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Posts posted by Jacquie

  1. 3 hours ago, Brandon said:

    I can't see them completely closing it down though...  the amount of  people using the underground during work hours is really high and that would be a major impact if it were to go away.   I think they fix it.  

    I don't see why they would have to close down the underground part. It seems to say the work would be done outside. I also don't see that as costing that much (relative to the millions goalie was talking about).

  2. 8 hours ago, Goalie said:

    Wpg square structure is compromised. The cost to replace could be 30 plus million. They wont do that tho.. They will just take down the crumbling pieces of crap instead (barricades). Its a safety issue big time

    Do you have a source for that?

    Wouldn't the structure need to be fixed regardless.

  3. On 2018-10-08 at 11:04 AM, M.Silverback said:

    Thanks for putting this list together. It will be interesting to see how the AAF impacts CFL free agency. I predict some surprises for all teams. I think CFL teams are going to lose more talent than you normally would see. Wouldn’t be shocked to see Wolitarsky, Santos-Knox and Jeffcoat look at signing in the AAF. 

    It might not have as much of an impact as some might think. The AAF season will start a week or two before the start of CFL free agency. 

  4. 23 hours ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    Is Justine being sarcastic or was this a real exchange?

    it sounds like Kav was told he has be on the attack and beat down the questions.  He sounds out of his mind.  He’s making fence sitters believe he could be violent when drunk if he’s like this sober 

    She wasn't being sarcastic.



    12 hours ago, pigseye said:

    If they had reported it to the police to begin with these sexual predators could be stopped before they hurt someone else. What is so hard to understand? 

    I would suggest you search the hashtag WhyIDidntReport on Twitter and read some of the stories of posted by women and men on why they didn't report. 


  6. 10 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    If he did something bad she could have come forward before now.  This is all about politics & litle to do with decency. The guy was a kid. Bet there's more than a few members here who could have that sexual misconduct accusation  hung on them when they were teens as well. 

     It's been shown time and time again that a girl/woman accusing the popular guy of sexual misconduct will be crucified while he walks away unscathed. 





  7. 15 hours ago, J5V said:

    Wow. Well, sarcasm notwithstanding, I thought it was a league mandate to call all hits to the head and/or hits with the crown of the helmet. The hit on Lulay was both. For it to be ignored by the officials was preposterous and if I was Wally, I'd be asking my spotters what they hell they were looking at. If that play is reviewed, I am 100% convinced it would have resulted in a penalty. I mean, when TSN showed it again in slow mo, it looked like a penalty to me. He used the crown of his helmet, drove it into Lulay's chest and followed through to Lulay's chin. Heck, they could have used that clip as a training video for referees. *sarcasm*

    Officials, like the rest of us, are human. Sometimes they miss a call. The official didn't ignore it - he, unfortunately, didn't see it.

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