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  1. Agree
    CodyT reacted to wbbfan in 2021 Grey Cup GDT - Bombers vs. Tiger-Cats   
    I got into it with my investor and partner because they wanted go do a meeting during the 19 gc. 
    Today I have a private mri for our first baby because the hospitals mri was uncertain. Some times life happens. I'll probably miss the first few plays but it is what it is. 
    My heart goes out to bomber fans missing the game for any reason. It's gonna be a great one and I'm pretty sure we will win our 12th cup this year. 
  2. Haha
    CodyT reacted to kelownabomberfan in 2021 Grey Cup GDT - Bombers vs. Tiger-Cats   
    I'd quit. But I'm also self-employed so....I'd probably hire me back on Tuesday when the hangover was finally subsiding...lol
  3. Sad
    CodyT got a reaction from White Out in 2021 Grey Cup GDT - Bombers vs. Tiger-Cats   
    Imagine being a die hard bomber fan and having to work the gc
    Horrible feeling
  4. Agree
    CodyT reacted to GCJenks in 2021 Grey Cup GDT - Bombers vs. Tiger-Cats   
    I enjoyed that too. I also wish Bob had agreed to a guest appearance on the broadcast. 
  5. Like
    CodyT reacted to Rod Black in 2021 Grey Cup GDT - Bombers vs. Tiger-Cats   
    bombers 49
    tiger cats 9
  6. Haha
    CodyT reacted to Tracker in Vaccine Debate   
  7. Like
    CodyT reacted to Bigblue204 in Vaccine Debate   
    If you find yourself painting people with a broad brush, you're probably wrong. Nothing involving humans is black and white or wrong vs right...thats an idealistic way of looking at the world and a bit ignorant. 
    Likewise if you don't believe that any conspiracy theories are true you're also ignoring facts and provable science. People have trust issues with Government, big oil, pharma etc for good reason. And to simply write those reasons off as hysterical thoughts from unscientific minds is asinine.
  8. Like
    CodyT reacted to O2L in Anyone Going To The Grey Cup?   
    Just got my tickets! Section 115!!!
  9. Agree
    CodyT reacted to TrueBlue4ever in Suckskatchewan @ Champs PGT   
    Forgive me if I don’t think this kid’s version is entirely 100% accurate. Slow news day and a reporter trying to make something bigger than it is. The tell for me is the “former make-a-wish kid with the heart problem”, which tries too hard to paint a mouthy 17 year old as Mother Teresa. No, players should not be tossing things into the stands, but I am skeptical that a 90mph fastball with a “frozen, rock hard nose breaking velocity football” was deliberately aimed at the kid’s head, no video of it (presumably came after the early Demski INT play, Gainey took the ball back to his bench), maybe flipped it into the stands. More likely a Kramer/Newman “he spit on me” complaint where they admit they poured beer on the true perpetrator in the bullpen earlier. Kid getting his 5 minutes of attention and a picture in the paper to my mind, and the paper using the Rider rivalry to play up an angle. 
  10. Thanks
    CodyT reacted to Tracker in Vaccine Debate   
    The real risk of heart inflammation to kids is from COVID-19—not the vaccine (nationalgeographic.com)
    Covid-19 and Children: How Often Do Vaccines Cause Heart Problems? - The New York Times (nytimes.com)
  11. Like
    CodyT got a reaction from SpeedFlex27 in Vaccine Debate   
    At age 66, Yes I would agree the best decision for you would to be vaxxed. I dont think thats the case for all age ranges.
    Like I said, everyones situation and line of thinking is different and thats okay.
    Im not here to get into a vaccine debate, after all I have been vaccinated also. But im certainly not calling people selfish for making the choice they feel is best for them.
    I apologize if my comment was felt as a shot at you. I would encourage you to watch this video from a reputable doctor practicing in BC, a former Manitoba resident. 
    He certainly changed my perspective on somethings.
  12. Agree
    CodyT got a reaction from Wanna-B-Fanboy in Biggest question coming out of Sundays win   
    Earning ... respect..round these parts
  13. Disagree
    CodyT got a reaction from Dodge and Burn in Biggest question coming out of Sundays win   
    Earning ... respect..round these parts
  14. Like
    CodyT reacted to HardCoreBlue in Vaccine Debate   
    I hear what you're saying and for the many significant issues we continue to face in this world this is a great approach and reasonable people will continue to advocate for it.
    However specifically when it comes this global pandemic and the death and destruction left in it's wake, I struggle with this statement, specifically around your use of the word reasonable.
    Maybe 5 to 18 months ago while the science community and public heath experts tried (and still are learning more) to figure out how best to deal with the pandemic absolutely.
    But now?
    Reasonable people still need convincing in how to help themselves and others (e.g., vaccines, hand washing, mask wearing etc) to thwart off the impacts of this pandemic? At what point when there is loads of hard evidence available do you drop the word reasonable to describe people who still resist and/or advocate for giving people a platform to suggest the world is flat and/or the Sun sets in the East etc etc?
  15. Like
    CodyT got a reaction from Bigblue204 in Vaccine Debate   
    100% youre right. There are many that cant be swayed and that is just ignorance. Those are the same people that cannot be swayed on anything and are SO self indulged that there is no point having dialogue with them
    However, I believe there is still a good number of reasonable people sitting on the fence who would be worth speaking too.
    When we see people getting called down and **** on because of their beliefs, or the misinformation theyve been given we only create more animosity. 
    I understand people are fed up and tired of trying to turn these people. But like we believe we need to get the vaccine for the good of society, we need to take the same approach with those lingering no matter how pain staking it may be.
    It goes along way when people feel like you actually hear their concerns
  16. Like
    CodyT got a reaction from Bigblue204 in Vaccine Debate   
    Definitely. But that would be on a grand scale. When you have the right wing mob and trumpers forcing these anti vax thoughts down your throat, that's the result you get.
    One of the many problems with that is that thoughts with merit are drowned out in the wash because of these yahoos. The video I had posted here is good for a healthy discussion because it is evident the man is speaking from a place of worry and compassion. Some of what he says holds ground.
    We cant have that conversation because you have morons saying that this is nazi germany and it takes away any credibility from those actually trying to have an honest facts based discussion.
    Luckily I did have this conversation, because the main point I took out of his video was that he was skeptical of a mandate on kids being vaccinated. Tracker had said that their is no evidence to support his theory. But that is a conversation I think is worthy of more dialogue
  17. Agree
    CodyT reacted to Noeller in Early chat- Ticats vs Champs Grey Cup Thread   
    I'd agree with the statement that RELATIVELY SPEAKING, Neufeld is the weakest link on that line, but that's because we have one of the CFL's all time greatest OL's right now, and that's no exaggeration. Neufeld being the "weak link" on this line still makes him a CFL All Star and an all time Bomber, as far as I'm concerned. 
  18. Agree
    CodyT reacted to WildPath in Vaccine Debate   
    I could be wrong, but I don't think this is correct - legitimately interested if you have a source that confirms your belief. I think generally something can mutate to be both more lethal AND more infectious. I believe the mechanism is that increased lethality will harm the spread (if it kills people quickly, it is hard to spread much). I think Covid has been especially problematic because of asymptomatic spread and pre-symptomatic spread.
    I have requested the book The Premonition from Michael Lewis from the library in hopes of learning more about Covid and hopefully epidemics and responses in general.
    Appreciate that you could have an open mind and be willing to learn from others. Unfortunately, I don't believe this is the case with most of those who are not vaccinated at this point in time. I think most are firmly in the camp that they won't ever get a Covid vaccine. Some may still be swayed by conversation and good sources, but I don't think many will. Rough guess is that an equal number would be swayed by having vaccine mandates.
    Our government has put a lot of resources into provide vaccine information and reducing hesistancy to little effect. A common response is "the vaccine must be very dangerous if the government needs to spend money/bribe people to get vaccinated". The information is there from multiple credible sources if unvaccinated people truly want to be informed or have a good faith discussion. Now is the time to protect those who cannot be vaccinated, those who are at risk even though vaccinated, allowing a sense of normalcy to return to people's lives and for the economy and business owners to have some stability. The way forward is reducing the amount of harm that unvaccinated people can do through vaccine mandates.
  19. Haha
    CodyT reacted to JCon in Vaccine Debate   
    We could stop keeping animals as pets and stop eating them. That would solve a lot of these issues. 
  20. Like
    CodyT got a reaction from JCon in Vaccine Debate   
    No, I really did and do believe that the doctor had some merit and was speaking out in what he believes to be the right thing to do. Not with malicious or an evil agenda, not to tell people they are going to have a microchip planted in them.
    That being said; what I have taken out of this thread is that although his intentions and qualifications are there, that doesnt make him right.
    A reasonable person will welcome dialogue to mold their point of view. Weigh the information theyve gotten from both sides and make a choice.
    It is my belief that the vaccination is the BEST choice, although not ideal.
    Thanks to all for the information provided
  21. Like
    CodyT got a reaction from Super Duper Negatron in Vaccine Debate   
    No, I really did and do believe that the doctor had some merit and was speaking out in what he believes to be the right thing to do. Not with malicious or an evil agenda, not to tell people they are going to have a microchip planted in them.
    That being said; what I have taken out of this thread is that although his intentions and qualifications are there, that doesnt make him right.
    A reasonable person will welcome dialogue to mold their point of view. Weigh the information theyve gotten from both sides and make a choice.
    It is my belief that the vaccination is the BEST choice, although not ideal.
    Thanks to all for the information provided
  22. Like
    CodyT reacted to MOBomberFan in Vaccine Debate   
    Now again I'm not an epidemiologist but from what I understand, as the strains get more infectious (Omicron) they become less lethal. Meaning to say that the more it mutates the more it 'dilutes' it's own lethality. This is a virus, it wants to live and spread in us, not kill us. So if our current vaccines are only effective against previous strains, it stands to reason the strains it may not effective against will be less lethal. So no, I don't think we'll have to go to square one if Omicron or later strains start to break out in vaccinated areas. Time will tell.
  23. Agree
    CodyT reacted to blue_gold_84 in Vaccine Debate   
    Those are the very people who did not study history. At all.
    To see anyone try and compare what's happening now to what took place during WWII and the Holocaust is just... I don't have the words.
  24. Disagree
    CodyT got a reaction from WildPath in Vaccine Debate   
    Im vaxxed... I dont find it selfish for people to not have complete faith in an experiment. Cant believe how many  "yes sir, whatever you say sir" people there are.
    I understand peoples hesitancy to getting the vax. The situation depends on the person. 
  25. Like
    CodyT reacted to JCon in Vaccine Debate   
    Early evidence suggests it is but the research continues. Pfizer is working on a variation of their vaccine that will work against Omicron. They expect it to be ready in March. 
    Also, it seems that boosters work against Omicron. 
    This is another excellent argument for vaccines because the longer Covid spreads, the more chances that there will be mutations, like Omicron. 
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