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bigg jay

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Posts posted by bigg jay

  1. If blue jackets lose tonight they have to play something like 22 over .500 to make the playoffs. They might be eliminated shortly. That's why talk of changing coaches

    Hard to make trades to impact your team this early. Jackets spent money and had higher expectations. Coach is toast

    Supposedly they want Claude Jullien. But lawless says Carlyle and Torts are first in line. Id fire my coach early to get Carlyle before someone else does, if I was in the market for a new coach



    That didn't take long.  


    @DarrenDreger is reporting that the @BlueJacketsNHL have fired head coach Todd Richards. John Tortorella has been named interim coach.


  2. There is a woman in Ontario who ctv was talking about as a potential candidate for the PC leadership. Can't recall her name tho but well liked, smart, hard working and innovative are some of the words used to describe her.


    Dr. Kellie Leitch (who was born in Winnipeg)?  I saw her getting asked the leadership question (not sure which station) which she avoided.

  3. I took a look and the number of available seats has started to rise.  Appears to be 2500 available.  Granted this happens at every Grey Cup in the weeks leading up to the game - lots of pairs, or parcels of 3 or 4 seats will pop up, sometimes in prime locations.


    Interesting that I haven't heard a word from the media regarding seat sales in quite some time.  Being asked to keep things hush-hush?


    I don't think they are getting anything from the team.  Someone had an article last week (I can't remember who at this point) & they asked Miller about it.  All Miller said was ticket sales were heading in the right direction.



    Nice spin attempt here

    @ctvwinnipeg: Premier Selinger says Liberal surge should unsettle Manitoba Conservative leader: Manitoba's premier says Cons... https://t.co/IlFiKCTPn7

    Not really much spin. In the province the NDP number of seats didn't go down, but the conservatives did.

    What he is neglecting of course is the the cons went down because Manitobans wanted change and still do. That doesn't help the NDP nor hurt the provincial Cons.

    If anything it should bolster the provincial Liberals. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on who you ask) they are so disorganized that they likely won't be able to do anything about it.

    Actual con votes didn't drop a ton. If he thinks the liberal vote is somehow indicative of a turn away from provincial PC's he's kidding himself. But he knows. That's why its spin. He's sunk. And this result was bad for him.



    I don't think there was any possible result in that election that changes the fact that he's sunk.  The only way the NDP stays in power provincially is if Pallister and the PC's have a huge implosion some how.  It's their election to lose at this point and the popularity of the NDP is so low that Pallister could go around slapping babies and still win.

  5. Ive never bought tickets this far in advance.  I have bought tickets a few days in advance for an opening of a film I was interested in.  But my desire to secure my tickets now is probably 50/50 me wanting to see the movie as soon as possible and the fact its an historic event in films and a global phenomenon and I dont really want to be inundated all weekend with chitter chatter about it....might as well see it myself and not have to worry.


    Im a Spoiler junkie and I think LucasFilms has done a masterful job managing this film.  JJ is a secrecy nut to his own detriment (Khan) but they've taken the approach of releasing just enough to satisfy people without going over board.  And they seem more honest about speculation too.  I saw JJ even admit they are keeping the last names of two characters purposely vague for a reason, which exposes that they are surely of a familiar lineage. 


    They've built up anticipation with how they've managed information.  For example, if this was 25 years ago they might have kept it secret that Mark Hamil is in it...he has not appeared in trailers or posters and no mention of him exists other than their confirmation (and photo) of him as part of the cast.  So we know hes in it but they are being vague for a reason (I think I know why).  And that excites me.


    There's also his voiceover in the teasers.


    I haven't bought my tickets yet because my friends can't decide what show time they want to go to... they need to make up their minds quick or I'm going on my own! lol

  6. Toet won the last election by a very small margin against Jim malloway so there was a good chance that he would have lost this time anyway.

    There was strategic voting as the Liberals were nonexistant in 2011 (they had 10% of the votes the ndp or cons did) but got enough to split the vote. I will say that if people had any idea of how far the Liberals would rise in this riding, then I think it goes red instead of orange.

    The liberals shot up about 10k votes this time around and that was using a candidate who had zero ties to the community. Things could be much different in future elections.




    So after watching last nights debacle anyone still want to rush to Nichols defence? Yeah there were more problems than just him but he was pretty crap all on his own. 

    So after watching the Montreal debacle does anyone still want to rush to Glenn's defense? Yeah there were more problems than just him but he was pretty crap all on his own. 


    Well Nichols couldn't play after just joining a new team, Glenn could, still coming up Glenn. 



    I don't know - he wasn't terrible but really, two days of practice and he starts. QBing must really be an issue in Montreal. Is Crompton hurt again? May have missed some stuff as only concentrating on bombers and eskie news right now. 



    Montreal put him on the 6 game list on Sept 30th.



    I dont disagree.  But when people fly off the handle and attack the messenger, it says more about them.  Thats how I dont let attacks or insults on me bother me.  Its just people getting annoyed and spouting off.  Imagine being the Mods and having to monitor this thread and the amount of posts that have been deleted and posters who have whined to them.



    Your comment about "shy Tories" and how they affected the polls in England really made me think of all of the people that have told me this election "I'm voting Conservative, but don't tell anyone", including this morning.  It makes me wonder how many people are in that same boat.  I look at all of the personal attacks made on the two of us here, and it really is a reflection of why people are downright afraid to speak up anymore unless they say they are voting Liberal or New Dumb.  It's not worth the aggravation and the insults.  Just quietly vote Conservative, and move on, without having to be yelled at by imbeciles.



    Are you really quietly moving on though?  You have so many posts like this, where you insult people with differing opinions, yet you are surprised and upset and you get attacked in return.   You could have made the exact same post without the insults and it would have carried a lot more weight.


    With the picks the Oilers have had over the last 5-6 years, they should be contenders...and I don't mean for the lottery.


    They are a joke with the picks they have had and the way they play.

    You hire a coach who is brain dead and makes playing hockey terrible for these guys that's what happens. Seriously Yakupov considered quitting because of Dallas Eakins. Now that they've flushed that turd and the turd that hired him things are going to improve and the bitching and moaning from everyone about the draft picks is going to be fun to watch. 



    It's obviously very early and playing with McDavid doesn't hurt but Yakupov looks much better than than the last couple seasons.  

  10. CBC can't even wait for the results

    Justin Trudeau, born into political spotlight, seeks to fulfil Nixon prophecy

    Justin Trudeau hadn't even been weaned when a sitting United States president first predicted he'd one day become Canada's political leader.

    "Tonight we'll dispense with the formalities. I'd like to toast the future prime minister of Canada: to Justin Pierre Trudeau," Richard Nixon said at a gala buffet in April 1972 during a state visit to Ottawa when Trudeau was just four months old.

    According to a contemporary news wire report, Trudeau's father Pierre, then nearing the end of his first four-year Liberal mandate as prime minister, responded that should his eldest son — born on Christmas Day 1971 — ever become Canada's leader, "I hope he has the grace and skill of the president."

    Nixon, of course, went on to infamy, while Pierre Trudeau governed Canada for 16 years in all and ushered in a new Canadian Constitution and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

    Today, Justin Pierre James Trudeau is tantalizingly close to fulfilling Nixon's prophecy — polls have the Liberals leading heading into the final weekend before Monday's vote — and there's a certain symmetry in that he's seeking to replace Stephen Harper, a prime minister described as "almost Nixonian" by Harper's own former chief of staff Tom Flanagan.

    Sunny, approachable, sometimes too quick with a quip, relaxed in front of a camera and publicly eschewing the dark political arts, Trudeau has presented himself to Canadians as the open-book antidote to a decade of flinty, guarded Conservative governance.


    The Toronto Star had virtually the same article 2 months ago (it was written by the same guy - Bruce Cheadle of the CP) and that was well before Trudeau took over the polls.



  11. so Wade's one accomplishment is having a tailgate party outside the stadium!?  Have you walked around the stadium on game day?  Tailgating is happening everywhere, and that's a culture that has been building since we moved in to the new stadium.  Miller simply wanted to try and cash in on drink sales, cause most fans that do their own tailgating are buying less at the stadium.  I think any new President/CEO could have figured out, hey, maybe embrace a party before the game... except almighty Mack!


    I've heard Miller is a very arrogant boss, and not enjoyable to work for, and know first hand he's pissing off some long standing season tickets holders.


    I'd say he's been adequate in the position, but certainly nothing worth praising...


    Joe Mack was not the president or CEO, that was Garth Buchko.


    We lose our last 2 games. BC loses their last 3 and Montreal beats Regina to take the last playoff spot.


    As hilariously pathetic as this would be... it's not completely unfathomable...



    I'm hoping Toronto is on "rest up for the playoffs" mode for our last game.

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