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Posts posted by Chaosmonkey

  1. 2007. 



    After we got beat, the boys and I decide to hit up some night life. We found ourselves at O'Hanlon's where the patio was overflowing. We got a seat at a picnic table with some other random bomber fans and proceeded to consume liquid bread. 



    One of the guys in our group had brought a regulation size CFL ball along. This brought out a lot of chirping from the drunks walking by, things like "Hey you've got enough bomber fans at the table for a team, you should play versus the rider fans!".


    After 20-30 minutes of this, and us agreeing to play provided the rider fans actually field a team, we finally had enough people to play a game. 


    Despite the fact we were right beside a park, the collective bunch of drunk football fans decide that playing in the middle of the street right in front of the bar is the best idea. We played for what felt like hours. People leaving, new players subbing in, but always rider fans vs. bomber fans.


    Despite the fact it would have been really easy for someone to do something stupid like tag a guy too hard and push him to the pavement, nothing dumb happened, no fights, no nothing. We all were just having **** loads of fun.



    Then the cops showed up.


    First it was just one patrol car at the end of the street, hanging back and waiting. Then two. Then Three. Must have been 4 or 5 cop cars at the end of the street before they rolled up on us.


    All the cops get out and talk among themselves, probably figuring out what to actually do with us all. Eventually one head cop comes over to talk to us. 


    "What's going on here" he asked. 


    "Just a little street football, you know like street hockey. We play until  a car comes, we yell CAR and pause the game until the road is clear again"


    "Hrm." The head cop was unsure about our explanation. 


    The peanut gallery chirps in "Hey, the cops have enough guys for a team, you should play against the cops!"


    Head cop was not impressed by this, although the look on the face of his right hand man was one of recapturing high school glory versus a bunch of drunks. 


    Head cop looks at my buddy who was holding onto the football (Names won't be named to protect identities). My buddy didn't even bblink as the cop was staring him down. The cop asked to see the football, and in a bblink of an eye my buddy flipped it over to him. The second the ball left his hand, the look on his face read "I'm never going to see that ball again".


    The cop gripped the ball, and you could see the gears turning in his head. Man did that guy want to play football with a bunch of drunks. However, this was 2007 and Camera phones, Facebook posts and Youtube videos were the new hotness. The cop clearly was weighing the risk of becoming the star of a viral video that would land him in hot water, versus how much fun it would be to chuck the pigskin around.


    Eventually, after what feels like an eternity, and I don't even think the cop bblinked once, he looks back at my buddy and says in a smooth John Wayne kind of way, "Go long". buddy takes off running down the street, and the cop just rifles the ball as hard as he can, overthrowing him by about 40 yards.


    "If I hear any reports of a pedestrian being hit by a car on this street, I'm telling my guys to not respond to the call. Have a good night and be safe boys" the cop said, and he and all the rest of the cops got back into their cruisers and left. 


    We played street football until the bar staff came out begging us to stop, as they couldn't get the patrons of the bar to leave and they were trying to close down for the night. 


    It was good times.



  2. The Riders and the Bombers seasons hinge on how they play each other. Neither team's going to the cup. At least one is going to be out of the playoffs, likely both. Our big games are against each other, BC and Montreal.


    The Riders "GC" game will be the LDC. Biggest rivalry, at home. Ours will be the Banjo bowl. If the Riders win both, they're back in the hunt. If we win both, they're completely eliminated from the playoffs. I'm looking forward to both games as a measuring stick of where we really are in the league.

     I would add in the games vs Ottawa as big games for determining final standings as well.


    Right now it looks like Calgary/Edmonton and Hamilton/Toronto for home playoff games, and the last two spots are going to be up for grabs between the other 5 teams. If Sask wins their next 2, they are right in the hunt. Yuck,


    I'm cheap and like weekend games.  I like walks on the beach before a Bomber game and a romantic dinner afterwards.  If you buy me any Bomber gear you MAY get a little extra something something.  ;)


    Call me.


    How did you get a hold of my wedding vows?


    Lousy paparazzi.




    I thought these were the standard wedding vows? I've heard them at pretty much every one I've gone to......

  4. The Esks have the best defence in the league. They make a lot of QB's look bad, not just young ones. 


    Specifically, they did so by not letting Cato get out of the pocket much, and then when he was taking too long to get the ball away, the pressure was there to get the sack. Cato looked like the game was just moving too fast for him last night.




    Doesn't matter if it's Marve or Brohm - no Willy = no chance IMO


    The ghost of Rocky Butler disagrees with you.


    What the heck does Rocky Butler have to do with Drew Willy or Marve or Brohm?



    No prob, for those who haven't followed the CFL for very long, I will explain.


    See back in, I'm going to say 2006 but I don't care enough to verify the season, Saskatchewan was forced to start a backup QB against the Bombers in the LDC.  Now most Bomber fans felt pretty good about the team's chances as they thought Butler wasn't much of a QB.  Turns out that lowly backup QB was good enough to get a win for the Riders with the help of his team, even though he really wasn't much of a QB.


    And the point is that there are dozens of examples of backup QBs that inspire little confidence having enough things go right to pull out a win.  Including QBs in Bomber jerseys.



    This got my curiosity up so I had to go digging. 2002 was the year. http://cfl.ca/statistics/statsGame/id/1205



    I was at the Calgary/Winnipeg Game.

    Stadium concourse area reminded me a lot of canadinns with the layout. Pretty outdated and dingy looking to boot.

    Once in your seat though, watching the game was great. We were in the second cheapest section (benches with little plastic bits for your butt, but no backs), and it was all right. All the fans in our area were great too, quite knowledgeable and having a fun time. Also got good advice for whale watching for once we got into Vancovuer.

    That's my number one priority when watching a football game ;)
    Me too and fans at IGF are crappy for that! I've asked fans at IGF where's the best place to go whale watching in Winnipeg and they looked at me like I was an idiot! Thanks a lot for nothing IGF!


    Palomino Club

  7. I was at the Calgary/Winnipeg Game.


    Stadium concourse area reminded me a lot of canadinns with the layout. Pretty outdated and dingy looking to boot.


    Once in your seat though, watching the game was great. We were in the second cheapest section (benches with little plastic bits for your butt, but no backs), and it was all right. All the fans in our area were great too, quite knowledgeable and having a fun time. Also got good advice for whale watching for once we got into Vancovuer. 

  8. Ugh, can  people come up with an original bad football team joke?


    I haven't heard this one repeated too often, compare to the goal line white powder, tornado shelter no touchdowns, etc, jokes.



    A Bomber Fan, Rider Fan, and Stamps Fan bump into each other at a base camp lodge before a mountain climbing expedition. They start up a conversation about the CFL, current and past seasons, etc. Despite some rivalry, they all have some good stories to share. 


    The Stamps fan says, "You know, you two guys ain't so bad. Let me get the next round!" and he proceeds to order a round of shots for the 3 of them. 


    The drinks come and the Bomber fan says, "For the Bombers!" and knocks his drink back.


    Not to be outdone, the Rider fan says, "For the Riders!" and knocks his drink back.


    Finally, the Stamps fan says, "For the Stampeders!" and he knocks his drink back.


    This goes on for a few hours, each fan alternating their turn buying a round of drinks.



    The next morning, they set out for their expedition.


    They trudge on and on, up the peak, and as they reach the final push for the summit, a huge storm rolls in. Like a huge storm, no chance they are going to survive. 


    The three of them look at each other, and say, "Well, we might as well make it to the top before the storm kills us!" and they proceed to scamper up the final ascent.


    Once at the peak, the clouds break a bit, and they can take in the view before the inevitable happens and they are taken from this life into the next. A small tear rolls down the cheek of the Stamps fan, and he says, "I'm going out under my own terms", and he takes a running leap over the edge of the mountain. "FOR THE STAMPS!" he shouts, a throwback to the night before and the sense of brotherhood the three of them had developed over the last 24 hours. The Bomber fan and the Rider fan look and each other, and without a word spoken, both come to the same conclusion, only the Bomber fan obviously reaches it first. With a shout at the top of his lungs, he lets loose a cry of "For the Bombers". And he shoves the Rider fan off the Mountain. 

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