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Posts posted by DR. CFL

  1. 17 minutes ago, Floyd said:




    That's pretty nice interior depth heading into camp...  I can't remember anything like this with NI OL for a long long time...

    OL depth is critical....my only concern is the amount of actual playtime that depth has.

  2. 1 hour ago, Colin Unger said:

    Any idea how much health insurance would cost each cfl team for the American players?

    Injured players coverage is limited to the start of training camp the next year. This in part limits the teams costs and liability. Fair or not reality. An example an Americian’s wife giving birth in Canada might cost $ 3,ooo , in the US the cost would exceed $10,000.  Most plans have a maximum benefit amount, multiply the potential of that and you calculate risk and potential liability. If that extends beyond the year after the costs are uncontrollable and premiums are not fixed.

  3. Interesting development from the CFLPA....players will strike in 2 waves. Ontario and Alberta labour laws don’t put players in a strike position until 4 days after the start of camps.  That might place the CFL in a situation where they lock them all out . Not sure teams in Ontario and Alberta want to incur the expense of bringing players in, housing them and then having to deal with what to do when they strike 4 days later? Simple solution LOCK THEN OUT.

  4. 1 hour ago, Colin Unger said:

    I can’t handle the idea that the cfl’s issues run deeper than Montreal and Toronto right now. ;)

    Mike Reilly could really help attendance in BC. 

    Not sure what is left on the TSN deal. TV ratings are pivotal to that ongoing deal and the viability of the CFL......far more important than whatever Mexico or Europe might contribute.

  5. 1 hour ago, Blueandgold said:

    I pine for the days when we had a normal commish like Mark Cohen. 

    Cohen was a business man running the business. He had no false believe that football was his area of expertise. As for the current commish?.......He overestimates his knowledge and expertise....he thinks he knows all the answers....something that is dangerous in any business.

  6. The problem with the expense of playoff games is that the CFL allocates a set number of playoff shares, plane tickets , hotel rooms and per diems.  It does not include coverage for injured list playoffs shares  that players are entitled to. It does not cover when teams bring extra players, staff and management to road playoff games.  The worst case scenario is the added expenses of going to the Cup and losing. Go and win and you can bring in a significant amount in Championshop merchandise....nobody wants to buy Grey Cup Finalist merch.

  7. It doesn’t matter how many picks you give some teams they can screw it up. Just review some of Joe Mack’s picks. Also some picks never actually get anywhere near the game field. The major concern moving forward still remains the dilution of Canadian talent if another team is added.....not that I believe it is going to happen any time soon. “ If they build it they will come” IF being the operative word.

  8. 18 hours ago, TBURGESS said:

    Yes, I think the CFL cares. The players are the product. Without them, no games.

    This is about pressure and leverage....does a camp or season delay really cost the CFL or teams revenue....not significantly. But your employees , who yes are the product have gone without a pay cheque for about 6 months given when camp would start. How do you think their bank balance is looking? Do you know any teachers who were struggling and anxiously waiting for their first cheque the end of Sept.? 

    Historically this is how the CFL has negotiated in the past.....they know they ultimately have the upper hand in this process. Like it of not agree or not this is how it is done.

  9. Keeping the league stocked with sufficient Canadian talent is and has always been a problem, especially late in the season when injuries become a problem. Teams are forced to recall marginal players and players who haven’t played for a season to fill roster spots. This problem is going to be significantly greater if (and that is a BIG IF) a team is added in the Marirtimes. Adding a Canadian QB as a qualifier to the ratio is one band aid. It will guarantee a Canadian spot to a player that will likely only see the field under extreme circumstances. I am surprised the PA would consider a ratio change as a limited supply of a Canadian starters keeps their salaries elevated. Attempting to grow the product internationally is all well and good but only works when you have a solid product and base domestically. This year and this CBA will be pivotal in determining the future of the CFL.

  10. 22 hours ago, TBURGESS said:

    I don't understand how this 'don't pay offseason bonuses' is legal. Players have contracts that say they will receive X dollars on Y date. Wouldn't not paying the contractual obligation put the CFL and the teams in breach of contract?

    I think the issue was that existing contracts were valid and would require fulfilling bonus payments, but that new contracts would not be registered that had bonus components this off season until a new CBA was in place. 

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