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bigg jay

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Everything posted by bigg jay

  1. According to the CFL website saying he's under contract through 2016 with Montreal. To be fair, the website (which is pretty unreliable at the best of times) only quotes a TSN employee rather than an official press release, so I guess it's possible that he's still ends up as a FA. http://www.cfl.ca/article/als-acquire-kevin-glenn-in-trade-with-riders
  2. Irony: Complaining about racist sports team/names & then dressing up for Halloween using blackface. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/nov/4/terry-rambler-apache-leader-offended-by-redskins-n/
  3. I disagree... hopefully we've seen the last of this sophomore slump... and see him back to form next year... definitely need to be at TC... I would bring him back to camp, especially considering he'll be much cheaper than what we would have been offering him a year ago.
  4. The only time that happened was the one year they played together in New York (96-97). Messier had been the captain for 5 years already at that point, it had nothing to do with leadership. Gretzky didn't even wear A for the Rangers, although he did briefly wear the C in 98 after Mess left, and Leetch (the actual captain) was hurt.
  5. It was pretty bad and ticket sales reflect that. They clearly set up for sequels but if they actually get made, they will not be released in theaters.
  6. Same here. Although I went to the last witch hunter about a week ago and there's no way a Bond movie can be worse than that.
  7. We should have had Buck & Markus splitting the OC job for a while now!
  8. The point of celebrities going public is to eventually make it a non-issue like it should be. The fact that there are ZERO current or former NHL'ers that have come out proves that it's still doesn't have the acceptance level it needs to.
  9. The injury https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB-qEKI37eY&feature=youtu.be
  10. apparently yes, she thinks she needs to be an advocate because she likes women Or she thinks she can use her celebrity status in a positive way and make more of a change than your average person would be able to.
  11. Acceptance and approval are 2 different things. She'll always be Shadowcat/Kitty Pride & Treena Lahey to me!
  12. You are completely clueless if you think people don't care/gossip about the personal lives of players. There's even a reality show (Hockey Wives) about this very thing. The players aren't simply Winnipeg Jet A, Winnipeg Jet B and so on, they are part of the team and community (even moreso in small markets like Winnipeg) so people do get emotionally invested in them on & off the field.
  13. The back-up to Kohlert (#88 Davis) is also new to the roster this week.
  14. The Dirty was started by an American. Each city has it's own page so it's definitely not just a Winnipeg thing.
  15. Dude!!! Waiting for season to be over to do Homeland marathon - no spoilers please! LOL sorry, no more spoilers from me!
  16. As expected: SportsCentre ✔ @SportsCentre JUST IN: Erie County District D.A. announces Patrick Kane will not be prosecuted on rape allegations
  17. On a related note, a Native artist had come up with this re-designed Chicago Blackhawks logo a few years ago, and it's popping up again on social media (it's done this a few times). While Chicago's name/logo isn't nearly as offensive as other teams, I'd be on board if they ever went with a design like this one:
  18. They must have stolen the idea from Homeland... the CIA on the show just blew up a plane in mid-air last week!
  19. Pretty good read. I remember seeing a lot of those matches (at least the ones earlier in Royce's career - the article kind of skips from 2005 to 2013) but always got the feeling Royce was happier being a big fish in a small pond rather than hit the road and try to make a real career out of it. Of course I don't know his reasoning for it, but I always felt he had the talent & could have been bigger.
  20. They've got themselves in a dilema with the Fox contracts. They are obligated to put on so many shows (on top of their PPV's) that they need a huge roster. They can't just cut a bunch of guys because then they can't meet their obligations to Fox. The roster is to a point that it's hard even for the die-hards to keep track of. IMO, they were better served keeping the WEC around as a feeder league. Guys like Pettis, Faber, Cerrone and Benson Henderson all made their name their before they got to the UFC.
  21. Putting Davis in gives me a reason to watch the game other than being a glutton for punishment!
  22. That was also his 1st fight after getting out of prison so they definitely weren't going to put him in there with the champ right away. Also, just because Tyson wiped everyone out (for the most part), doesn't mean they were no names, or weren't very good. Ronda Rousey is going through the same thing right now. Nobody will remember who she destroyed, with a couple exceptions, just that she was amazing.
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