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bigg jay

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Everything posted by bigg jay

  1. He was injured twice last season (late May & then mid-July) and the 2nd time it kept him out for the year.
  2. Potentially adding Archer, Cage, Kross and Harper would definitely change the AEW roster. Would make for some interesting "heavyweight" matches.
  3. That's not being thrown under the bus at all and it wasn't the club who went to the media. Being thrown under the bus would be Walters holding a press conference and saying something like "due to his game manager status and being injury-prone, we've decided to cut ties with Matt Nichols and focus on signing a real QB... Zach Collaros". The reality is that once they made the choice that they want to bring Collaros back, they had 3 options with Nichols: A) Give him a heads up so he can start making other plans B) say nothing and leave him twisting in the wind C) give him false hope that he'll be back as QB1. They chose the most professional and respectful route available to them.
  4. Pretty sure Arbuckle gets a say in that... He was in Ottawa for the past few days but left without a deal which could mean he intends to see what he's worth on the open market.
  5. bigg jay


    My concern with that plan would be that we probably don't see it happen for a long time. Conor has only fought twice in the last 3 years so at that pace we wouldn't see a rematch until about 2026, and that's assuming he wins those in between fights. I agree he would most likely do better the next time around but it's just such a bad match for him style-wise (tbf Khabib is a bad match for just about everyone).
  6. bigg jay


    I'd also rather see Khabib vs GSP but I have no real desire to see Khabib/Conor 2. I think that one goes down the exact same way as the 1st fight. GSP/Conor might be a more competitive match up... GSP has (had?) the wrestling but he doesn't really maul you on the ground the way Khabib does. My top 3 (in no particular order) would be: GSP/Khabib Tony/Khabib Nate/Khabib
  7. bigg jay


    GSP could be an option now for Conor. Dana was skeptical about Conor at 170 but says he has no doubts after this past weekend. The UFC is also trying to figure out the best card to bring back to Montreal since they haven't been there in 5 years... that would be one of the 2 fights (GSP/Khabib would be the other) that would guarantee a sell-out.
  8. bigg jay


    It's not like they adhere to any standards when it comes to title fights, it's all about money...Romero & Aldo are both getting title fights despite being on 2 fight losing streaks. Rumour is that Usman might be "hurt" so they're looking at an interim title fight between Conor & Masvidal (aka this fight will bring in more money than Usman vs anybody would).
  9. bigg jay


    Agreed. Shoulder strikes are rare to begin with nevermind being effective like that.
  10. According to the WWE, we can start planning the next parade too.
  11. One of the few I can think of that would be a fit for the role without it being a disappointment.
  12. Interesting. The fact they still ran the angle must mean they have a backup plan.
  13. If you're talking about his reputation from over 20 years ago, then yes he wasn't overly liked in the ECW locker room. He tried to live his gimmick and was a bit of a ****. Some guys were afraid of him, and some (RVD) called him on his bullshit. He's owned up to his poor behaviour since then though and admits he wasn't the easiest to get along with. How that translates to now (especially since his in-ring career is long gone) is anybody's guess.
  14. I'm jealous... I have a couple friends going again this year. My wife isn't into wrestling or boats so the chances of me getting to go are slim to none!
  15. Not true. After his pro day, he had interest from a few NFL teams but he wanted something more substantial than mini-camp invites.
  16. Kinda disappointed but good for Marty. Apparently it's the most lucrative deal in ROH history. If he was able to keep all non-WWE doors open, then he's pretty set.
  17. May or may not mean anything but seeing this pair together is interesting...
  18. Thoughts on this? I personally don't care that certain teams are at a disadvantage in this regard as they have the edge in other areas (territorial exemptions, extra draft picks, etc).
  19. The Kenny situation is a prime example of him not being able to adjust. It would have meant changing plans to some degree but they still had the ability to use Kenny like they are with Moxley and Jericho. The way they handled the Elite leaving may have possibly closed that window though.
  20. I'm torn on how I feel about him as a booker. Having a long-term, cohesive vision is great but I feel like he relies too much on the same guys (Tanahashi, Naito, Okada) for the heavyweight belt. They might bring in someone for a short period to challenge (Kota) or even briefly hold the title (Kenny/White) but in the end, he goes back to his big 3. To be fair, they are phenomenal, but it would be great to see new blood in there.
  21. I had similar thoughts but that's NJPW... nothing seems to happen fast there (unless you get lucky like Jay White). This will set-up a year long redemption story for Kota though after going 0-2 at WK.
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