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Posts posted by SPuDS

  1. 8 minutes ago, bigg jay said:

    I'm guessing the public/media already knows at least that many names on each team's list so I'm not sure how much of an effect it will have... and it's still only a fraction of the list (there are 45 names) but it's a start. 

    either way, cool news imo.  I like knowing who we have our eyes on.. and who others are trying to land as well.  didn't see that second line so thanks for filling in the blanks for me. :1312_thumbsup_tone3:

  2. 9 minutes ago, Bigblue204 said:

    And you can't act like a CFL players salary sets them up to have an above average life style. If you read his interview, he says he needs to pay for room and board himself.

    Anyway, I've basically said all I want to about this. It's his life/money good luck to him either way. And **** the argos!

    No and I agree but thats not the issue here.. the issue is he believes hes worth more then the contract that he signed and doesn't want to honour it. I'm just pointing out that he didn't get minimum wage numbers playing a sport he loves ( I assume)

    but I agree its his money and life but I can't say **** the argos because they ain't in the wrong here..  He signed a contract (and they are also stating that Wilder nor his agent have contacted them about any contract issues..)

  3. 1 minute ago, Bigblue204 said:

    again, that's before taxes/exchange rate. And in the TO area.

    and again, Im sure he is getting rent covered or partially covered and I doubt hes the only source of income for his family..


    you cannot compare a CFL players salary situation to joe blow.  players get a lot of spiffs to cut down on the costs of them being away from home..

  4. Just now, Bigblue204 said:

    I agree with a lot of what you're saying. but you legit need to make around 200k before most people would consider they're able to live a comfortable or well off life style in the GTA, even 100k doesn't go far.

    and I get that, I do.  It doesn't change the fact that hes on a rookie contract, 50k isn't exactly minimum wage for 6 months and he signed a contract. 

  5. Just now, Bigblue204 said:

    uhhh, you must be joking?? TO's cost of living is ******* insane. 50k a year is basically nothing. You won't be able to afford a 2 bedroom, or a car not even close to a house. While 50k isn't a horrible wage, there's no way in hell anyone from WPG would be able to continue their way of life if they move to the GTA for the same wage. Drastic changes would have to be made. And if you had 4 kids, yeah starving wages isn't far off.

    keep up.  you and I both know he isn't paying rent (or full rent) or food.

  6. Just now, JCon said:

    $50k in TO does not go far.

    Then, you need to find someone willing to employ you during the winter. Then, you risk losing that job if you're still injured.

    sure does when you don't pay for food or lodging.. come on man.  also, the argos find their players gigs in the off-season, almost 100% positive on that.

  7. Just now, JCon said:

    4 months of work?

    You train in the offseason.

    Then, May, June, July, August, September and October you play for $50k.

    Then, if you're lucky, you make some November coin.

    Then, you wait all offseason to see if you'll be invited back.

    ya im REALLLLLY sure wilder was at risk of having his contract trashed and not getting invited back. 


    also, you are right.. he gets to train (for free, doesn't have to pay for any facitilities) and is also given a food and housing allowance as well as his wage. 


    and I also forgot to factor in his playoff money.. and bonuses if he had any in his contract.  so that oh so pathetic amount of money (lol) is actually higher then I thought..

  8. Just now, bluto said:

    Welcome to the GTA. And it's 6 months.

    oh, sorry.  didn't realize toronto was suddenly dubai.   and ok, 6 months versus 4 months.    so ONLY 9300 dollars versus 14k  a month.   can only imagine how much KD and raman noodles that must buy. poor guy.  (and yes I realize he has 4 kids back home.. still pretty big cheque a month even with that tossed in..)

  9. 3 minutes ago, JCon said:

    Argos can end the contract at any moment. Wilder steps out of the tub funny and never gets another paycheque from professional football again.

    and?  This was established before he signed his contact... he KNEW what he was getting into.    I don't care how the CFL does things because they have done them the same way forever.  people know what they are getting themselves into.

  10. 9 minutes ago, bluto said:

    Right. Nothing is certain. Which is why sitting out a season of starvation wages to avoid 150 carries and 70-100 catches and all of the blocks that could end his, let's be real, not all that far-fetched possibility at an NFL job is his most sensible course unless the Argos pony up the dough and promise him an escape next season.

    You'll note that I'm taking a player's side against my own club here...

    I am noting that and while I respect that,  starvation wages?? really????

    I don't know what world you are from but 50k for 4 months of work is FAR from starvation wages.

  11. 8 minutes ago, Brandon said:

    Did someone compare Grigsby to Wilder Jr??  Really???

    The guy is a great player and may even be the 2nd best RB in the league next to Harris.     If the CFL had guaranteed contracts I would be completely on the side of the club... but since they don't then I don't blame the guy.

    I wish the league had some kind of rule where they could allow a player to try out and sign in the NFL ,  but if he ever comes back to the CFL he belongs and must follow the contract that he was originally signed for.


    EXACTLY. if this clause was built into contracts then I'd have no issue letting people try and get a contract down south..

  12. 2 minutes ago, bluto said:

    Be fair. It isn't a Big Head scenario to not want to risk, say for example, an ACL for $45k USD, when he could make more than quintuple that even at an entry level deal in the NFL.

    And no, I wouldn't play for $50k either.

    could. might. maybe.  


    or he could blow his knee out in camp at the tryout.  Or he could not make the team or even get offered a PR spot..


    if if's and what's were candies and nuts, we'd all have a wonderful christmas.

  13. 1 minute ago, Goalie said:

    Id let him go... But id tell him if he doesnt make it he is my teams property and he plays out his 1 year left at its current price. Thats fair. 

    So.. He gets cut.. He comes back to the Argos for 50k

    this is what I would do but again, that would be a handshake agreement.  I don't know if the CFLPA allows contracts to include a clause like that.. they have to break the original contract and re-write when hes back and that opens up the whole "pay me more or I walk" situation.


    2 minutes ago, sweep the leg said:

    I don't really have a problem with him trying to get what he can while he can. I realize he signed a contract, but when they're not guaranteed I won't begrudge a guy trying to maximize his earnings.


    I'm torn because I do agree with you.. make the most possible in the short time window that a guy has as a ball player BUT he also is only getting this shot because the Argos gave it to him.    He owes it to them to play out the season imo.   I can't stand the concept of a player dictating terms of his contract to his GM and coaches.   Dunno, call me old school but I believe if you put your name on the dotted line, you stand by it.

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