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bigg jay

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Posts posted by bigg jay

  1. I think she comes back as well but I don't know if I'd do the rematch right away. That was such a one sided fight that she may want to build her confidence back up. The difference in skill level on the feet was so big that many people feel the rematch would be similar... at least at this point in time.

  2. The awful windmills and careless sprinting really made Ronda look amateur...   It's possible that her ego or that she bought the hype that she had an aura of invincibility really hurt her in the fight.    I can't imagine if she hadn't charged forward like that and slowed it down and tried to initiate some kind of clinch it would of went a lot different.


    She looked like she panicked and didn't have a clue what to do... she looked gassed also.


    I did watch most of the other fights on the card and it's nice to see Mark Hunt get yet another brutal one punch KO...  


    Ronda has always been a bit wild with her striking.  It's been masked by the fact that most of her opponents had horrible game plans where they rushed her and allowed her to clinch after throwing a few punches.


    There could be many things that factored in to how the fight played out.  She does a lot of travelling & appearances which takes away from the time she could be spending training.  She was not as ripped as she normally is so she is speculation that she didn't put in the work she needed to.


    There has been drama between her trainer Edmond (who should be fired after his advice between rounds where he told her she did great & to keep it up?) and her mother so who knows where he head was at.  I think she definitely bought into Edmond's belief that she has elite striking skills... Holm, who is a 2 time woman's boxer of the year, showed her what world class striking looked like.  


    Hunt did very well which is good to see.  He's committed himself to getting in much better physical condition lately and it's paying off.

  3. Dana did not look or sound happy after the fight.  He had a scowl on his face when he went into the ring and made statements at the press conference basically saying this messed up their plans for Ronda.  He said it fell on him though since he's the one who OK'd Holm as an opponent rather than play it safe with someone like Miesha Tate.


    It sets up a nice rematch IF Ronda comes back.  She has been very vocal lately about having a short fight career and possibly hanging up the gloves sooner rather than later.

  4. @JustinTrudeau: I am shocked and saddened that so many people have been killed and injured in violent attacks in #Paris. Canada stands with France.

    Can't bring himself to say terrorism.

    "These terrorist attacks are deeply worrying and, obviously, unsettling to people around the world," Trudeau said before leaving for the G20 summit in Antalya, Turkey.

  5. Can I ask you not to politicize this?

    You can ask. But if recommend staying off social media for awhile

    When is a good time to make important statements about the way our government sees this issue?

    Not just Canada either. I believe it was just yesterday that Obama said ISIS had been contained.

    When the PM won't say the word "terrorism" it's already been politicized.

    Thoughts are with Paris.

    Please let us know when you start making important statements.

  6. I've heard a lot of behind the scenes rumours which I can't share but I can definitely confirm he was not a good guy as his friends said in the paper.

    I've heard/read the same thing. Friends of his on Facebook were talking about some of the **** they used to do together. One guy was like "seemed like yesterday we were jacking cars together, now he's gone".

    Definitely didn't get the impression he was the model citizen he's being made out to be.


    Westerman is gonna get the Royal screw job on his Canadian....

    He might get a pity-vote. He deserves something for being one of the few bright lights on the Bombers this miserable season.



    I hope he gets more than pity votes.  Not to take anything away from Sinopoli as he had a career season, but he was just one of four Ottawa receivers to crack 1000 yards while hauling in passes from this year's (most likely) MOP.  Imagine what kind of numbers Westerman could have put up if he had any kind of help?

  8. You could argue the defense bent and broke at times we would've liked them to have not. Obviously. But let's also factor in how long they were on the field in certain situations. How many times they made a stop only to have the O put them right back on the field.


    We need a few players (a DT, a DE and maybe a guy to replace Demond) but other than that our D is VERY solid. They just need to get a little more time on the sidelines courtesy of our offense.


    The offense is atrocious and even with Drew Willy, we were hindered. Bellefeuille was a terrible OC during his time here and I'm glad to see him gone.


    I was just about to mention this.  Any defense that is on the field as much as ours was, is going to give up yards & points.  

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