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Posts posted by Zontar

  1. Except, as in the Clinton trial, with real crimes and recomendations for indictments it wouldn't be a sham trial. Entire tenor of the process would be different. Senators would start worrying job security. Winking at obnoxious behaviour by POTUS is one thing to be seen defending criminality in an election year is quite another.

  2. Any new "evidence" would have e been leaked to compliant media by now.

    A couple of days of BOMBSHELL ,TICK..TICK..TICK.., WALLS ARE CLOSING IN type hysteria would force the Senate's hand.

    Hasn't happened yet,  won't happened because, like Mueller, there's nothing. So Democrats can only repeat the same discredited stuff over and over again.

  3. 1 hour ago, 17to85 said:

     nothing burger


    Basic laws of politics say you dont give your opponents the megaphone anymore than absolutely necessary.  Republicans are "blocking" because more " witnesses" means more drama and more prolonging the charade for Democrats to generate more drama for their media allies to amplifiy it even further.... not revealing any new "evidence".  

    Theres nothing to reveal. Democrats arent even pretending there was a crime committed and cant even prove "abuse of power" and deliberately broad term which could mean just about anything unilateral a president does. Little wonder they havent convinced anyone from the very start.

    A partisan stunt.

  4. 2 hours ago, JCon said:

    This makes sense. Star Trek was set in the future. Perhaps it's more documentary than science fiction? 

    Progressives: " Yes, The Borg devasted entire systems,  killed untold millions,  but they are misunderstood , and for the Space Force to keep harping on it is ,frankly, racist "

  5. 21 minutes ago, The Unknown Poster said:


    21 minutes ago, The Unknown Poster said:


    Or the Dems, who have a habit of being their own worst enemies will piss it all away trying to rip each 

    That or allow the party to be dragged so far to the left  by identity politics  and lunatic policies and thus field an incredibly weak, unelectable  group of candidates .

  6. 3 minutes ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    I love the idea that it's partisan because the GOP are desperately helping cover it up but its somehow the Dems fault.

    I mean, you have to be so far buried in the sand (or somewhere else) to be that absurd and transparent.  

    So you're starting to think there won't be a President Pelosi. ?

  7. 3 hours ago, wanna-b-fanboy said:

    That case is iron-*******-clad. The obstruction of Justice article alone should be enough to remove him from office- using the traditional standard. 


    You call it a weak case- please explain, I am curious as to why you think this.

    Never clearly proven. A case built entirely on heresay starting with a "whistleblower"  who was never identified and not allowed to testify or be questioned at all.

    Phone transcript was so damaging to their  case they had to edit and lie about its contents

    Inquiry was rigged as bad or worse than what Democrats are crying now. Inquiry never allowed Republicans to call witnesses and questions for the hand picked Democrat witnesses were curtailed.

    But most important Democrats never showed or even attempted to demonstrate how the supposed offenses either harmed the country or the executive branchs ability to do its job which is the ultimate standard for impeachment and removal.

    Never even attempted to explain to to the American people how or why involvement with a failed and corrupt state like Ukraine is of vital interest to the country or desirable on any level.

    And the Democrats and media allies or wondering aloud why the nation isn't transfixed by it all. 


  8. 4 hours ago, 17to85 said:

    what makes it partisan? Calling it partisan implies that you believe that Trump has done nothing wrong... Do you believe that and please explain why you think this behaviour is acceptable. Please note that "both sides" is not an acceptable answer as I have tried to tell you many times. 

    Hell there he is flat out admitting he's done what got him impeached. Do you believe that congressional oversight is a partisan thing?

    Pelosi promised that any impeachment  ( which Democrats vowed the day he was elected) would have to be bi partisan, which is the standard. With a weak to non existent case pelosi couldn't achieve it. Which is why she stalled all that time. Without it impeachment would look like just another partisan hatchet job.

    Against her political instincts she caved and was forced to pull the impeachment switch after she was pressured by the party's far leftist base. She essentially threw he historic standard out the window for party expediency in an election year. 

    Like Mueller this farce will be memory holed and a new "walls are closing in" story will be manufactured. 

  9. 54 minutes ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    The “woke” blacklash. It’s hilarious.  Strong effort to make things like equality and fairness seem bad.  Which they are i suppose if you’re a bigoted white male who has had free reign for so long.  

    But it’s transparent to most people.  Bigots.  

    The "backlash" is actually the realization of how phoney and hypocritical it all is. I used Clinton as an example because by your own woke standard he should have been among the first to be driven out of public life.

    Woke SJW culture is nothing more than a cover for the quest for power and control over people they can't convince with logic. You use words equality and fairness without a hint of irony.

    Stop wondering why people oppose woke culture because I just told you why. If you keep furnishing examples I'll probably keep pointing it out.

  10. 43 minutes ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    I find it intriguing that you think one persons issues exonerate they other.  It’s like you are totally fine with a child rapist  as long as someone else sexually harassed someone.  Weird.  

    Ofcourse no evidence of clinton being involved while Dershowitz is in a law suit right now and has a history of defending sexual assault and child rape.  Why is it relevant?  Cause he’s defending trump in the senate. Is Clinton? No. So stop trolling. 

    Want to be taken seriously as a "progressive" and your moral outrage hold credibility ? ? Apply your standards to everything, everyone. Be fearless dont be a partisan sheep.

  11. Just now, wanna-b-fanboy said:

    I don't know how politically talented he is- I know that you could have run a Ham Sandwich sans mustard and won against Wynne. 

    But why didnt New Democrats win then ?

    You still need to run a good campaign. Delivered and maintained a fiscal sanity message whilst NDP camapign never convinced anyone of anything except public sector jobs are safe with us.

     Didnt say Ford was a master politician just saying hes not talent-less.

  12. 21 minutes ago, JCon said:

    Starr was in charge during the Baylor sex scandal and looked the other way. The guy should be hiding away but, of course, he's Republican and Republicans are allowed to rape women or underage children. That's allowed in the GOP. 

    Wait'll you hear about Bill Clinton, prez for 8 years, serial sexual predator still gets invited to Democrat fundraisers. May well have sat next to Dershowitz on Epstein pedo flights.

  13. 1 hour ago, wanna-b-fanboy said:

    Yet the people of Ontario elected him as PREMIER! How does that even work?

    "Wynne? No way- she has questionable values (ie: she's Gay). I will vote for the college drop out drug dealer..."

    I honestly think Doug Ford was universally disliked when he was sworn into office... I don't get it...


    Actually it was Wynne driving the province into the financial toilet that got Ford elected.

    With a little more fiscal sanity and a little less fellating public sector unions the Liberals could have held power here indefinitely lesbian premier or no lesbian premier. 

  14. As an Ontario resident who lives 45 mins from the heart of all this I can assure you this is all about the teacher unions getting that guaranteed wage hike they were promised by previous left Lib govt and not the ephemera they claim is vital.

    E learning has them royally spooked for the most generous job and pension security in the province, (and im betting the country).

     In other words, gasp,  joining the real private sector world of outsourcing and automation

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