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Posts posted by SPuDS

  1. On 1/19/2018 at 9:34 PM, JCon said:

    He's a depth guy who always managed to find himself starting. Quite incredible, really. 

    is it? In the CFL where we have seen some of the worst QBs to ever put on cleats, get opportunities to start, let alone ride the bench?  What's incredible is that he keeps getting signed.   Its not like hes beating out Reilly or Nichols for those starts either.. he gets the job due to the inability for anyone else to come in and play mediocre lol.     He a career journey man #2 who has had the luck to put it together for a few seasons before regressing back to his usual level of play.. 

    On 1/19/2018 at 9:55 PM, Brandon said:

    It depends on what you consider worthy of the HOF.     Is it deserving of a player who completely dominated at his position even for a short amount of time,  or is it about longevity and being above average yet never the best at his position?   


    Did Glenn ever really even dominate though?  He had a few really good seasons on some solid teams but never really dominated imo.  He isn't a QB who can put a team on his shoulders and carry them to the win..

    On 1/19/2018 at 9:37 PM, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Incredible as it is I think it speaks to his professionalism as a player.

    I think it speaks to his smarts when it comes to signing a contract.. I think it speaks to knowing when to take the bench as an option when you see the trash ahead of you lol.  Hes been pretty lucky, you have to admit.. he hasn't really been forced to win his job outright.. often its been due to injury.

    On 1/20/2018 at 12:16 AM, Jpan85 said:

    All things being equal feel like Nichols will be the franchise leader in a lot categories before he is done.

    I agree with this as long he stays healthy.. *knock on wood*

    On 1/20/2018 at 1:21 PM, rebusrankin said:

    Glenn is not a Hall of Fame QB. He is a good QB who played for a long time which allowed him to compile big stats. The Testaverde comparison is a good one. Glenn has never been the all CFL QB and was the East All star QB once. Then compare him to the 3 guys whose careers overlap the most: Ricky Ray, Henry Burris and Anthony Calvillo. All three put up better #s, all three won the cup, all three were considered better QBs than Glenn. Then if you look at the later part of his career (2013-2017), BLM, Mike Reilly, Collaros, Harris and Nichols have been viewed as better. In the early part of his career, Khari, McMannus and Allen stick out as QBs who'd be considered better. Glenn has had a nice QB and he's a better QB than any of us but he is not a Hall of Fame QB.

    exactly!  His only claim to fame here is the yardage totals which are only so lofty because he has been in this league for so long, found himself teams whom had #1 starter issues and he would step into "start" after he had a few legit good starting seasons in Hamilton and here in Winnipeg.  I really don't see how throwing a bunch of yards, in a QB league, is enough to warrant a HOF nom.

    On 1/20/2018 at 1:52 PM, Blueandgold said:

    An MOP winner and a man with multiple grey cup rings should not be getting compared to Kevin Glenn.

    bingo.  Accomplishments versus managing to convince people to keep giving you a contract.

    On 1/20/2018 at 2:10 PM, rebusrankin said:

    Allen has an MOP award, Glenn does not. Allen was a much better threat with his legs (a 1000 yard rushing season as a QB, 4 season over 830 yards rushing, 8 season over 700 yards rushing). Regular season Allen was better a better QB than Glenn when you factor in what a dual threat he was and what he brought overall to the offense. Then you add in the 4 Grey Cup wins and the fact that he was MOP in 3 of them and its no contest.

    How anyone can compare Allen to Glenn is absurd.

    On 1/20/2018 at 5:01 PM, rebusrankin said:

    So we ignore Allen's MOP, we ignore the fact that he was a dual threat QB who brought a dimension that Glenn did not to the game and we ignore the fact that Allen had a winning record and Glenn does not so that we can accept 17to85's contention that Allen was average in the regular season and that they are similar guys in the regular season?

    lol. seems like it, reject our version of reality and institute this one instead, just because.

  2. On 1/19/2018 at 8:05 PM, Floyd said:

    All he'd have to do is still be a bomber and Spuds would be leading the HOF campaign... ;)

    actually, no.. but thanks for coming out.  I've been critical of Glenn since he was here the first time around.. I simply don't believe he is a very good QB.   the fact he threw for 50k shows hes been in the league for eons... bout it.   I really don't see that as some reason to get into the hall of fame.  Do linemen who have 10 year careers but have nothing noteworthy to speak of in their careers beyond having said career get in?   What about a canadian receiver who plays for 11 years primarily as a blocker/decoy?    Any QB who is in this league for as long as Glenn has been masquerading as a starter will pile  up yards.   I don't see the hall of fame worthiness..

  3. 4 minutes ago, gcn11 said:

    Collaros has a .166 win % the last 2 years, and before anyone says "well he played for a crap team", his counterpart Masoli was over .500 with the same supporting cast.  Those are numbers comparable to Darian Durant's last 2 years but Riderfans are praising Jones for his foresight in not re-signing Durant last year. Hypocrites. I'm not going to say that Collaros is not better than Durant but this contract is not one to be praised. It's a huge gamble on a QB that has not performed well in years.

    The biggest laugh is they are suggesting that Collaros is better than Nichols.

    they are seriously banking on pre-injury collaros to be the one that shows up in riderville and not the willy'd version.   If he is back and 100% with no jitters.. he will be a good QB for them.  If he can't regain that form, he will bomb out just like he did in hamilton for the last year and a half..


    Collaros, when healthy and on point, is a very good QB. I don't know if he can regain the level of play he had when he first made the jump from toronto to hamilton.. even getting some of it back would make for a pretty good QB.. better then nichols though is definitely laughable.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Floyd said:

    No - more along the lines that we're bringing a lot of prospects back from last season and I don't remember any linebackers being brought in for a look late in the season...  could be wrong.  I'd expect if they had found a 'gem' he'd be signed by now...  like Bingham, Straughan, etc...

    thats true.. I thought I saw one LB signing but too lazy to backtrack n check.  I do think that Walter's might be eying some of the LBs in FA that are going to be available.   I hope that O'shea has expressed his need for a new MLB.

  5. 1 hour ago, blue_gold_84 said:

    By that logic, HOFers Dieter Brock or Sam Etcheverry aren't deserving as neither of them ever won a championship.

    I wouldn't say I'm a fan - I'm not sure what that would even have to do with rationally pointing out his individual statistics, anyway - but I also don't hate the guy, either. Despite playing on some mediocre to bad teams and being relegated to a backup position at times, he cracked the 50K passing yardage mark and has tossed nearly 300 TDs.

    And seriously, what else is the bulk of a QB's job besides throwing the ball?

    oh I don't know... win games, be a leader, make a difference,  ****** defeat from the jaws of victory?    he is a QB, a mediocre one who didn't accomplish much beyond piling up passing yards... in a passing league...   if he happened to do something.... ANYTHING.. beyond sulking on the bench when not in, showing zero remorse for costing his teams games for lack of drive or throwing back breaking INTs at the most inopportune times... sure, i'd say give him a nod for the hall but I've watched him for almost his whole career.. he has not been a hall of famer QB.

  6. 1 hour ago, blue_gold_84 said:


    United States GDP Growth Rate

    Correlation does not mean causation. It's hilarious when hyper-partisan homers (on either side of the spectrum, to be clear) spout off nonsensical garbage.

    I have a friend who swears up and down that Trump is the complete cause of the economy being on such a rise these last 2 years in the states... yet completely ignores the fact it was essentially on the same path  when Obama was there.   Trump supporters are funny, they refuse to verify trumps comments and take them as the word of god. 

  7. 46 minutes ago, blue_gold_84 said:

    So, had his arm not been broken and the Bombers went on to win the 95th Grey Cup, he'd be more deserving...?

    Participation awards and being Canadian have nothing to do with it. What a silly remark.

    ya, I'd say he would be more deserving seeing as he would be a Grey Cup champion QB versus just some guy who had a lengthy career and a fair chunk of said career as a backup.    I get you are a Kevin Glenn fan and all but really now, what has he accomplished beyond throwing the ball a lot?


    And last time I checked, us Canadians are not only awarding failure with participation awards left right and centre but we have also removed the soccer ball from the game of soccer in some instances to make things more "fair".   We love to award everyone for everything or you think that statement is erroneous?


  8. 2 minutes ago, blue_gold_84 said:

    He's one of just seven QBs in CFL history to pass for over 50K yards. That's pretty significant. And getting a ring doesn't determine if a player gets into the HOF.

    Glenn is by no means a slam dunk to get into the HOF but to crap on him and claim it'll be sad a day if and when he does get in is absurd.

    I dunno, I kind of think it would be... it would be honouring mediocrity.    He really hasn't done anything beyond have a long career.. he is the epitome of "meh"  and I really don't think he even deserves a spot in the hall.   Having a long career is not justification for getting into the hall imo.    I know we are Canadian and we love giving out participation awards and all..

  9. 25 minutes ago, iHeart said:

    oh man, and this is the point where he really could use him, I hope he gets better, I don't want to see another player on the team get another career ending injury (seeing that happen to Clitsome was enough) but wait I just remembered, we can still use Hutch as trade bait right? 

    well, no.. not if Mason is out.  we would need Hutch as our backup. 

  10. 1 hour ago, Floyd said:

    Nevis re-signed and Poop, Jeffcoat, Okpo still under contract and one position on the DL basically needs to be NI maybe two

    I just want to see a linebacker prospect that's all.  This reminds me of last year where LB and REC ended up being our weakest recruiting areas... again.

    Because its oh so close to camp already?

  11. 1 minute ago, TrueBlue said:

    Guys, in no way am I trying to pump Davis' tires, or justify his spot on the roster.  I know nothing of the future of the backup QB position. 

    All I am merely saying is that the guy is still here for a reason, and in my own opinion needs to see a little more game action before determining his fate.  

    If one of our prospects comes in to camp and outperforms Davis, then a decision will have to made between him and Lefevour.

    We'll see what happens. 

    lefevour is out of the equation, no?  Hes a FA at this point..

  12. 1 hour ago, Booch said:

    Yeah for whatever reason he seemed to have a different demeanor in the games last year....I was shocked actually. Not sure if he didn't want to make a mistake so he reigned things in or what...but to me he looked like a totally different QB

    He has the skill set...and should know the system...If he doesn't really light it up this camp I see him as being gone...which is too bad 


    I think that he is probably on his make or break moment this season as well, yup.  Its not like we need to sign him to a new contract or throw money at him.. hes rostered. If he flops, it will be a shame but not a terrible situation beyond starting from scratch yet again..


    physical tools definitely there but the mental side.. gotta hope he can focus and put it all together this year.

  13. Just now, Booch said:

    actually in game time Apodaca made Lefevours regular season work look like Montana...Apodaca couldn't make a pass if his life depended on it


    Davis moved ball quite well and looked very poised

    you think he can get over the hump?   when the pressure is off, he looks good but when the bullets fly and the real lights are on, he looked so shaky and forced all his throws it seemed..

  14. 11 minutes ago, Noeller said:

    ....which is exactly how many? He has virtually no regular season game time.......and when he played in pre-season last year, he looked outstanding and people on here were raving! 

    Like I said, his sample size is tiny.. but even in that little bit of time, he should have shown something.  some glimpse that he could be capable of carrying the mail should Nichols be down.. he really didn't.   I'm loathe to give up on a guy with such tools and ability this quick BUT I also don't want to see the bombers invest another season or two on a backup who might not even be worth being given the #2 spot at this point..    How many times have we been down this avenue?

  15. 11 hours ago, ediger said:

    It was one of the most intense shows I've ever seen. They were definitely a bit rusty, some of the songs were a bit slower than they should have been, but it didn't really matter. The night before RATM played, the county sent in about 200 police officers in full riot gear to surround the campground. Didn't really do anything, they just kinda let everyone know they were there. Made for a slightly tense scenario. The day of Rage's performance, about 10,000 people flooded over the fences into the festival grounds where there were already about 75,000 people. Again, the cops had the place surrounded the entire time along with off-duty Marines working private security. Again, made for a pretty tense situation. It took about 5 seconds into their first song before people started lighting fires. Nothing too huge, there wasn't much around to burn I suppose. It wasn't a Woodstock '99 type of scene. Most of that might sound pretty unenjoyable but it kind of completes the whole Rage Against the Machine live experience. They played a really good selection of songs and generally seemed pretty pleased to be playing together again. Overall, happy I did it as a 20 year old.

    The level of jealousy that I have right now is off the charts, lol.  I would love to have seen Rage play.  There was a show... probably 10 years ago in North Dakota? Maybe Minneapolis.. at an election rally..  it was hush-hush and I on;y found out about it 2 days before so I wasn't able to go..  Wish I would have as I doubt the chance to see them now is slim to none.. I know they are back "touring" so to speak but I won't have the 5k to travel to where ever they are going to be performing and see them :(

  16. 15 hours ago, blueandgoldguy said:

    Davis' performance reminded me of Alex Brink's first start 6 or so years ago.  Deer in headlights...just a disaster.  


    If need be, bring him back for training camp I guess.  It would be nice if the bombers brought in some legit  competition for a developmental Qb who can actually develop into a starter for a change.

    and its been that way every game he gets into..  He looks scared and hesitant to make a play.  I keep hoping the more he gets in game, the calmer he will become and more comfortable...  He does have a good arm and excellent scrambling ability...  Now I realize his sample size is small.. but has he shown something (anything) beyond looked pensive?  The game should be slowing down for him by now by virtue of reps in practice and camp I would have thought..


  17. 39 minutes ago, 17to85 said:

    Any position on the team where this doesn't hold true?

    well when you have multiple people in a unit where one person can fill a few spots, I tend to think its a bit different.  

    20 minutes ago, blue_gold_84 said:

    Or any team in the league.

    for o-line and d-line sure..  RB or LB on the other hand..

    1 minute ago, Atomic said:

    Most teams only dress 6 OL on gameday, with the odd exception dressing 7.

    I think you'd find 5 National OL on the 46-man roster of a team starting 3, with perhaps another on the IR and another on the PR.

    We have the depth to start 3.  I'm less concerned about depth and more concerned about whether we have a third man who is good enough to be the opening day starter at guard.

    sure, on established teams with roles defined and everyone on the same page.. with us switching from 2-3 and not really knowing who is gonna go where (or how long they may last health/skill-wise)  I think its a bit more prudent for us to have 6-7 linemen available out of camp and work it down to 5-6 possibly at some time.   I get what people are saying,  for sure but I also don't want to be in a situation  where our o-line is in shambles by week 6 and we have no solutions for it..  o-line is too important to the success of this team.. we finally have one that is solid and dependable..  something we haven't seen here in damn near a decade..

  18. 6 hours ago, Atomic said:

    Yeah you'd think between Goossen, Chungh, Couture, Spooner, Neufeld, Cody Speller and the 7th overall pick this year, we can manage to start 3 Canadian OL.

    I believe that is usually the number of linemen you'd want if trying to go 3 nationals on the line.   one backup per plus another... so technically, we would be thin imo with "draft pick #1" needing to be considered as depth.   I imagine we are angling towards this idea in theory but can we make it work with who we have now?


    Couture can backup Goosen and/or start as a guard I'd assume..

    Spooner, Guard/centre backup.  


    Speller, unknown. 

    Neufeld start at guard/backup at guard.

    seems like we are 2 injuries away from panic mode..



  19. 20 minutes ago, Mark F said:

    Posted on January 16, 2018 by 3Down Staff // 2 Comments

    The Alouettes have named six assistant coaches for the upcoming season.

    Paul Dunn (offensive line coach and run game coordinator), Bert Hill (defensive line coach), Jason Tucker (receivers coach), Todd Howard (linebackers coach), André Bolduc (running backs coach) and Billy Parker (defensive backs coach) will be a part of head coach Mike Sherman‘s coaching staff for the 2018 season. Quality control coaches will be added at a later date.

    glad he landed on his feet.. thought he was a decent enough coach..


    how odd is it to see our outcasts landing work elsewhere now though?  Am I in the twilight zone!?

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