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Everything posted by Atomic

  1. I envision some kind of "option-year", where the player can try out for the NFL while a CFL team maintains his CFL rights.
  2. They thought they had the right guy at the top last time....how did that work out? So what do you suggest? Stop trying to hire the right guy?
  3. I like Dickenson but I just don't think he's got it in him to play QB anymore
  4. The Esks have the luxury of two QB masterminds currently looking for work - Mike Kelly and Gary Crowton - capable of designing packages and coming up with plays to make sure Reilly is more protected from now on. Oh the surfeit of riches of available talent! I know you're being sarcastic but the Bombers allowed the fewest sacks in the league when Mike Kelly was here.
  5. I don't think it is that simple. It's probably not easy to get players up here in the first place so it may very well involve a little bit of "Let's just get them up here then work on the details after they've arrived." Kinda like "If I've already taken my pants off, she will be less likely to say no."
  6. Who replaces Muamba as the top NI on the team? Until you answer that your argument falls flat. Watson when healthy... Otherwise, Greaves or Kohlert I suppose. Hard times.
  7. Only coaches that are mean to them
  8. Never be afraid to sell when things look like they're going down the TUBES!!!!
  9. This... you literally can't use them anywhere but the O-Line... basically ANY other position that you DI can be used in multiple locations (special teams being the important consideration) I guess Kicker/Punter might be another really inefficient spot to use a DI Not really, because at least they are doing a job. A DI offensive lineman is likely just on the sidelines for the entire game... maybe getting in on the odd offensive or special teams package. There have been lots of successful teams that used a DI on a kicker or punter, though.
  10. Well of course he is. People like to keep their jobs.
  11. Yeah but are you going to hire a new head coach based on an ultimatum that he keeps the current ST Coordinator? If the new head coach is his brother, then he should be ok with it. I'd just let go of that dream. He's not leaving Calgary.
  12. 4-man - Cvetkovic, Gilmore, MSW, McGee. DI's - Bo Smith, Peach, and Anderson/Wild (since one of Thomas, Sherman or Labbe will be in on every snap).
  13. No matter, DelMonaco will be gone soon enough
  14. I don't get why they have to start both new tackles. Why not put Pencer at RT, Kowalczuk at guard, and Paliwoda as the 6th OL? Surely it would be better to start the guys who have been here all year and put a new guy in as the 6th OL rather than a starting tackle?
  15. Also of note: Akeem Foster into the starting receiving corps. Apparently Foster, Denmark, Edwards, Kohlert and the kid from Hamilton as our starting corps. Is is curious that Sims-Walker isn't starting full time yet? I was wondering about him too. I thought someone said he was in the Banjo Bowl but I don't remember seeing him. He played, mostly special teams but got in on a few snaps on offence.
  16. Were you actually watching him play? He was getting killed for the first 4 or 5 games until he really started to take off. Like I said, he was terrible for part of his time at guard. Doesn't mean he hasn't improved, because he obviously has. I don't disagree that he could help us here and I never said he couldn't. But I'm not ready to put him on a pedestal as you have and declare him an upgrade over Greaves and Pencer.
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