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Posts posted by SPuDS

  1. 1 hour ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    To be fair, he's been the Doc since 2014 so he was Obama's doctor too.  Just seems like a wildly irresponsible thing to say for a doctor of all people. 

    Some controversy over his doctor  and the "extremely awesome stupendous" medical exam that he passed with flying colours..


    the "doc" who signed off on it.. Ronny L Jackson or as he signed off on the medical form Ronnie Jackson..


    strikes me as odd that a doctor, who signs off on...what... 100-200 things a day maybe... would suddenly change his style of penning his autograph. 



  2. 2 hours ago, JCon said:

    Big deal. I can watch lower tier hockey anytime, including the annual Spengler Cup.

    hockey is hockey.   Its national team versus national team.   *shrug*  won't be great hockey but will be solid,entertaining enough hockey being played by guys who actually appreciate the logo on the jersey (I'd think anyway as these guys are all probably pretty stoked to play for the Olympics)

  3. 2 hours ago, kelownabomberfan said:

    ha ha I remember when Robert Bean's wife got on and just started hammering everyone who was putting Mr. Bean down for his shitty play.  That was fun.

    oh man, the glory days of OB.

    16 hours ago, Noeller said:

    I had totally forgotten that... There was a time when OB.com was it... It was THE place to be, and the players all knew and most read it. Those were the good days... 

    it truly was.. It was MBB was like now but 15 years ago lol. was the place to get all bomber news that you couldn't score now-a-days via social media.

    18 hours ago, rebusrankin said:

    Roberts showed up on OB as Chuck Diesel? Man, that needed to be achieved for future generations. That's like losing all of Socrates's writings.

    it was like the wild west back then... players, family members, friends of family, etc would often show up.. drop a post or two, get people all wound up and then move on lol.

    52 minutes ago, Noeller said:

    I'm trying to remember but it was a good 15 years ago.... I want to say people were putting him down for avoiding the media, and he came on to defend himself. 

    Stanford Samuels was a beauty, Wes Lysack had one of the most famous player posts of all time, talking about a strip club in Montreal, and then one day Mike Sellers showed up on there from Washington... Saying he missed everyone. Ha ha. Was amazing back in those days... 

    $2 was a beat indeed.. stuck around the longest, wasn't afraid to mix it up with fans and I think he even came back around after he bolted to EDM.   great times.

  4. Just now, Atomic said:

    I have a tough time envisioning Bond getting another NFL shot at nearly 28 years old.  But you're right that is a risk.

    oh me too.. but he could end up on a PR and that team could injure 2 guards in a PS game then boom, hes rostered, possiby for a year and we would have to start considering Neufeld back at tackle if bryant or Hardrick went down. *shudder*

  5. Just now, Blueandgold said:

    If Ekakitie is going to be anything for us, he needs be able to start this year. 

    not true. I'd like to see him rotate in if hes ready otherwise another year as a backup wouldn't be a horrible thing.  You can't rush a player "just because"  when he was drafted, he was considered almost pro-ready but I don't think he was aware of how much a grind this league is.    If he regresses then I'd like to see him moved but if he progresses then I'm happy.  No need to give the kid ultimatums in his second season..

  6. 3 hours ago, Logan007 said:

    Good call on him being the Klingon and them going to the Mirror Universe.  I think you're dead on about him being from there.

    Also, did not seeing one of the main characters like the doctor getting killed.

    Lol I said the same thing to the girlfriend and her reply "he was kind of a hanger-on B character..."



  7. 20 hours ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    For most people, an innocent slip of the tongue. For Trump, hilarious. 


    *insert facepalm*


    the president of the united states everyone.   can't even get the most advanced warfighter in their inventory right.

  8. 37 minutes ago, Floyd said:

    What's very strange though is that I clearly remember the events surrounding Joel Ward, Wayne Simmonds but Kane's racist comments came after his money pushups... claiming that if he was white then no one would have said anything which I don't believe at all.  Trouba would have been run out of town for that same pic.

    I'm sure there were events relating to Kane, I just can't recall...  I'd say Subban takes more heat than Kane ever did.

    well exactly.  Nobody threw bananas at Kane or went out of their way to call him a derogatory slang when he was on the ice or entering/exiting the ice.  Nobody threw stuffed monkeys at him or anything else like we've heard from other african-american hockey players.  


    Its truly ironic though that he is claiming racism like he did... when he has another african-american player on the team with him who completely denies any racial profiling or never has seemed to hear the same things or get the same treatment..

    Both are highly paid, party guys with checkered pasts so its not like Kanes a ghetto thug and  Buff is a Ivy League grad student...

  9. 32 minutes ago, blue_gold_84 said:

    The same can be said for any other large city in North America, though, including all 30 other NHL markets. Look at PK Subban when he was in Montreal or Wayne Simmonds in Philadelphia. Both have been the target of bigotry, too.

    I take exception with the fact Kane feebly tried to use racism as the reason why he was treated unfairly (complete bullshit narrative in his own mind) and why people didn't like him, and in turn paint Winnipeggers in a bad light. The reality is there are shitty people everywhere: racists, bigots, misogynists, etc. Winnipeg is not an exception.

    While I'm sure he was the target of bigotry during his time with the Jets (and that is unacceptable and disgusting), I maintain his being disliked by fans here had way, way more to do with his attitude, immaturity, and arrogant personality as an individual than his skin colour.

    ya that I agree with too.. the ire and venom that was tossed his way was not due to his skin pigment (for the most part.. sure, maybe some redneck from bumfawkbushberg,mb spoke ill of him because of the colour of his skin) but more so for his antics, crassness and lack of any humility or sense of team.     He would get that attitude in any city he goes to though, there is always that small, vocal element.   I too took offense at Kane implying those types of people are the reason he was getting so much hate though and how it makes the city in general look.   I think we are far more cultural friendly and accepting  of all walks of life then he was attempting to convey and deflect the fact he is despised so much here is all from his own doing.

  10. 32 minutes ago, Mark F said:

    look at some of the guys playing in the NFL. Saw some pretty good dirt balls over the last little while.

    Aside from playing qb, finding someone who can play QB must be the hardest job in football. 


    Couple that with convincing people to give up on their NFL aspirations for a bit as well.. take a much lower pay as well.. its a tough gig.

  11. 44 minutes ago, JCon said:

    I would say the high-end talent is better. Middle and bottom talent is just as bad as the AHL .

    They pay big dollars for their "elite" talent. It's also an unsustainable league.


    Make no mistake though, this Olympics is going to be pretty poor in terms of skill. I'm sure there will be drama but we're not going to see best-on-best or even near best-on-best.

    Meh, it will still be fun hockey to watch.. like a whole bunch of spengler cup! lol.

  12. Just now, Brandon said:

    If we were to compare real life to how people talk online...   It would be absolute chaos out on the streets. 

    Winnipeg is such a diverse city with so many different people of different backgrounds,  I highly doubt he experienced racism issues.    I think it's more of a cop-out excuse to try to play victim rather then to accept accountability of being an *******.  

    We hear so many stories (mainly about the Bombers) where guys come up from the South and absolutely love the city and the people.   I know from the few Bomber guys that I've spoken to over the years they love the people in Winnipeg. 

    ya that comment about "look at the articles comments section" is kind of laughable.. people comment on those articles with the deliberate intention of pissing people off and causing people to get upset and anger.   you cannot read those comments and get a true gauge of how people feel or act towards someone. I highly doubt anyone walked up to him and told him to "go home *insert racial term here*" or anything of the like..  I also don't think anyone whom he crossed paths with in the restaurant or entertainment industries were overtly harsh towards him due to the colour of his skin... it would be due to the nature of his attitude and way he conveyed himself to people.

  13. Just now, The Unknown Poster said:

    They're represented by the same people.

    Wahlberg is well known as being a tough negotiator and a "pay me" type.  Which is totally his right.   And Williams immediately offering to work for free is her right.  What is a bit stinky here is the appearance that the agency representing both actors were more interested in protecting Wahlberg from negative backlash of getting paid when others donated their time rather then making sure Michelle got paid.

    The right thing to do would have been to insist that both get paid and Michelle is free to donate her pay.  BUT...that would then lead to the public known Mark did not donate his time.

    Its not a huge deal to me other then Ridley Scott gave interviews where he said they all donated their time for re-shoots (except the crew and Plummer since he was new to the role).  So it seems Mark was "protected".  Williams did a really nice thing of her own volition.  I dont think this is so much a pay disparity as an attempt to protect Mark from negative pub.

    oh lol, I did not know that.. then ya, its odd they would have asked for Marky Mark to be paid and not Williams.. unless their cut from Mark's pay is higher and worth more of their time and effort... lol. 


    ok this is back to a weird story line.

  14. 1 minute ago, blue_gold_84 said:

    You're absolutely right. And I agree completely. I just have a feeling Walters is going to have his work cut out re-signing the tandem of Heath and Randle. That being said, I don't think the signings of Wild, Neufeld, or Foketi affect those negotiations in any significant way.

    You forgot Bryant (easily a core signing) and Medlock, though. ;)

    ya I'd consider both Bryant and Medlock both as pretty key core pieces.

  15. 3 minutes ago, Throw Long Bannatyne said:

    Reed missed out on Collaros, I doubt he has a realistic shot at acquiring Manziel and now he's playing hardball with Durant without any other starting QB option in sight if you dismiss Drew Willy.  It doesn't seem possible but Kavis has maneuvered the Als into a worse position now than they were one year ago at this time.

    Kavis gonna Kavis..




  16. 11 minutes ago, blue_gold_84 said:

    Neufeld and Wild both address depth, though. I doubt either was signed for a significant amount and I'd even hazard a guess both are getting base plus incentives based on games played or what have you.

    Heath and Randle were both all-stars last season, so no doubt their agents will use that in negotiations. That makes it harder for Walters unless either are interested in taking a trim to stay here. Leggett seems like a lock to stay here, but I have a feeling Walters will end up having to choose between the two others. I really hope I'm wrong on this, though.

    yea I'd think Neufie and Wild came at a bit of a discount and incentive based contracts like you've said.  Both are coming off contracts where their dependability and health were in question.  I'm cool with those kind of contracts, even if they live up to them.   I do think that sadly it will come down to Randle versus Heath and I think Randle's worth more to us in his leadership and ability.  Heath is an excellent DB in his own right and I would really dislike losing him but not at the cost of Randle.

  17. 21 hours ago, bigg jay said:

    He's done commentating before (Affliction) and his podcast was great (he might start that up again now) too so he should be fine. 

    I've spent a bit of time with him and listening him talk about the how's & why's of the sport was fascinating.  I hope that translates to his commentating career.

    ya I recall the brief foray into Affliction when he quit the reffing biz for a bit there in the UFC.. I agree, he was great ring side.

  18. 13 hours ago, Noeller said:

    this is all 100% a fair point....I have no doubts something funky happened here.

    the funky thing that happened was Wahlberg's people called and said "pay the man" after they both agreed to do the re-shoots without any bonus compensation..  Williams people apparently didn't.. 


    only oddity here that I've seen.. I don't see it as a "he gets more cuz he's a guy.." thing.. more so, a "his people did more due diligence then hers did"


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