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Posts posted by Floyd

  1. 4 hours ago, blue_gold_84 said:

    Well, that's usually how vaccines work. Ya know, because science...

    Well, I'm not sure you fully understand vaccines...  

    When there are multiple strains and if covid is continuing to evolve - we will always be chasing it in the same way we try to predict and hope for the best with the annual flu strains


  2. 10 minutes ago, Noeller said:

    Big news from the MB presser on Phase 3 today, which would potentially launch June 21st....

    Outdoor gatherings go from 50 people to 100, and residents of Western Canada and Northwest Ontario would no longer need to quarantine for 14 days upon entering the province. Great news for those of us hoping to come home this summer...

    That is fantastic news 

  3. 3 hours ago, Tracker said:

    Multiple strains of coronavirus are now circulating in the US. Here’s what that means
    As the coronavirus moves around the country, it's mutating — but that isn't as bad as it sounds)
    Anew analysis published in the journal Science found seven new strains of the coronavirus that have been circulating in California — and that's according to a very small sample size.

    Specifically, a group of international scientists looked at samples from 36 COVID-19 patients in nine California counties and the Grand Princess cruise ship from late January to mid-March. Through a phylogenetic analysis — which is when researchers study the evolutionary relationships of genes — they found at least seven different SARS-CoV-2 lineages, including the WA1 strain which has been associated with Washington state.


    And you think a vaccine will save us...?

  4. 3 hours ago, 17to85 said:

    draft picks only come into play after a certain amount over. before that it's just a fine. 

    Bullshit though. Not like MLSE can't afford it. 

    That’s why I was thinking they’d lose their second first rounder... the one that was randomly invented to help them 

  5. 25 minutes ago, johnzo said:

    the electoral college makes this more complicated than it looks.  There's more dems but they are clustered in cities.  Clinton had a four-point popular vote win and still lost in the electoral college because she ran up the score in places like California and New York and lost the midwest by a few tens of thousands of votes. 

    Basically, land gets to vote for president, and land generally votes GOP.

    I feel okay about Biden's chances, but damn Trump pulled a rabbit out of his hat the first time and the vote suppression machine is revved up and with corona chaos and a massive surge in absentee ballots and a democratic nominee who doesn't inspire a lot of passion and the massive surprise of 2016 still hanging in the air ... everything is uncertain.

    I think theres's a very real possibility of war - likely staged with Russia - if Trump is still tanking in two months...  I could see him delaying the election if necessary

  6. 8 hours ago, Mr Dee said:

    Still need that physical distancing I see...


    16 people in hospital - 4 of those in ICU... out of 5 million 

    BC will be (already is) a good indicator of how covid cases do not translate to hospitalizations in the general public... just watch over the next month as it reopens

  7. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/05/09/us/coronavirus-cases-nursing-homes-us.html

    1/3 of US cases nursing home related - good analysis of the flaws of privatized health care here

    The article contains a complete breakdown of percentages relating to nursing homes by state - NYT is a pretty credible source.  i.e. 42% of cases in Florida are nursing home related

    I would very much expect the general population death rate to be higher in the states - given the fact that many people cannot even afford health care/seniors care

  8. 15 minutes ago, bigg jay said:

    I'd love to see that info as well because the official numbers tell a much different story:

    Confirmed cases of COVID-19 On First Nations reserves in provinces, as of June 9, ISC is aware of:

    • 237 confirmed positive COVID-19
    • 22 hospitalizations
    • 206 recovered cases
    • 6 deaths

    Case numbers per region:

    • British Columbia: 43
    • Alberta: 53
    • Saskatchewan: 54
    • Ontario: 52
    • Quebec: 35


    There are no cases of community spread covid in the Yukon first nations communities or anywhere in the territories.

    BC has no current cases in northern FN


    Looks like 130 covid cases in First Nations communities a month ago... seems like most have recovered - many related to the meat packing plant in AB

  9. I would caution against everyone panicking about Florida, Arkansas and Texas numbers...  as I stated from day one - we are lucky to have a structured response in Canada as opposed to the chaos in the US

    Comparing Canadian numbers (universal healthcare) with the US would be a terrible way to make policy here

    Minnesota numbers indicate a massive percentage of cases in nursing homes while Florida says 1 in 4... yet we were just talking about how Florida is drastically under-reporting cases

    The US is relying solely on private nursing homes to inform relatives and government of covid cases - if you want to think we're getting firm numbers out of the US, then go right ahead.

    All of my opinions and arguments are primarily based on Canadian data for Canadian solutions.


  10. 5 hours ago, Tracker said:

    Coronavirus infections in younger people are skyrocketing —While those under 40 still have a lower mortality rate, they're suddenly contracting coronavirus in greater numbers

    In the initial days of the pandemic, some skeptics wrote off the coronavirus as something that mostly affected seniors. The higher death rates for the elderly, coupled with numerous stories of tragic outbreaks in nursing homes both here and abroad, contributed to that public perception. 

    Yet a new series of reports reveals that, contrary to conventional wisdom, the young should not assume that they are safe from coronavirus infection. Indeed, in the past two months, the rate at which people under 40 are testing positive for coronavirus has shot up in many locales. While younger people remain at much lower risk for dying of coronavirus, they can still transmit the virus to others of any age group.


    We WANT this to happen to gain the herd immunity that we are told is non-existent... yet herd immunity occurred with every other SARS-type virus we have encountered in the last 30 years

    There was always going to be an increase in cases when we go back to normal... its the critical cases that we have to watch for and identify the cluster/contact tracing

  11. 3 hours ago, HardCoreBlue said:

    Obviously the whole world hopes that’s right. However, there is a lot people who are on edge and want to do everything they can to be cautious and help prevent things we can prevent to protect our own and the vulnerable and get back to our lives like I’m sure you are. No matter ones  viewpoint and how one interprets all the information overload out there on the inter webz around getting back to some normalcy,  critical thinking doesn’t have to be articulated in a condescending way and we all do it here, including me but my critical thinking tells me it really isn’t helpful, especially with making history with the shiteshow called Trump deranged idiot and Covid19.

    I've thought for a long time about your compassion comment... and here is my answer

    Lockdown is a western world privilege - so I can't meaningfully express condolences for the elderly who died here when third world lifespan is 15-20 years shorter - or when Africa is facing 300k+ more deaths from malaria - directly because we hogged all the PPE and meds in the world.... etc etc

    We can sit in lockdown because the govt is paying us - India, Phillipines, Malaysia... all those people were just thrown out of cities just so they are not statistics...

    My parents and some of my best friends are a high risk covid... however my cousin died of of cancer without a real funeral, another cousin is young but has dementia and can't have visitors and other relatives/friends are having treatments/diagnoses delayed and cancelled...  I see drug deaths, people dying alone, businesses dying as slow death. national debt wracking up at a record pace etc etc... 

    Singling out covid deaths for compassion seems meaningless...  how did covid deaths become so much more important than any other deaths?  I would like to know that.

    I would love to post information and have it dealt with the way you and Mark H respond... but that's not the world we live in (and this forum is a magnified little bubble of that)... there are posters that pick and choose small parts of an overall argument and run with it... they start labelling and distort rational debate - this is the world Trump's divisions have left us with...

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