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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. Can we safely now say that we absolutely pillaged the Sabres in that trade? Perhaps Buffalo can send a ticket to Wheeler to straighten out Kane...again...
  2. I see a lot of similarities between Nate's hate for Lyle Bauer to being the same as Floyd's hate for Mike.....
  3. 2 passes in a row that should of been picked and returned for big yards...
  4. Whoa I read this sentence way to fast and picked out the wrong words..... Hilarious story though... I don't believe a water fountain can be charged with sexual assault lol.
  5. Nicholls played better then any game Willy played this season. Clearly Willy is the starter of this team... but I still sit him for a few weeks. Willy needs to stop playing Buck Pierce deer in the head lights scared and needs to wake up. It was nice watching sustained drives and most of the passes being tossed near the receiver so that they could make the play for the catch.
  6. My only concern was the play calling and lack of getting the ball to Harris in the 4th quarter...
  7. Only for them to not go back to him in the 2nd half....
  8. The OL did make a difference.... also Nicholls didn't hold onto the ball nearly as long as Willy. While happy that we had a good showing... Edmonton's defense has been terrible so I would like to see the O do this against some other teams...
  9. They can if the QB doesn't get the ball away in time and/or if they are always forced in 2nd and really long.
  10. Shocking! I wonder if they drug test The Rock when he makes his appearances
  11. Running up the gut with Lapo.... I'm having déja vu....
  12. Brandon


    Not a massive upset at all... Holm isn't that great. Barbosa is fun to watch... but still his chin and heart will always prevent him from being able to string a long winning streak against the best. Ngannou has the look... but come on that guy he fought had no business fighting at heavyweight or even fighting in the UFC. He was a complete can.
  13. So...... how about doom and gloom after Game 5?
  14. So it's desperation mode for O'Shea.... the countdown is alive...
  15. So Masoli has one good game and people think he's great? Have they not watched the other games he started where he completely stunk?
  16. Jensen would fall apart here as well... you can only do so much with a limited playbook...
  17. I never would of pegged Mike for being a crying baby about the Blue and Gold? Has the world turned upside down? For years I've been complaining about how **** the product has been on the field and Mike has always been one of the few who disagreed and vilified my comments for being to negative. In all seriousness though.... I've joked around last season and more this season that I watch the games in fast forward off the PVR... it's completely true. I usually fast forward into the 2nd quarter to see if they are down by 14 + points... if they are down then I look at the box score usually to see them lose the game. Mike ... wait until you are a bit older and if you decide to have kids and when your free time is severely limited. I only have so many free nights or time to myself without a newborn and toddler responsibilities... it makes it very hard for me to justify spending that free time getting angry at the tv. I've watched more complete CFL games with other teams in the last few years then I have of the Blue and Gold.... it's much more entertaining to watch.....
  18. Brandon


    Also the fact that he didn't gas in the 3rd round makes it quite suspicious... Regardless even if he juiced or not... the man still had to hit the gym big time to still achieve the physique... he is a freak.
  19. Guerrero beat his wife and was a bad drunk.
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