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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. Brandon


    I don't see why they would let go of Rogan , he's a known personality and a decent ambassador for the brand and sport. Dana White on the other hand.... completely unprofessional and an easy upgrade if they found any other normal person to run the show.
  2. Why the love for Veltung? Didn't really show much of anything? Mayo and Sheppard made tough catches and looked like they could start now. No need for another project player.
  3. Brandon


    I could see Fedor fighting in the UFC.... however his days of having any leverage or big pay days are long gone (at least in North America). At this point I don't even really care to see him fight anymore. Same goes with guys like Hendo.... no business fighting anymore.
  4. Rush seemed to have a hustle on a few plays that I did notice him in. So no Butcher jokes for this season I hope Flanders at least makes the club....
  5. Brandon


    4 Billion dollars.... you just don't turn that down ... Also the MMA bubble could (or may have already) popped... I'm not sure if it will ever get any bigger then what it currently is at.
  6. For some reason when I read this I pictured Lawler getting excited and yelling PUPPIES!!!
  7. Brandon


    I wonder if Pride is part of the deal.... not that Pride has any value anymore but.... it would be cool to see it come back.
  8. I wonder what American receivers will make the cut.... they all seemed to have shown well during pre season.
  9. Just to add my two cents... it's not uncommon for people to claim membership to radical groups and to join the cause even if they have had zero communication with the real radicals. A few dumbasses in Manitoba have pledged to be members of ISIS despite being white as snow. Usually these kind of people are loners desperate for acceptance and to have some kind of purpose in life. And / or they have extreme mental issues. I assume this guy was just a crazy who went nuts. If ISIS really wanted to kill the gay community they would of planned an attack at a parade where they could of killed way more people.
  10. Not really... he kept saying "We have to check the film to see what happened" to a point that Irving and Zalnasky could barely keep themselves from either laughing or mumbling the obvious when interviewing him post game. O'Shea definitely keeps quiet to the public... but if we are to believe Mike he is very vocal behind closed doors. I tend to think that this is true because unlike the years with Burke and LaPo as the head coach... the players actually seem to give a **** and look like they care about winning.
  11. Eddie Murphy is very perplexing... all of his comedian friends insist that behind closed doors that he is still the same guy and is absolutely hilarious. However aside from his one liner last year on Bill Cosby the guy has shown nothing funny at all in like 15 years. The Spike TV tribute for him a few years back he had all the opportunities in the world to be funny (even Arsenio called him out and said do a bit of stand up) yet he just said thanks and sat back down. Same goes for the SNL reunion where he didn't do anything.....
  12. So Mall Rats will now be a ten episode tv series...
  13. Maybe someone will stream it on youtube =\
  14. Brandon


    So Brock Lesnar is going to be wearing the Canadian Reebok gear and apparently now resides out of Regina Saskatchewan.....
  15. Yikes Kevin Smith has fallen hard....
  16. I didn't say I knew, i said that Darren Dreger knew. So who is to say that Bob isn't wrong? Does he hit 100% on all rumours? So from now on are you willing to say that no matter what Bob says it will 100% come true on top of saying that Darren Dreger is 100% of the time wrong?
  17. I would say it's not fair to jump on the Riders team and declare them a huge bust just because the team struggles out of the gate. A near full blown rebuild takes more then a few weeks to get a team back on track. Now if they lose the first 8 games and are continually getting blown out and it's Marshall 2.0 situation... then I grab the popcorn and enjoy the crash and burn.
  18. Totally false , and I'm almost unsure if you are purposely trolling because to suggest that he isn't is absurd. But to bite on your trolling... can you please post any more reliable sources that suggest that the CBJ would be going with a non Finn? Your opinion also doesn't count as a greater source then Dreger.
  19. So Dreger made up the fact that Columbus has a GM from Finland with a tonne of contacts and scouts who have watched JP play?
  20. This post makes no sense? You don't need to play a contact sport to have an opinion on a player who has been healthy a very little tiny fraction of his time with the club? It's fact. The guy has bad luck and/or is injury prone. You can't deny this?
  21. Dreger said that the CBJ GM scouted him big time and that it's almost a given that they will take him and possibly move him to center.
  22. The Neufeld of Canadian receivers?
  23. You do realize that the qbs have probably tossed 100s of nice normal passes in TC also . It would be redundant if someone posted that the qb and receivers made routine pass and catches.
  24. Richards dropped an easy one and also made a catch. The Williams td was both a solid pass and reception. I was happy to see that the newer qbs have arms and can zing it. Also mobile. The new Canadians looked like they belong. McDuffie made one bad play but also made several real good plays. What impressed me the most was the low penalties we had and the team seemed organized and not confused
  25. Brandon


    Brock Lesnar is a known name and a guy that the casual person would know... I don't see CM punk being a draw... any non wrestling fan will have no clue who he is and will have zero interest since he's a tiny old guy. He doesn't have the freakshow factor like Brock has.
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