller & Walters make a high income but Walters doesn't make anywhere near what Hufnagel does or what Chris Jones or Jim Popp did. 

    Cost-cutting is a terrible plan for a league where Riders, Bombers, Stamps, Esks and prob Hammie are all making money while 'profit sharing' leaves the league in trouble overall 

    Running the league based on the Toronto and BC situations is a broken business model - CFL always gets trapped trying to compete outright in large urban centres rather than setting up community-based grassroots support... which in reality supports their only successful franchises

  11. 7 minutes ago, Tracker said:

    A man tied to the far-right Boogaloo movement is accused of killing 2 officers amidst Black Lives Matter protests

    In Northern California, a man with alleged ties to the far-right Boogaloo movement is facing murder charges in connection with the shootings of two law enforcement officers: Damon Gutzwiller, a sergeant in the Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s office, and David Patrick Underwood, a 53-year-old federal security officer.

    On May 29, according to the U.S. Department of Justice, Underwood was guarding the federal building in Oakland when a drive-by shooting occurred. Steven Carrillo, a U.S. Air Force sergeant, is accused of the shooting, and Robert Justus is alleged to be his accomplice. Gutzwiller was killed in a separate shootout in Ben Lomond, California.


    Amazing how a fake tweet about Antifa is doing more to 'out' fascists and show people what monsters they are than anything Antifa could do itself...

    Not that it will really sink in but whatevs 

  12. 8 minutes ago, Noeller said:

    This was really interesting to me: 

    One source described how the CFL operates: “Ambrosie, Scott Mitchell and Wade Miller run the league. Presidents in the CFL are not accountable. Where are they in all this? How come their salaries are not disclosed?”

    I'm fine with Mitchell and Miller tbh - they're pretty much a 'how to' guide on running franchises

  13. 1 hour ago, Tracker said:

    Arizona, Florida, Oklahoma, Texas See Record Number of New Coronavirus Cases

    Arizona, Florida, Oklahoma, and Texas reported record numbers of new coronavirus cases on Tuesday. Arizona saw an increase of 2,392 cases since Monday, while Florida saw a bump of 2,783 new cases, Oklahoma reported 228 new cases and Texas had 2,622 new cases. Texas, following another concerning trend, has reported a record number of hospitalizations for the fourth straight day Tuesday, marking 2,326 hospitalized coronavirus patients in the state. The upward case trend across several states comes as all 50 states work to ease restrictions. Florida crossed the 80,000 case mark Tuesday, while Arizona’s weekly average of daily cases has nearly tripled compared to two weeks ago. President Donald Trump is set to host a campaign rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, this week, despite the spike in cases.

    Vice President Mike Pence lied about Oklahoma’s coronavirus data on Tuesday and said that the campaign will be taking some safety precautions, including temperature checks.


    We couldn't have asked for a better control group than the US...  every state is taking a different totally random approach... to everything.

  14. 8 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Guys like Hufnagel, Hervey & others have to bite the bullet. Not fair they draw such large salaries that even with a 30% pay cut they still make $300=400,000 a year while the videographer or an assistant coach on their teams making thousands less are let go.  Bite the bullet. Total BS with upper management being overpaid.

    I'd be pretty choked to see this after CFL 2.0 just did the 'world tour' and now you need to scout in several countries...  AND seeing more positions hired in the CFL execs for the globals...

    A 20% cut in staffing is not a viable growth move in any industry - especially one competing to even be noticed - I'm not against CFL 2.0 but expanding into a new market while you're bleeding in your current one is a terrible idea

  15. 3 hours ago, Mr Dee said:



    207 of those are in East Arkansas Regional Prison... are you suggesting that prisoners may not be able to social distance - and that living 24 hours a day inside a contained environment with recirculated air promotes the spread of covid?


  16. On 2020-06-10 at 4:07 PM, Tracker said:


    War? Yes. With Russia? No. The Israelis have been hankering for the US to attack Iran for years, as Iran is the only remaining military that could oppose Israel seizing more land in defiance of UN directions and world condemnation. 

    There's been a proxy war between Saudis and Iran for years now in various countries in the middle east...  I think a 'conflict' with Russia is more easily controlled by both sides - Putin gets to shore up strategic locations and allies while Trump gets to delay or cancel the election - we'll find out soon enough

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