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Posts posted by Jacquie

  1. 1 hour ago, Booch said:

    Bad game all around..but nothing to get panties in a wad about..every team this yr has served up a deuce or two..and at end of weekend we will still be in 3rd..and have the tie breaker on B.C and 2 wins up on them and should be 2 wins up on Sask

    That being said...

    1) this loss was totally on the coaching and not the players..from stubbornness to adjust and stupid decisions (putting Nichols back in..roster decisions) you can place this one squarely on the coaches. Sayles is not ready for prime time and was abused repeatedly yet we sit Fenner until the end..and he comes in and just makes plays..inexcusable and if that isnt changed for Cgy game I have lost a lot of faith and respect for the coaches 

    2) hopefully this ends the Lankford experiment..proof is in the pudding and and he proved it..pathetic kick return results and receiving.. gimme a break! Drops and no real threat at all. As I mentioned before any traffic or contact he cant make the catch as seen on the 3rd down fail and if u have speed to get behind the defense. What good is it if you cant catch. The 3rd down gamble if it was Washington..he makes that grab and would have positioned himself to box out the defender..Lankford doesnt have that skill set. Also not sure if it just me but when ball is in his hands I just cringe thinking he gonna fumble it for some reason.

    3) Lapo play calling...deviate for christ sakes and put players in the spots to make the plays..as in the above comment even tho Dressler is a smurf..he can and does make the tough catches in traffic so to put a questionable receiver in that spot for that play is inexcusable as well..Wolitarsky is better suited for that..not a Lankford

    4) Roster...A db backfield that doent have Fenner or Leggett starting with Randle..Alexander and Fogg..for now is just stupid..Sayles hurts us and I know our coaching staff gets all hot and bothered by new upstart rookies..but c'mon.. he ain't ready yet and having it as it was last 2 games is not putting out our best roster.

    Same with offence..If Dressler is still hurt then any receiving corp without Washinton or Flanders in that spot is again wasting talent and not giving us best option..Beat would be Washington as he gives a different body type and mismatch advantage and I will bet my left nut that once he is I bbn lineup..be tough to take him out..and I kinda like my left nut.


    I wouldn't say totally. The coaches weren't the ones taking stupid, undisciplined penalties that kept Ottawa drives going. 

  2. 56 minutes ago, Throw Long Bannatyne said:

    Now wait a minute, this isn't the first time a player has been injured in T.C., cut, and told to return when he gets healthy, the Bombers have done it and I believe the Riders did it with Cameron Marshal.  Is Bagg just the first one smart enough to file a grievance with the CFLPA?

    From what I understand, you can do that to a rookie but not to a veteran player. 

  3. On 2018-08-12 at 2:30 AM, WinnipegGordo said:

    From the 3downNation article it sounds like Campbell didn't do up his chinstrap doing a practice and not in warm-up. So they already decided he wasn't going to play.

    The reason why they were a man down is because Nicolas Boulay got injured during warm-up.


    Herb's tweet said he refused to do up the chinstrap. Seems to me if a coach tells you to do something and you refuse you're going to face disciplinary action. Maybe this wasn't the first time he refused to do what was asked.

  4. 6 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Lulay & Wally arguing. Of course they shut off the mics. Frigging TSN.  Why have mic'd up games????

    I believe they may have shut off the mics because words like "frigging" weren't being used. It was mentioned a few times that the mics were off because of the language being used.

  5. 1 hour ago, rebusrankin said:

    Why does cfl.ca have Nye write the weekly prediction article? Worst record of all the predictors, mediocre writer and a Rider homer.

    Are there any members of the Saskatchewan media who could not be described that way? He’s better than Pedersen who he replaced after Pedersen even further off the deep end last(?) season.

  6. 14 minutes ago, johnzo said:

    The Ohio congressional victory for the GOP was like us beating the Alouettes 7-6 on a last minute safety touch.  Bombers still get the two points, but this place would be concerned about whether the Bombers were actuallly a winning team.

    The GOP hasn’t won it yet. There were 600 ballots discovered which has narrowed the margin. As well, there are over 1,700 provisional votes and over 1,700 absentee ballots that haven’t been counted yet.


  7. 7 hours ago, kelownabomberfan said:

    Ohio stayed Republican tonight.  And yet all we hear is how much the Republicans suck.  Fair enough.  So what's the problem?  Why are they still winning?  Saying that it's because voters are stupid is a sure fire way to keep losing.  There is a bigger picture here.

    That's not determined yet. Provisional votes won't be counted for 10 days and, with results this close, there could be a re-count.

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