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Posts posted by Zontar

  1. 1 minute ago, do or die said:

    No more than:

    Sessions, Carson, Devos, Chao, Perry, Ross, Zinke, Pompeo, Pruitt, Mulvany, Price and a host of others.   All current or ex-members of Trump's cabinet.   The other common denominator:   All Uber lobbyists for a host of special interests.   Record setting levels of lobbyists, with this administration (you can look it up) in fact.  

    Yet all these deluded idiots, keep screaming "swamp" every time Trump runs into any opposition or criticism from anybody.  They fail to understand, that with Trump, they are neck deep in it. Everything is wrong, alright



    Never defended the guys Trump surrounded himself with. Horrible decisions and or accepting horrible advice to hire them on Trumps part.

  2. 29 minutes ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    This settles it then, Mitt's one of the good guys!

    If one claims to hate politicians who say do anything to get elected no matter what their previous " moral conviction" was then Romney should be on the list.

    And leftists especially should note hes a predatory capitalist which should check off another box for you.

    Like Bolton and Avenatti dont make this guy your hero of the moment

  3. 44 minutes ago, JCon said:

    Tulsi is Democrat in name only. 

    Lol. She supports every big government,  progressive policy under the sun. Her unforgivable sin was criticizing never ending war and interventionist foreign policy.

  4. Meanwhile in iowa.

    CIA Pete declares himself the winner. With no results. Of all the candidates he has the closest financial ties with the company that designed the failed app.

    As they they say in politics "the optics are terrible".

  5. 1 hour ago, wanna-b-fanboy said:

    Agreed- what are you using as sources?

    Which pools are you referring to?

    Buz feed isn't reporting CNN and Des Moines paper (pro Warren) spiked new poll ahead of vote ?

    Tempted to make popcorn when progressives crib ideas from Marxists then conspire to screw the Marxist over but BS is BS and should be called out.

  6. 9 minutes ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    I suppose selective morale outrage is better than no morale outrage and unbridled support for a criminal, serial sexual abuser.  right?  Lol 

    but you’d only think people are selective because you equate differences in policy with all the horrible things trump has done. You’re an apologist for a criminal.  

    Not true. I get a morally outraged all the time. Seriously what's the deal with people turning left on a yellow in an intersection knowing it'll turn red halfway thru. I mean c'mon, people.

  7. Congress happily signed off on new defense budget and free trade deal all while impeachment process was going on.

    To try and say with a straight face and moral certainty that the US government is being held hostage by Trump or GOP and powerless is absolute lunacy.

  8. 7 minutes ago, wanna-b-fanboy said:

    And this is why i think i am going to check out of US politics for awhile... nothing means anything anymore - it's insane.

    I understand that they were not going to remove him, but not to allow witnesses... or  new evidence... 51 us senators participating in the cover up... it is soooo corrupt. I totally underestimated the amount of cowardice and corruption from the GOO... it's astounding.

    The USA is ******. Just totally and absolutely ******.

    So you were equally outraged at Democrats blocking any testimony or scrutiny of the "whistleblower", the essential heart of the case, or nah ?

  9. 26 minutes ago, 17to85 said:

    Oh that's easy. Lies and changing positions. The people who vote republican have already shown that facts and logic mean nothing. So just feed em whatever bullshit you need and keep up the gerrymandering and voter suppression tactics to avoid Democratic voters having a chance to change things.


    1 hour ago, 17to85 said:

    So no checking the credibility? Just regurgitate anything that agrees with your world view? Regressive problems in a nutshell. Anti intellectualism.


    This from the guy who says yesterday "effectively turned the the US into a dictatorship".

    Pump. The .Breaks.

  10. 8 hours ago, 17to85 said:

    There are no centrist republicans. 

    "Had they waited a couple of months they could have got Bolton s  testimony, other witnesses and key court orders. This was a rush to failure. History will look back at their timing as a baffling mystery"

  11. As with the Kavanaugh hearing Democrats went full Thelma and Louise. Should have gone with a new team for the trial phase.  All they did was alienate centrist republicans with talk of "treason" who were already turned off from the hysterical, over the top  rhetoric. Tsk. Had a real shot at prolonging this.

    Clear pattern of ridiculously bad decisions. As in life revenge and anger can be so self defeating.

  12. 1 hour ago, Mark F said:

    Obama's fault

    "Earlier this month, the Institute for Supply Management reported that U.S. manufacturing activity fell to the lowest level in more than a decade."


    Every president since Reagan. The deindustrilization and the slow destruction of the working class started with him and continued unabated. Trump has made minor improvements.

  13. 1 hour ago, blue_gold_84 said:

    Image result for are you sure about that gif

    You don't seem to ever answer anything... You just play silly bugger and deflect from the topic at hand, whining about the big, bad, "progressive" boogeyman - all while pretending to be a moderate, rational voice in this thread.

    Devil's Advocate only works when there's an actual basis in reality upon which to argue an counterpoint. You've done no such thing.

    Calm down. The legal rationale for involving the Biden s was asked. The question was answered.  Don't like it? Email your answers and concerns to Adam Schiff and or Dershowitz.

    Crying to me about is pointless.

  14. 1 hour ago, 17to85 said:

    So if you can see that it is irrelevant why bring it up like it means anything? Why defend this so hard when the slightest bit of scrutiny makes it fall apart?

    You asked. I answered. If you dont like the answer what can I tell you. Its not my problem.

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