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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. Ooo maybe we can luck out and dump Pavs at the draft
  2. Some site had them ranked #3 as most likely candidate for signing Stamkos..... the hilarious part was the Jets was ranked #2! This is why online rumours are ha-larious.
  3. Brandon


    I'm not disagreeing with your statement on the intentions of Dana White... some cheap easy publicity and it might get a few eyeballs. What I'm debating is just how high you place CM Punk's value (even two years ago) and it comes off that he was some kind of superstar with massive drawing power. CM Punk will just be distant memory in WWE's history.. no one is ever going to suggest he was a legend. Lashley was back in the day as "known" as CM Punk.... and look at how popular his MMA career is. Don't use Dana White as some kind of genius... this is the same man who tried to have a boxing match set up between himself and Tito Ortiz. He also has whiffed and made many many braindead decisions.
  4. Brandon


    Completely false... he doesn't look like an athlete and outside of wrestling has he done anything at all to gain headlines? He is far from being a celeb... nobody outside of wrestling and a few die hard ufc fans have a clue who the hell CM Punk is. I could see if Punk was getting regular work on tv shows or movies and had some kind of appeal to people. You are vastly over rating CM Punk's popularity. Just because someone was over in WWE for a short period of time it doesn't mean that he is/was mainstream and a brand that can be marketed. Look at Bobby Lashley... no body gives a flying F about his fights and he at least has some freakshow aspect to him with his roided up body.
  5. Whoever the Jets take I would have complete faith in the decision. Aside from Sutter nearly every pick has been bang on!
  6. Brandon


    Is CM Punk a marketable fighter now or even back 2 years ago.... not really. The Heavyweight division is the easiest division for someone to go from no MMA experience to at least competing and winning fights. You can get by with pure physical talents at heavyweight. You have your top ten and then after that it's a whole bunch of absolute garbage. At welterweight or whatever weight CM Punk ends up fighting at.... their is so much depth in talent that it would be near impossible to give him a push and expect people to get excited for it. It's all a one and done kind of deal like James Toney.
  7. Because it's fun to make fantasy trades?
  8. Brandon


    You are correct about the intent. And is Dana white stupid.... many people would say yes.
  9. All it takes is one big sack and Glenn plays scared for at least a few quarters....
  10. Brandon


    But how many 12 year old boys really are going to order UFC ppvs? It was a weak attempt to get viewers that clearly wont work. Its as bad as the James Toney ppv where they dropped a tonne of cash on a washed up has been which in the end didn't even increase the ppv buys. The only guys who will push the ppv sales will be the guys who have mass appeal... Kimbo Slice was a good example...
  11. Brandon


    Everyone knew Brock Lesnar from just past the attitude era when wrestling was popular. Not to mention he is a genetic freak and did other things such as trying out for the NFL so he had broad appeal. CM Punk.... I think he brings as many new fans to MMA as James Toney did..... a few curious onlookers and nothing more. The average person has no clue who he is. I don't think any wrestler going into MMA now for the first time would really make any sort of impact for PPV buys. WWE doesn't have any young guys who are massively popular outside of wrestling.
  12. I didn't watch the game... but wasn't Masoli garbage last season? Are the Argos defense that bad or is he actually stepping up?
  13. I assume (complete guess) that he is still a little banged up and that is the reason for him moving out?
  14. How so? Both are team sports and usually fans like a player with confidence. The NBA has always had the same kind of deal where the cocky guys are beloved (Prime Jordan for example). Evander Kane was a mixture of cocky and pure a$$h$$e. He alienated his team mates. From all accounts Laine is a good team mate. I don't see the reason for concern? If anything down the road it may energize and help the club over the years to have a guy who is animated and will get the guys going. Not everyone has to be boring old generic Andrew Ladd dry as toast kind of guys....
  15. Yet everyone including yourself were full on board back in the days of Swaggerville. Their is a difference between having arrogance/confidence... and having a guy with potential off ice issues. Nearly every 18 year old that I know (including myself back in the day) had a great deal of confidence (arrogance) at that age. If his only issue is that he thinks that he is king **** then whatever I'm all for it. I'd be way more concerned with Matthews where some reports suggest that he only wants to play down south and has no interest being so far away from home. That's much more alarming to me.
  16. Brandon


    No doubts... maybe he could of had a few fights in Bellator against complete jobbers... but in the UFC they can only protect him so much.
  17. http://www.cracked.com/blog/5-reasons-why-2016-summer-olympics-should-be-cancelled/ An interesting read .... I remember watching videos of the water where the swimmers are suppose to compete in.... it was disgusting and I'm amazed that any of the bigger countries would even send any athletes out there.
  18. Wasn't Goalie the one that said Darren Dreger has zero connections ands that only Bob MacKenzie tells the truth. We will have to revisit this thread come draft night...
  19. I am glad they lock away guys and girls who look at kiddie porn that's terrible. As for vintage porn... their is a niche market for that and he's not the only one who collects that. I honestly think that South Park best captured what he truly was. A little boy in a disfigured freakish adult body. Even back then if they had any real proof that he did anything I am positive they would of put him in jail. MJ was a moron no questions asked.. (dangling the baby over the balcony for example). But just because you are a moron, you looked hideously disfigured, you collect vintage porn, you build a weird amusement park.... all of this doesn't mean you are a child molester. Just because you hang out with children doesn't also make you a child molester... I would hope you wouldn't think that every volunteer at the Big Brother foundation are not all child molesters? Those people go out alone with little boys and take them to amusement parks and whatever else for fun. Now Jared Fogle on the other hand who admitted to raping boys, who was caught with real child porn at his house, and all that other evidence.... clearly he is a child molester.
  20. I sadly will have to agree with Unknown Poster. We have a little one and my wife was paranoid and terrified when she started daycare at a highly rated and well controlled facility. Most parents won't let anyone watch their children aside from their closest family members or friends. Who in the world would allow a child to stay at any strangers house unsupervised? I'm not completely in the know of MJ's past, but I do remember two kids who visited him were Macaulay Culkin and Corey Feldman. Both kids who had super bad parents who tried exploiting their child's fame and fortune. Both kids ended up with severe drug addictions. Look at MJ himself, his parents were messed up and clearly he grew up with a complete disaster of an upbringing. The guy was terrible with his money and was an easy target to exploit. If the police would of found something they wouldn't of been scared to charge the guy. I think the best representation of MJ is what they did in South Park....
  21. I like to argue with you.... but I would have absolutely nothing to counter this with..... It was the right decision to make since the club was clearly having a down year... hopefully they get at least a decent draft pick out of losing Pavs.
  22. I don't have time to look through the documents, but if he had child porn on him I would sure hope that at the time he would of been arrested. Animal torture and sacrifice is some weird stuff but I don't think it's illegal to have? Any porn or bondage stuff who gives a crap , tonnes of men and women watch that stuff daily. I'm sure MJ was screwed up... but innocent until proven guilty. Just because he had a huge stash of porn it doesn't mean that alone made him a child molester.
  23. Lin J Shell & Greg Peach? Brohm was also garbage...
  24. Brandon


    Bas is useless these days... he was more amusing in Pride since things were more wacky back then and his ppv pranks he pulled were hilarious. Mauro would be good if he cut down the cheesy one liners... The best team they have now is Anik and Stann. Stann is definitely the best guy they have at this point and I hope he stays on.
  25. The only way I see them doing this is if they sign Stamkos...
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