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Posts posted by SPuDS

  1. 1 hour ago, Booch said:

    That article too is pushing 8 years old now....technology and recovery has changed...it's different now and different per guy.

    Like I mentioned before...Sherrit had the same injury/surgery at beginning of last year and by years end was a consideration to be on active roster, and if they made the Grey Cup I bet he would have dressed.

    From what I've seen and know, and based on my experience with injuries and re-hab Moe will be participating fully for training camp...and have a pretty good feeling it will be in Blue and Gold

    If any player in recent memory has the drive and tenacity to come back almost 100% and faster then most, its Mo.  The guy is an absolute warrior and has a ridiculous work ethic it seems.  I'd expect him back as well and I think he will be a bomber sooner than later.

  2. 13 minutes ago, tracker said:

    Geoff Gray was interviewed today on 1290 radio- doesn't sound likely to be here any time soon.

    or he could be here next season..  it really depends on how well this next camp and pre-season goes.   Him getting bounced twice though, doesn't make me very confident of his staying power down south..

  3. 8 minutes ago, JCon said:

    That's what they've been saying. Yes, it does seem odd that he would go to Utica given this will be his first start. Where do you want to play, the AHL or NHL? 

    well, I didn't really think it was his choice to be honest lol.  If I got an all-star nod, I'd go to that for sure.. then if they wanted me to play next day, I'd say sure to that as well lol..


    so is he going to the all-star game tonight or no?   If so, will he not be burnt out by how many shots and saves he will be facing and making in said all-star festivities? 


    weird weird situation regardless..

  4. 19 minutes ago, wbbfan said:


    Not soo bad. Drop in the bucket compared to this:


    Yeah i had heard that about TUF and the wwe. Pretty crazy. As a mma fan im glad it worked out. Though ive never watched tuf. 

    Thats kind a crazy considering the old ufc to wwe cross over guys. 

    Speaking of those cross over guys :P thats an interesting story. As an mma fan its too bad that didnt take off. We need some grass roots help in the area. Especially considering how the ufc does here. I sure would have come out to see Dan severn.

    Robox Jox was one of my fave movies growing up lol. 

  5. 17 minutes ago, Rich said:

    If the evidence and awareness of concussions continues on its current trajectory, I wonder if it is really a smart thing to invest in a new football league.

    What happens over the next 10+ years if enough parents decide to just stop enrolling their kids in football?   

    Are you coming into the game too late, (on its downtrend) or can you find a way to innovate and change the game to be safer and use that as a selling point.    Might be too early if it is the latter.

    I think its high time we advance to the level where the field is full of robotic cyborgs who are neuro-connected to a player and they control the cyborg.   No injuries, no muss and no fuss! 




    in all serious tho, you are very right in that we could be seeing the beginning of the end of football as we know it if medical findings continue to put the game in such a negative light and protection methods can't advance fast enough to keep the players safe.

  6. On 1/26/2018 at 9:08 PM, Floyd said:

    That's the entire point...  he has this 'career average' that's based on 2011... 


    Its also come out of the wood work that he did it because his son was in attendance.  So, besides the fact that he has some skill in the shoot out, Mo was looking to make his kid's night. 

  7. 3 hours ago, Floyd said:

    Its relying on past glory instead of giving better offensive players the shot

    Hendricks has been terrible on shootouts for 5-6 years now.


    Hendricks, while old, is proven... he has a good career average.  I don't see his choice being a bad one at all.  who would you have put in instead?  

  8. So he saw wilder's mini rant and was like " aww hell naw, if hes getting his 2 cents in, I want my 25 bucks worth!"


    long story short,  the post on 3rddownnation was tl;dr but what I gleamed from it was exactly the same BS from Wilder's situation.. signed a contract, agreed to terms and suddenly those terms don't work for the player anymore EVEN though they put their names on the dotted line..


    good luck to toronto in trying to get this **** sorted out now though,  this is going to become an absolute fubar if they don't handle it right.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Floyd said:

    Answered this in another thread - I just don't like Maurice's 'hunches' - they never pay off...

    Hendricks in the SO because of something he did five years ago, its the equivalent of Thorbs up on the second line for 'sand'

    Pretty minor stuff - Jets were completely dominated in that OT period and shouldn't have even made the shootout anyway

    its not a hunch.. haven't you seen Hendrick's shoot out attempts when he was wish washington?  He was very very good at it.  its not like you forget how to deke or shoot suddenly..

  10. 1 minute ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    Wheeler is the X Factor for me.  Im not worried about the Jets 3 or 4 years from now.  But if our window is truly opening, how does re-signing Wheeler or not re-signing Wheeler impact us?

    good call but we do have a plethora of natural centres and wings who can play centre so if he chooses to walk/declines in skills then I think we will be ok if we can't replace him via FA or trade.

  11. 2 hours ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    Laine shoots right and Vesalainen shoots left.  Both have that great shot.  Defend that!

    with all the talent we already have, adding another piece like Vesa in a few seasons is a crazy concept.  if we keep this group together... yikes.

  12. 2 hours ago, blue_gold_84 said:

    It was hard to be patient the last two seasons prior, especially after getting a taste of playoff hockey again, but we're finally seeing the results of said patience.

    Hard to believe they're still maintaining pace as a top team without two of their starting centres. It's incredible.

    and a pretty banged up defensive core for the last month or two as well..  its really quite impressive. 

  13. 1 hour ago, sweep the leg said:

    Imagine how good this team would be if we didn't have the worst head coach in the history of organized sports!

    NO NO,  they are winning despite Maurice, don'tcha know.  His record is the only thing that matters and that clearly indicates he is the worstest coach to ever step into the players box.



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