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Posts posted by SPuDS

  1. Just now, sweep the leg said:

    I'm sure it's much easier to say no to it when you had no chance to begin with. I'm old and making more than that to sit on my ass now, but if I was still in my early-mid 20s and good enough to make a living at it there's no question I would do it.

    If someone walked up to me today and said "here's 40K to play football for 5 months..."  with all the other perks (working out, cheap housing, etc etc) and a chance to add up more game film and potentially walk into a contract in the NFL..   my bag would have been packed in an instant lol. 


    WIlder thinks his half a year game footage plus half a season stat totals are gonna land him a gig in the NFL?  good luck.   He wasn't some unstoppable force here.  He was solid with glimpses of great..  Now do that over a full season... you know, like he signed his freakin' contract for... and then head south.   


    What if, Argo's release him to go get that NFL deal... he fails in his attempt and then comes back to the CFL.  Now, he has no contract and is free to sign with any team.  Argo's now lose that sweet contract they had with the guy AND could potentially lose him all together if they don't want to match another teams offer..  Is that fair to the Argos and their fanbase?  Oh, sure the gentleman's agreement should make that a non-issue BUT he doesn't have any true obligation to come back to the argos and resume his previously setup contract once his NFL dream has expired for the time being.

  2. 52 minutes ago, sweep the leg said:

    I thought Henry was a good sleeper pick, but then he got hurt. I'm interested to see how he'll do this year. The highlight of Morgan's career so far was being the only guy I've seen O'Shea lose it on during a game.

    Oh I didn't realize he got hurt.   then that signing makes more sense.

  3. 41 minutes ago, Colin Unger said:

    Not a bad strategy. The only issue I see is we have Ian Wild coming back to play the Will position.  We need to give ourselves option at several positions to star more canadians. I’d love to see his sign Nick Demski and give him reps at his natural runningback position as well as slot.  Make him an option to spell Harris at times. 

    Demski not an FA... nevermind, he is.. thanks google!

  4. 16 hours ago, FrostyWinnipeg said:

    Welcome to sledding in the winter??  its not exactly a kind, easy way to play in the snow..   I mean sure, maybe the Forks should have a retaining fence or something but... really now, you are going sledding.. there is ALWAYS a risk. 

  5. 53 minutes ago, Logan007 said:

    I just realized now that you said that, that was why she had to choose the Kelpien.  That is so gross.  I thought she was picking some kind of helper out, and after she chose I kind of forgot about it.  That's just so wrong.

    haha ya me and the girlfriend had that exact thing happen to us when were watching...  we both kinda shuddered with revulsion once we realized that they were eating her pick..


    45 minutes ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    She thought she was picking a "slave" too.

    as did me and the girlfriend and probably a great many people..   well played writers!

  6. 22 hours ago, FrostyWinnipeg said:

    It's the DISCO thread, if you come into the forum on a Sunday night be prepared.

    Hate to miss Lorca as I like Isaacs. Peeps dying left n right on this show. Now im not sure if Tyler is Tyler or Tyler is fake Tyler but no Voq.



    me thinks that Tyler is dead and gone.. Voq is a humanized Klingon and his mind has been intermingled with Tyler's "mind" out of his brain by some crazy wizardry.

  7. 10 minutes ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    @SPuDS He was't playing Devil's Advocate at all.    His first remark on the subject was to call the accuser a crackwhore.  He then insinuated that her allegation lacked veracity because she is a cam girl.  He also made factually incorrect remarks about her story (such as not knowing Enzo's name - point of clarification, she spelled his real name wrong, neither of which is relevant to the story because if you're attacked but dont know you're attackers name, its not proof you are lying).

    I wasn't defending the accuser at all.  My very first post on the subject purposely left out details because, as I stated in that post, the story was so fresh and unconfirmed and I had no sense of whether it was legitimate or not.  It was I who left open the possibility that the accuser was not being truthful.

    My post that you quoted was a response to an attack on me, drawing into the debate a third person who has absolutely nothing to do with the Enzo story and contains general insults.  that person has done that before, hence my reply.  So the two issues are, Goalie's personal offense over me being involved in wrestling (who knows why, seems like a crazy thing to get upset over) and secondly, the Enzo story.

    The bulk of my reply you quoted was responding to the senseless and silly attack against me.  The part where I respond to the Enzo story, I specifically state that I have come to no conclusion at all.  Keep in mind Goalie admitted he HAD come to a conclusion.  So Im curious as to why you are lashing out at me for "defending the victim" rather then him for attacking the possible victim...?

    Further, nowhere do I denounce the accused.  Please show me where.  I repeatedly state I hope Enzo is innocent and have expressed my like for him as a character many times. 

    Goalie flat out said he had come to a conclusion.  All his posts were attacks on her.  So you might not consider "attacking a victim" to be "victim shaming", but most people would.  Its textbook.  Calling her a crackwhore, pointing out she does cam shows.  So what?  Has goalie never watched porn? 

    My posts on the subject contained actual facts and reasoned opinions.  Im quite confused as to why you'd characterize my post the way you do.  In this day, if someone's immediate response to a serious allegation is "crackwhore", "camshow", "how can she remember" etc etc, thats a sad commentary on the moral character of that person. 

    Whether she'd make a lousy witness on the stand or if her credibility could be questioned are secondary to whether the alleged crime took place.  Goalie wasnt making a nuanced argument at all.  But if you read what I actually wrote from POST ONE about the subject, I was.  His points were akin to "yeah but what was she wearing."  We're well beyond that sort of nonsense in regards to sex assaults now.

    you're right.. I should have commented on Goalie assuming blame.   My apologies but (so far) the stories about her checkered past seem more plausible then the he/he/she said, she said angle coming from Enzo's camp.    

    and ya, my bad on the denoucing of enzo, for some reason I mistook what you were saying as implication of guilt.  I assumed and we know what that does.    

    I didn't take what Goalie was saying in the same context as yourself then I suppose.  I think he was using it metaphorically, not so much "shes a crackhead camwhore" more so using it for a reference to her career/history/personality..  I didn't see it as "she can't be accusing him of rape because shes a crackwhore cam girl"  more so as "lookit that crackhead".. more slangy/jargon then direct implication.. *shrug*  


    and I chose to characterize your post thusly because it seems like you want to overlook the girls history and concerning conduct in the past and not let it lend any credence to the fact that this could be made up.  I mean she admits to using a lie to try and manipulate an ex-boyfriend... saying she was carrying his child... that is pretty dastardly..  you say you are not picking a side in this story but I kinda think you are.. your history here is kind of telling, not that its a bad thing in anyway, shape or form.


  8. 16 hours ago, Goalie said:

    Its ok... Hes not that good. He had a good few months but.... Hes not that good. If hes hurt.. Oh well... Its not a big loss at all. 

    ....? you even watching the games?  Hes been lights out on the PK and on the forecheck.  He has blazing speed..  He might not have the hands to score a ton but everything else he does has been pretty much money...

    2 hours ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    Yeah Tanev isnt very good.  he's been really good.  But he isnt good.  Unless he's good.  Then he's good.  But he's not good.  or is he good?

    Anyway, Tanev HAS been pretty good.  They like his speed on that third line.  I think i'd prefer to see Roslo get a chance there but Roslo gets PP time so even though he's 4th line, he's been given a chance to play skilled minutes.

    yea I'm kinda lost as to the reason behind saying he isn't good.   Besides scoring, he has done everything asked of him and not been a detriment. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, Goalie said:

    Hes been suspended. My comment was based on reading her twitter. If you do... 2 days later she was charging 40 for a cam show. 

    yea something is not adding up...  hopefully the truth will all come out in the wash.

  10. 29 minutes ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    Oh. It wasn’t clear by his remark which was an odd response cause if she was raped it doesn’t really matter if she likes crack or is a *****. Or he meant he knows her personally. Just wasn’t clear.

    for what it’s worth story was picked up (not very well) by one online fight site and WWE pulled an online ad campaign featuring Enzo. 

    Well, from my very short research into this story, seems like the women has a history of being overly dramatic and doing sensationalized things when something doesn't go her way..  (NOT VICTIM BLAMING! just stating what I've come across)  and of course the WWE is going to yank his adverts.   even a fake claim of rape is enough to get people panicked about his name and character being associated with this.. and then his name tarnishing the WWE brand.

  11. 3 minutes ago, HardCoreBlue said:

    I'm wondering with Durant in the fold will this influence O'Shea's approach in going to the QB bullpen a bit more often than previous seasons.


    I doubt it.. He likes to ride his starter, hell or high water..  Can't say I don't agree with that concept.   It is good to know that if for some reason Nichols does struggle for a few games or gets nicked up, we can go to someone who has proven they can win a game or two...  But I don't think it will effect how quickly Nichols (if he ever does) gets the hook..

  12. 19 minutes ago, Taynted_Fayth said:

    I have zero confidence in our scouts we can find anything worthwhile when it comes to QB prospects. Hell most of the QBs in the league playing were recruited from other teams. That entire rider stable outside of Williams was other teams finds, Collaros, Bridge, Adams...   in the CFL its never really about who you can find its about who you can sign and retain

    oh and I agree.. the problem is that when the other teams cast off's are just that.. guys tossed to the heap.   I don't mind stealing another team's project when they are unable to retain them.. but when it becomes a situation like we are seeing here with Crompton, Adams, Bridge (to an extent), Jackory Harris and that big backup in toronto...  where none of them are looking to be "the next big thing" and more likely to flame out, it becomes a "we gotta find our own guy!" situation again..    There isn't any real backup's out there or project backups (that I've noticed anyway) who are the next Reilly, Mitchell, Lulay or Durant..   I see a lot of wash outs like we have seen here for the last decade

  13. 3 hours ago, bluto said:

    I wouldn't want Glenn. Never had. Not because he can't manage a game an run an offence, but because he can't do anything else or over and above that.

    But, Bluto, isn't that the lion's share of his job description?

    Yes. Which is why such a bang average QB has enjoyed such a long and lucrative career in our league. I also feel that in fairness to Glenn, I should mention that he's also a team-guy and doesn't seem to have any significant character flaws (and you likely would have to stretch to say the same about Durant).

    My issue with KG has ever been that he simply doesn't have it in him to rise above the game and take it over. His skills, mental-game, leadership and physicality just don't get to a level where he'll ever strap the team on his back and carry it over the goal line. When a guy like Ray comes on the field in the dying minutes and needs a score to win, the only worry you have is whether he'll leave enough time on the clock for the other team for them to try to pull the lead back. With Glenn, not only do you doubt he'll win it, but you're pretty sure that he'll sense a blitz comig, get happy-feet and toss up an INT or a fumble.  This is why he is not, and never will be, a big game QB. In big games, the true playmakers step forward and impose their will on the game. Glenn doesn't have that gear. He'll win you 8-12 games in the regular season and put up borderline all-star numbers... but once the heat is on, he'll make his meek exit.

    But, Bluto, do we really need a bona fide match-winner as our #2?

    Need? No. But Nichols has a history of injuries. Sorry to bring this up, but it seems germane to my point, but does anyone else remember 2007 when you needed a backup to win a big game? Ask yourself, in one game for all the marbles, who would you rather have leading the Bombers. And I guess that's the entirety of my point here.

    its nice to see someone from outside the zone so to speak, weigh in on Glenn.   this would be perfect for the Glenn "hof" discussion that is going on in another thread.


    agree 100%

  14. 7 minutes ago, Taynted_Fayth said:

    work out a trade.  Aside from a potential temporary upgrade in our #2 QB talent I don't see the upside in the bigger picture. Reminds me of when we had Glenn at QB2 2 years ago, great to have a vet back up just in case but did absolutely nothing for us going forward. Now granted Davis didn't show very well last year,  at least that gives us a better idea of what we have and can potentially start to turn in a new direction. 

    I'm not totally against the Durant signing. It was painfully obvious last year our back up situation was/is pretty bad but I'd have preferred grabbing a younger dude with potential then an aging vet with likely a decent contract size who is gonna be one and done with us.

    Yea but even a bridge, adams or whomever else that are "known" prospect options are not looking like diamonds in the rough to me at this point..   I'd rather go with a grizzled vet for another year or two and hope... that FINALLY... our QB hunters can locate a bona-fide prospect to groom and develop... or that Davis takes that next step.. either or..


    I hate trying to take another team's prospect.. who they give up on.. and make him into a project..  at least with Davis, it seems to me anyway, that we just bid higher for his services

  15. 11 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    What you say gets so old that it's totally lame. That's all you got?  No surprise there as that's all you ever say. LOL. I don't have to justify anything especially my loyalty to a dumbass keyboard warrior like you. I was watching the Bombers in person, enjoying season tickets at Winnipeg Stadium  & going to home games before you were born. However, it's so much fun that I will.

    Ever see Harry Knight play? What about Tony Guillory? Dave Raimey? Luther Selbo? Billy Cooper? Dale Hackbart? Bill Whisler? Mike Law? Phil Minnick? John Schneider? Rich Wozney? Tom Oberg? Roger Hamelin? Darwin Go Go Gonnerman? Richard Crump? Mike Holmes? Gord Patterson? Glen Schapansky? Butch Pressley? Bob Lueck? Joe Critchlow?  Jim Heighton? Bob Houmard? Chip Barrett? Pierre Desjardins? Jim Kuhn? Rob McLaren, Bill Frank? Butch Norman? Joe Critchlow? Jim Sullivan? Do you remember the 80 Western Semi Final? Who ripped the 80 yard run up the middle to seal the game over the... the... the... who? Do you know the team we beat that day? What were the weather & field conditions like as well?  I know because I was there, were you? What happened on the final play of the 1972 Western Final at Winnipeg Stadium? How did we lose & who did we play? Why do sone longtime Bomber fans still call it the  most heartbreaking loss in the history of the team? I know why as I was there. Do you? After the 1988 Eastern Semi Final at Winnipeg Stadium there was a famous local tee shirt that came out. What was the message on the  tee shirt referring to? I know as I was there. From 1969 to 1989 I never missed a home game. Not one until we moved away. Pfft.  Stamps fan? What a joke. Too funny.

    sooo.. uhhh... need a snickers?

  16. 4 minutes ago, JCon said:

    Yes, some of the worst get a chance to start but he's not one of them. They get found out under the lights.

    The guy has put up 50k passing yards. You don't get that holding a clipboard or only playing garbage time.


    No but you do get that for playing for over a decade... and being the next man up on numerous occasions.    He has had the benefit of starters going down in front of him... and him being air-lifted in... on more then one occasion.   And then, when the dust settles... hes either traded or cut.   why is that?  If he is a hof'er candidate, would he have been so oft kicked to the curb or traded away for some pretty piddly returns? 


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