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Dr. Blue

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Posts posted by Dr. Blue

  1. We had shirts made up that said:


    Roughriders Suck (with an arrow pointing down)



    I took 18 beer cans to the head by half time... Luckily I was wearing a hard hat! 



    Then after the game we were on the field and some Rider chick was trying to grab the flag I had over my shoulder (tied to a hockey stick), I turned around and I guess the stick smacked her in the mouth. Luckily she was a rider fan, so no chiclets were damaged! 

  2. I do feel bad for the guy. The guy did not ask to be traded from the redblacks, and didn't sign in Calgary. He was one team's MOP candidate and not getting a chance to play now.

    He misses out on bonus money, because he's not dressing and not collecting stats. I'm sure his NFL dreams aren't dead either. Now he's not getting the chance to put some action on film for teams to see, decreasing his odds to catch some attention.

    He's tried to do things behind the scenes but no luck, now he's taking it public to hope fore a better result. I too would be pissed if my employer sent me to another company where I wasn't being used properly and am now earning less money because of it.

    I don't know much about him, but he's got to do what he's got to do to put food in his family's mouths.

    A bit different than Grigsby in my opinion. This guy can play on any team in the league, can't say the same for Grigsby.

  3. I don't think it's that easy either. You still have to replace Willy on the roster, and I'm sure he received some money up front. So you're probably looking at a lot less than 90k to throw at somebody.


    Also, if he doesn't stick in the NFL, if we aren't in a playoff position why would he come here, when he could probably go somewhere for similar money and get a playoff cheque too.

  4. Not many teams can survive the blowing winds of adversity after only 8 minutes.

    I wonder if the Ti-cats recover right away from a tipped pass TD return, blocked punt recovered on their 23 yard line, or the successful kick off recovery at their own 28 yard line?

    Food for thought.

    You're right, I don't think many teams can overcome a start like that. However, I feel teams that are well coached and fully prepared don't let it happen to them.

    Hamilton is a good team and are very well coached. I just can't see them in the same hole. They come to compete.

    You know a tipped ball can happen to anyone? A blocked punt? We've already done that. And a mistake by a Kick returner? You can't coach that.

    Spit happens...

    They can and do happen in a game, but they are preventable. Block the lineman better and make sure he can't get his hands up to block the pass. Block better when punting, don't let the other team get a hand on the ball. Always be aware on kickoffs. Stoudemire said they we're fooled because Medlock normally kicks to the other side of the field when he lines the ball up where he did.

    Yes all that can happen, I just believe that good teams that are well coached don't let all three happen one after the other.

  5. Not many teams can survive the blowing winds of adversity after only 8 minutes.

    I wonder if the Ti-cats recover right away from a tipped pass TD return, blocked punt recovered on their 23 yard line, or the successful kick off recovery at their own 28 yard line?

    Food for thought.

    You're right, I don't think many teams can overcome a start like that. However, I feel teams that are well coached and fully prepared don't let it happen to them.

    Hamilton is a good team and are very well coached. I just can't see them in the same hole. They come to compete.



    They reviewed it. And they didn't have to prove it crossed the line - they needed to find conclusive proof it did not.

    I wasn't sure if they did review or not which is why I asked.  If they did how is this not conclusive enough that it didn't cross? If this is the only angle they had and this is what they are basing their judgment on then it's pretty clear it DID NOT cross. I say they need to mount go pros to those little orange pylons used to mark the goal line from now on  ;)



    How can you be so sure? Based on the angles we saw, I'd say that there is a strong possibility that at least the tip of the ball broke the plane. As others have said, I don't think that there was conclusive evidence to overturn the call on the field.



    So you're saying he just stuck the tip in?

  7. What GM is going to say to a player "yeah bud we're just going to bring you to camp so our starters don't get tired, you've got no chance at making this team."

    Of course he's going to tell him he has a shot. It's then up to Yantz to turn some heads and force the team to keep him.

    I also don't think Walters lied or mislead Yantz, he was brought to camp, therefore, given a chance to make the team.

    What QB, who was cut this year in the CFL, was given an interview by the local paper? It's only because he's Canadian...

  8. Did the international kicker get an interview with the papers when he was cut? I'm confident that the club already had their minds made up on our kicking situation, the poor guy never had a chance.

    The ONLY reason this is a story is because Yantz is Canadian, and it could have been a feel good story if he made the team.

    Sorry, I don't care if our QB is Canadian, American, Mexican or Greek, I just want the best. As the 5th string QB coming into camp, he needed to steal reps away from the others and force the coaches to keep him, which he couldn't do. Best of luck to ya!

  9. I don't think the BC thing is that bad. They gave him an option to retire or get released. He didn't want to retire so he technically asked to be released. They've obviously seen these kickers they have play and decided that they like them more than McCallum. If they have a kicker they really like they can't keep saying "oh geez I really wish Paul would retire." At least he has an opportunity to join another team's camp and compete (should anybody choose to pick him up).

    As the old saying goes... It's a business.

    Of course, if the international kickers they have stink, then BC would look bad.

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