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bigg jay

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Everything posted by bigg jay

  1. This was his 1st season.. he got the job back in March.
  2. Can always start a GoFundMe page and do it ourselves!
  3. Only if they stay healthy... some of their players are not happy that they play 12 straight weeks.(weeks 7-18). They have 2 of their byes in the first 6 weeks of the season.
  4. I don't find it pointless at all... it gives me a chance to make sure the fast forward button still works!
  5. Looks like Cory Watson has hung up his cleats... (surprised it took this long tbh).
  6. At this point, he should be long gone by the 9th pick rolls around (assuming we still have that pick). That being said, its the CFL draft so who knows what will happen... there usually seems to be some last minute additions to the draft that can rearrange the rankings.
  7. Thanks, I don't think I ever heard that from Biggie... makes sense though because he definitely performed well enough to earn a spot.
  8. Well they did sign Biggie who is 5'10... they should have kept him too but we benefited from that poor decision so I'm OK with it!
  9. Not so much the last couple seasons but the Saints also seem to keep on eye on Canada.
  10. Needs new audiences to keep his magic tricks fresh.
  11. Bob Dyce has also agreed to a new contract with Ottawa.
  12. Loved this clip.... cannot wait for this movie!
  13. Put me in the Matrix 1st camp just for the simple fact that it's been so long since there's been a Matrix movie. I'll be seeing them both but I know what I'm getting with JW4 (and it will be awesome) but I'm very curious to see where they go with the Matrix.
  14. Not unless he grew eyes in the back of his head too.
  15. Rigmaiden spent 6 years in BC so Wally & Khari (to a lesser extent I would imagine) both worked with him and should have a good idea what he can do. They were also very quickly running out of candidates who were interested in the job so it seems like an easy choice for them.
  16. Going by his social media, he didn't seem to be hurt. He was getting looks from the arena league & the XFL but it doesn't look like anything panned out.
  17. He was in camp with us last year... made it through both pre-season games before getting cut. Some people in the media (I want to say Hamilton?) thought he would get scooped up by another club. He's got one of those hard luck stories that you can't help but root for the guy.
  18. Looks like the Bombers are bringing Boynton back for another look.
  19. Coaches are getting fired for that sort of thing these days...
  20. I wouldn't even consider him a Calgary product, he was barely there. They signed him in Feb 2015 and then released him in training camp a few months later... zero regular season games played.
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