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bigg jay

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Posts posted by bigg jay

  1. Any news about the Als player who suffered that serious injury today? #90.

    Here's the last I saw about it:

    “We are very concerned for him and his health. I had a chance to talk to him on the field,” said Alouettes defensive co-ordinator and assistant head coach Noel Thorpe. “His eyes were wide and he seemed alert and OK. I think the doctors did the right thing taking precautions though.

    “They were concerned about some numbness in his left arm. He was moving his arms, which was a good sign.”

  2. It's definitely in genesis, saw it on there this morning.

    I've been watching The Last Kingdom on Kodi. It's essentially Vikings but I like it better (at least so far). It's a new show from the BBC, so if you're into that kind of show, I'd recommend it.

  3. U cant win with the natives, some dont like being called indians, some dont like being called aboriginal. Hell some dont like to be called canadian either. Its all a white man label. As much as ur awaiting the las vegas n'ers, (lol btw) I waiting for the university of north dakota fighting you guys. Ppl need to stop droppin the racial card cuz that's usually what makes it about race to begin with



  4. I was more referring to

    He earned a place on the Mexico national team in Greco-Roman wrestling and while competing on the national team obtained several accomplishments.[21] In 1997, he placed third at the World Junior Championships, in the Czech Republic.[21] He also won the Central American and Caribbean Games in his weight division three times and won a medal at the Pan American Games. Rodríguez was on track to compete at the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney, Australia, but due to a lack of funding and support, Mexico did not send a wrestling team that year.[5]

    He also has a record of 9-5 in MMA. So while not amazing he is still an accomplished amateur wrestler and professional mixed martial artist. He had several offers to do MMA in the past year.


    Just a correction.  He did not medal at the Pan Am Games I can't even find anything that says he qualified).  He did compete at the Pan Am Greco-Roman Championships which is a much different and smaller event , but he never medalled.  In 97 he finished 5th, and he competed again in 98 but finished no higher than 4th (I can only find the medals winners for this year).  There were no championships in 1999 due to the Pan Am games in Winnipeg, and if he competed in 2000, then he did not medal again in this year.

  5. The Jays offered him a 4 year deal so clearly his fate wasnt sealed by not making the world series.

    He chose to leave... And if the reports, about getting chewed out in your 1st and only meeting with your new boss, are true, then I would be reluctant to come back too.


    Can you post them on here???

    "It doesn't surprise me. It's not bad or good. He had some bottled-up emotions, apparently, it seems like. So maybe just getting them off his chest might be healthy for him. At the same time, we're not going to be concerning ourselves about that, really. We're concentrating on what we have in this dressing room and going forward that's our focus."


    Okay, maybe I oversold Thorburns comments, my bad.



    The Free Press has edited their article since this morning but originally the article had Thorburn mentioning how close he was with "Kaner" but the team moved on almost immediately after the trade.

  7. Just read another story about how 24 Sussex is a "wreck" and was recommended to undergo major renovations in 2008.


    I have to say, at the risk of the liberals here going after me, that I find this hilarious and clearly partisan that so much is being made of it now.  Imagine if Harper had moved out for 18 months and spent $10M + to renovate?  The weariness to do so came because Mulroney spent money on renos and was roasted for it.  Lets not forget Trudeau the elder installed an indoor pool (paid for by donations I believe).


    I still maintain the place should be brought up to a standard world leaders should expect and I honestly dont care if it costs double or triple of they said in 2008.  The Harper's referred to it as a heritage building and didnt want to hurt that.  I agree.  So renovate and restore.  It would be pretty cool to host other world leaders and dignitaries in a restored 1800's mansion.


    And they should also create a fund for regular updates and should also allow incoming PM's a certain budget for decorations and/or minor renovations to suit their tastes.  I believe this is the norm in the US.



    The Conservatives went after Trudeau for his renos too, donations or not.  They said it was " a lavish use of public money".  Mulroney had a hot tub installed, which was paid for by donations so it's not much different.


    It's unfortunate that opposition parties (left or right) try to score political points off of this kind of thing though.  God forbid, something happens like an electrical fire burning the place down because the PM was too worried about the backlash.



    the point on waggoner wasnt that hes a bad pick up, it was trying to assess/gauge walters drafting. and him giving up our first rounder for a player that is in a position were not weak in. people were trying to justify it because he could be a stud, but so far hasnt been, and even if he is,  does it really help where we need it

    Bucknor is starting. Thats weakness. Getting a legit canadian safety back could allieviate that problem. maybe thats what we are angling for.. We know Bucknor was exposed a lot this season. Waggoner and Newman or Morgan i assume are all potential Safety prospects while Jones I think is a Bucknor 2.0



    I'd like to see an all Import secondary. None of the guys you listed (though still unproven) give me anything to hope for, except maybe Waggoner. I hope we sign another CND onlinemen this off season (don't know who is available) and hopefully a solid Dlinemen - Steele anyone? I know he wants to play here. We just need to get it done!



    Must not want to play here that bad since he signed an extension that'll keep him in Edmonton through 2017 about a week & a half ago.

  9. What would be the point of this, to try and avoid leaks as to what is discussed? Seems disrespectful and heavy handed.

    @paulvieira: Senior Harper aides said to block defeated Conservative MPs from attending final caucus meeting, reports @InklessPW https://t.co/DXUyYO1FVL

    To me, this sums up the final years of the Harper Government. Say what you like about his early years, but toward the end...this was his legacy, and it doesn't seem surprising.

    And that's the thanks these former MPs get from Harper? That's bad.

    Might be that a few of these ex-MP's might actually throw off the muzzle and speak their minds on the election results and the direction the party is headed. Harper is a control freak beyond compare and he probably doesn't want dissenting viewpoints voiced less the party divides back into it's original fragments of PC's and Reformers. Why he would even give a **** at this point is anyone's guess as he has basically left the party bereft of any legitimate successors.

    Stephen Fletcher was pretty outspoken about the campaign strategy after the election. I'm guessing he's not the only one.

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