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bigg jay

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Everything posted by bigg jay

  1. Yeah I read some of the comments and, if true, then it's pretty easy to see why he's not coming back.
  2. Surprising news, given the success they had this season, but Anthopoulos is out as Jays GM. http://www.tsn.ca/anthopoulos-leaves-jays-after-rejecting-4-year-extension-1.384678
  3. "It doesn't surprise me. It's not bad or good. He had some bottled-up emotions, apparently, it seems like. So maybe just getting them off his chest might be healthy for him. At the same time, we're not going to be concerning ourselves about that, really. We're concentrating on what we have in this dressing room and going forward that's our focus." Okay, maybe I oversold Thorburns comments, my bad. The Free Press has edited their article since this morning but originally the article had Thorburn mentioning how close he was with "Kaner" but the team moved on almost immediately after the trade.
  4. Thorburn would be the other option to go with Kane but they were pretty close while he was here so I doubt that would happen.
  5. The Conservatives went after Trudeau for his renos too, donations or not. They said it was " a lavish use of public money". Mulroney had a hot tub installed, which was paid for by donations so it's not much different. It's unfortunate that opposition parties (left or right) try to score political points off of this kind of thing though. God forbid, something happens like an electrical fire burning the place down because the PM was too worried about the backlash.
  6. The pitcher himself can't have an illegal substance on him but positional players can. Pine Tar & rosin are allowed to be used, by anyone except the pitcher, to help grip the ball. FWIW, the Mets do not have an issue with this.
  7. Bucknor is starting. Thats weakness. Getting a legit canadian safety back could allieviate that problem. maybe thats what we are angling for.. We know Bucknor was exposed a lot this season. Waggoner and Newman or Morgan i assume are all potential Safety prospects while Jones I think is a Bucknor 2.0 I'd like to see an all Import secondary. None of the guys you listed (though still unproven) give me anything to hope for, except maybe Waggoner. I hope we sign another CND onlinemen this off season (don't know who is available) and hopefully a solid Dlinemen - Steele anyone? I know he wants to play here. We just need to get it done! Must not want to play here that bad since he signed an extension that'll keep him in Edmonton through 2017 about a week & a half ago.
  8. I'm good with Netflix having it in Canada. I travel quite a bit for my side job so this means that I'll be able to watch it repeatedly when I'm on the road!
  9. Burt ward is the name of the actor that played robin/**** Grayson.
  10. To me, this sums up the final years of the Harper Government. Say what you like about his early years, but toward the end...this was his legacy, and it doesn't seem surprising. And that's the thanks these former MPs get from Harper? That's bad. Might be that a few of these ex-MP's might actually throw off the muzzle and speak their minds on the election results and the direction the party is headed. Harper is a control freak beyond compare and he probably doesn't want dissenting viewpoints voiced less the party divides back into it's original fragments of PC's and Reformers. Why he would even give a **** at this point is anyone's guess as he has basically left the party bereft of any legitimate successors. Stephen Fletcher was pretty outspoken about the campaign strategy after the election. I'm guessing he's not the only one.
  11. Rogers refused to switch the field from baseball to football, even though there was enough time.
  12. I'm ok with it today just because this will be me tomorrow...
  13. Official stats say it went to Westerman. http://cfl.ca/statistics/statsGame/id/12979
  14. Find me the Wiserhood slow clap gif! This man speaks truths...
  15. Jacquie proved you wrong with her link, unless you have some evidence to the contrary.
  16. The frequent use of omnibus bills (there have been 8 or 9 since 2011?) was probably my biggest issue with the Harper government, especially since he was so against them as a member of the opposition. I very much dislike huge bills that use, in his words, the "kitchen sink approach" to combine completely unrelated issues together.
  17. They were 15-0-2 against Detroit going back to 2009 so that was a good win for them. McDavid's game winner was beautiful & Yakupov looks so much better (and happier!) so far this season. 10 points in 3 games between the 2 of them now.
  18. Just being a good team player, trying to stay positive. I wouldn't have expected anything less from one of our guys, especially Vega.
  19. At least they didn't stick a tramp stamp on those things, like they did to the Riders. That's about the only somewhat positive thing I can say about them.
  20. Biden announces that he will not run for president. http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/world/newsalert-biden-announces-he-wont-run-for-president-335086471.html
  21. 2007. He was with Montreal in 2006. http://www.torontosun.com/2014/11/29/stampeders-assistant-gm-murphy-still-flying-under-the-radar
  22. Tom Broadbeck wrote that I believe.
  23. In case anyone arguing with TUP hasn't figured this out yet... this will go on forever. This is his internet forum style, and has been for years. It's probably better for everyone involved to just agree to disagree and move on.
  24. He was in Calgary in 2008, Winnipeg in 2009 & back to Calgary in 2010.
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