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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. Even if we got back a pile of pucks.... it would of been a great trade. What a terrible human.
  2. Brandon


    Bigg Jay might know more about actual salaries. But guys like GSP would get 10 million for the bigger cards. I assume Lesnar will get around that same number.
  3. Brandon


    For the regular MMA fans it would make no difference.... for the casual WWE fan they definitely would not have any interest. Most mma fans expect Hunt to one punch KO Lesnar in about 2 - 3 minutes.
  4. Easier said then done. When someone goes for a gun you dont have time to contemplate and figure out options. Also restraining someone who is fighting is very hard. If they are on drugs it's near impossible. Easiest solution...listen to the police and dont pack heat.
  5. Brandon


    What a huge let down. Of that list only Mousasi would have a chance. I'd rather he face Lesnar myself...that would be more interesting.
  6. Brandon


    Jon Jones is the biggest waste of talent...
  7. Didn't the guy have a gun and was trying to get it out during the tussle?
  8. Wasn't the rumour about Roberts camp was that he was loading up the kids with special stuff that can pass a drug test?
  9. Lulz ... but if he does retire does Saskatchewan get some kind of other compensation?
  10. Lefors was the #2 QB who beat out Jyles in Edmonton. Kelly wanted to clean house and make his own team so he dumped Glenn.
  11. Based on stats #2! Why would you create this thread, clearly everyone is going to pile on him and say that he sucks and isn't worth the money etc....
  12. The only guy as I said in the other thread that could be a HC and maybe control the disaster would be Higgins. A hot head like Chamblin would be terrible , even if he came in to replace Hall. Need someone with positive experience and who wouldn't be way over his head .
  13. I don't think Walters needs to go... these guys he's brought in have all shown promise or have played great before. It's not like Wild and Bass were scrubs... last season they showed what they can do. He brings in Bryant and before he came to us he was playing lights out. It's definitely not the GM or the talent coming in.... Smith , Harris , Dressler... those are fantastic players. The issue is clearly coaching .... O'Shea is probably in over his head. He is not getting execution from all the talent he has. I'd axe him in a heart beat... cut him out bring in Higgins and keep Hall/LaPo. Being a great manager is all that matters when being a HC... some guys are not cut out for doing that.
  14. How so? They've changed the players over quite a bit over the last few years and we still end up with the same results. Are you suggesting that we have to wait yet another year of free agency and hiring even more coordinators before we point the finger at the coach ?
  15. Also .... don't blame me. When the team wins the forums clearly are thriving... when they play games like they have in week one and two. What positives can you really talk about?
  16. For my good friend Logan007.... which week will be the one where the Blue wake up and start piling on the points and win back to back games?
  17. I will create a separate thread for you Logan007.... check it out
  18. So week two.... I forgot about the game and checked the score at half time.... didn't bother to even attempt to watch the game. Down by 13 at half with no offense yet again is a guarantee that the game is over with this club. I wonder how bad the attendance will be later on in the season? I can't imagine any casual fans wanting to watch this team?
  19. Might as well have some fun on these boards! Which week does O'Shea get canned and Lapo gets promoted as interim HC? My guess is week 6 !
  20. They do not have signs saying "Photo Radar ahead slow down". Usually they place photo radar in strategic spots in which the odds of them catching more speeders is higher... rather then spots where more likely pedestrians would be crossing the street.
  21. If they don't make the play offs clean house... it's the CFL you can rebound in a year or two as long as you have some canadian depth
  22. My favorite is when Wise Up Winnipeg got in trouble because they held up signs saying "Photo Radar Ahead Slow Down". I love how they were told to stop doing this.... wouldn't you think that if the point is about safety they would encourage people to hold up signs and alarm drivers to slow down? It's all a crock and it's a huge money maker so they'll never stop.
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