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Posts posted by Zontar

  1. 1 hour ago, wanna-b-fanboy said:

    you have a history of having trouble with false equivalencies- I don't think the above strays from that history.

    1. Rigged Iowa caucus. Not to mention the rigged caucuses from 2016 to keep Mao Sanders out. (complete with Hillary getting advanced debate questions)

    2. Tried to over turn Trump election with a manufactured treason charge.Paying for fake intell , which, in itself is treason. Millions spent on Mueller probe, DOJ, FBI, CIA corrupted and damaged in the process.

    3. Last second sabotage of Kavanaugh nomination with manufactured rape smear. Then a gang rape smear for good measure.

    4. Tried to indict president with manufactured and ridiculously partisan impeachment.

    Again, these are the people you think are more ethical and moral ?

  2. 5 minutes ago, Stickem said:

    They also aren't paying that big for their 2 qb.s   ...unless that's bullshit they've been feeding everyone....Posey didn't come cheap and Levels will be a bit of a hit...I'd say they're done in fa BUT the way things are going they might pull some coin out of their arse to go at Walker     heh heh

    At present we still have no placekicker

  3. 2 hours ago, wanna-b-fanboy said:


    I foresee a huge ramping up  of cheating in this next election. Couple that with Barr being the gatekeeper of which campaigns get investigated- it's actually very possible (65%) chance trump gets another 4 years...

    After Iowa,  Kavanaugh, Mueller, Impeachment don't know any thinking person can think Democrats are on the side of the ethical angels.

  4. 5 minutes ago, wanna-b-fanboy said:

    Mayor Pete would get destroyed by trump. They would totally attack him on his inexperience... trump was POTUS for 4 years.... mayor of middle of the nowhere indianna? 

    Has essentially  all the voter alienating leftist policies Sanders has yet still advertised by media as a "centrist".  

  5. 30 minutes ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    I hope im wrong but....it wont be about character.  It will be about age, health and "do you want your taxes to skyrocket to pay for socialism?"

    ... or anti fossel fuel policies killing tens of thousands of jobs, or open borders immigration driving down wages, free health care for illegal aliens,  or partial birth abortion, gun confiscation ..

    Yeah, Sanders is in that sweet spot for the average voter. 

  6. 10 minutes ago, Firekid said:

    Even Derek Taylor is pretty much saying WTF is O'Day doing giving up all his Cdn OL guys. Obviously he can't come right out and say that but he pretty much said to me - O'Day must see what we are seeing and have a plan to address it. 

    Typical anti Rider media bias. They hate our success.

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