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    itchy got a reaction from Noeller in The BEER thread   
    I know what you mean about a good tap room making beer seem to taste better. A group of friends head to a beer convention in Minneapolis each year. Convention is on Saturday, but we leave on Tuesday, and hit as many tap rooms and breweries on the way as we can.  Our record is 20 in one trip, one DD each day thank goodness!
    Sisyphus in MLPS and Titletown in Green Bay are among my top places.
  2. Like
    itchy got a reaction from blue_gold_84 in The BEER thread   
    If any beer fans are interested. Last year's event was a great way to chat with some of the brewers and sample a wide variety of their products. Should be well represented by some of the new breweries soon to open, as well as newly opened.
    Have to agree with a lot that's been said already.  LoW is all over the place with their quality, PEG doesn't seem to be concentrating on beer, I can't get into Barnhammer, and Torque is my personal favorite drinking beer taproom (Matt knows what he is doing). As the old group on the block, I love half Pints as well.
  3. Like
    itchy reacted to blue_gold_84 in The BEER thread   
    Torque Brewing takes the cake as my favourite local craft brewery. Love their spot, love their offerings, and the owner is a beauty. The first time we stopped there after work, he showed us around the entire facility. It was awesome!
  4. Like
    itchy got a reaction from bearpants in The Health Thread   
    That's the one thing that has surprised me through my journey- I'm eating a lot less, but not hungry. Really trying to avoid the cheating and binge eating.
    I know for me, the plan has to be not too complicated. Maybe once I get closer to my target weight, I'll start to look at fine tuning the plan, once I have a better understanding of my body's needs.
    I view it as "rewinding the clock" on previous bad habits. I've always been on the heavier side, so one thing I'll do to is remind myself " I haven't been this weight in ... years" Right now that number is 8 years.
  5. Like
    itchy reacted to Noeller in The Health Thread   
    There's a lotta truth in here. Best thing we can all do is keep things positive. I think we've all seen enough negativity in our life...on a personal weight loss journey, it's FAR more advantageous to keep things positive and upbeat. Everyone find their own path, don't knock someone else's, and celebrate everyone's successes....
  6. Like
    itchy reacted to Atomic in The Health Thread   
    Yeah to be clear I'm not disagreeing with tacklewasher at all, just saying that just because counting calories does work, doesn't mean that all other nutritional information out there is automatically invalid and a scam.
  7. Like
    itchy got a reaction from Logan007 in The Health Thread   
    Maybe it's not necessarily low carb, but realizing how many carbs we were eating to get to where we were, ie the actual portion size for pasta.
    I'm never gonna be able to kick carbs, so low carb isnt realistic, but i know for me, I was consuming way too many carbs, throwing off that pyramid. 
    I'm with tacklewasher on this one. For some of us, it just needs to be simple, and tuning out the noise that is all the fads, newest theories, etc. It's realistic and attainable. A little bit of help and guidance from something like myfitnesspal goes a long way.
  8. Like
    itchy got a reaction from The Unknown Poster in The Health Thread   
    Maybe it's not necessarily low carb, but realizing how many carbs we were eating to get to where we were, ie the actual portion size for pasta.
    I'm never gonna be able to kick carbs, so low carb isnt realistic, but i know for me, I was consuming way too many carbs, throwing off that pyramid. 
    I'm with tacklewasher on this one. For some of us, it just needs to be simple, and tuning out the noise that is all the fads, newest theories, etc. It's realistic and attainable. A little bit of help and guidance from something like myfitnesspal goes a long way.
  9. Like
    itchy reacted to tacklewasher in The Health Thread   
    This topic can become as heated as any politics or religion topic, but what the hell.
    I'm a lazy assed accountant. I peaked at somewhere around 330 lbs last year. I still don't know my true highest weight as the scale I had stopped at 300.
    I'm also 52.
    Last August something clicked in my brain and I bought myself a fitness watch (Garmin). Started counting steps etc. and ended up following the link to MyFitnessPal. Read a whole **** load of stuff there and I think I have most of it figured out. Scale said 240 this morning, so I'm down ~90 lbs since August.
    First and foremost, there is a lot of **** information out there about losing weight. Way more than there should be. I blame Oprah, Dr. Oz, Gary Taubes and any other POS huskster trying to make a buck off of weight loss.
    You lose weight by eating less calories than you burn. Period. Anyone who tells you different is full of ****. There is no magic pill or anything else. How you eat less than you burn is either by eating less overall, burning more overall or some combination. So if you up your exercise and don't up your food intake, you can lose weight. If you eat less and don't exercise you can lose weight. I find it easiest to eat somewhat less and exercise more.
    Now as to what you eat, that becomes a personal choice. If Atkins, Low Carb works for you, than great. It does not have any magical properties over any way of eating and does not do more for long-term weight loss than anything else, but if it works and you can eat that way, then go for it.
    My food choices are relatively unchanged, just less of it. I still eat out, had a burger for  dinner last night, I drink and all that, but I do it all within the calorie limit I've set for myself. Pretty much I'm eating today the same way I expect I will be eating years from now.
    Now, if anyone is trying to lose weight, I do recommend MyFitnessPal. It won't work for everyone but it is free and worth a shot. It's worked well for me.
    And if you happen onto the MFP forums, you might see my name and dog hanging out there. I think I have more posts there in 9 months than I do in a few years here.
  10. Like
    itchy got a reaction from tacklewasher in The Health Thread   
    Thanks for starting this thread. It's always good to hear I'm not alone, and tips are great.
    Since ballooning up to 278 after a ruptured Achilles tendon and switch to a sedentary job, I've recently lost 37 pounds so far.
    The main tool I'm using my fitness pal. It's an app that track eating and exercise to calculate weight loss, as well as creating a balance in diet. My doctor also gave me some advice that has worked well for me. He said the best way to lose weight is by monitoring intake, but do what you can to be active. When I'd try to lose weight in the past, I'd go hard at the gym, but not address my intake. I'd then get discouraged and slip back.
    Now I do lots of little things that are making a difference- not eating out as much (portion sizes and can't control calories), walking every day, cutting out prepackaged foods, less carbs, more fish and chicken. I also don't deny myself. If I want a cinnamon bun, I'll have one but budget for it, and it's a rare treat as opposed to an every day thing.
  11. Like
    itchy got a reaction from The Unknown Poster in The Health Thread   
    That's the one thing that has surprised me through my journey- I'm eating a lot less, but not hungry. Really trying to avoid the cheating and binge eating.
    I know for me, the plan has to be not too complicated. Maybe once I get closer to my target weight, I'll start to look at fine tuning the plan, once I have a better understanding of my body's needs.
    I view it as "rewinding the clock" on previous bad habits. I've always been on the heavier side, so one thing I'll do to is remind myself " I haven't been this weight in ... years" Right now that number is 8 years.
  12. Like
    itchy got a reaction from Atomic in The Health Thread   
    That's the one thing that has surprised me through my journey- I'm eating a lot less, but not hungry. Really trying to avoid the cheating and binge eating.
    I know for me, the plan has to be not too complicated. Maybe once I get closer to my target weight, I'll start to look at fine tuning the plan, once I have a better understanding of my body's needs.
    I view it as "rewinding the clock" on previous bad habits. I've always been on the heavier side, so one thing I'll do to is remind myself " I haven't been this weight in ... years" Right now that number is 8 years.
  13. Like
    itchy reacted to Booch in The Health Thread   
    When I've been eating this way or have people I train doing it I actually eat more. Starving oneself isn't the way to lose weight.
    Actually you should never diet..it should just become your lifestyle change and it becomes how you eat/live..tweak it accordingly 
  14. Like
    itchy got a reaction from Noeller in The Health Thread   
    Thanks for starting this thread. It's always good to hear I'm not alone, and tips are great.
    Since ballooning up to 278 after a ruptured Achilles tendon and switch to a sedentary job, I've recently lost 37 pounds so far.
    The main tool I'm using my fitness pal. It's an app that track eating and exercise to calculate weight loss, as well as creating a balance in diet. My doctor also gave me some advice that has worked well for me. He said the best way to lose weight is by monitoring intake, but do what you can to be active. When I'd try to lose weight in the past, I'd go hard at the gym, but not address my intake. I'd then get discouraged and slip back.
    Now I do lots of little things that are making a difference- not eating out as much (portion sizes and can't control calories), walking every day, cutting out prepackaged foods, less carbs, more fish and chicken. I also don't deny myself. If I want a cinnamon bun, I'll have one but budget for it, and it's a rare treat as opposed to an every day thing.
  15. Like
    itchy got a reaction from The Unknown Poster in The Health Thread   
    Thanks for starting this thread. It's always good to hear I'm not alone, and tips are great.
    Since ballooning up to 278 after a ruptured Achilles tendon and switch to a sedentary job, I've recently lost 37 pounds so far.
    The main tool I'm using my fitness pal. It's an app that track eating and exercise to calculate weight loss, as well as creating a balance in diet. My doctor also gave me some advice that has worked well for me. He said the best way to lose weight is by monitoring intake, but do what you can to be active. When I'd try to lose weight in the past, I'd go hard at the gym, but not address my intake. I'd then get discouraged and slip back.
    Now I do lots of little things that are making a difference- not eating out as much (portion sizes and can't control calories), walking every day, cutting out prepackaged foods, less carbs, more fish and chicken. I also don't deny myself. If I want a cinnamon bun, I'll have one but budget for it, and it's a rare treat as opposed to an every day thing.
  16. Like
    itchy got a reaction from comedygeek in Incident at Banjo Bowl   
    So here's my thoughts- take them for what they're worth.
    A co-worker (season ticket holder) who I would trust to tell the truth had a related issue with another bomber fan and brought it forward to the team. He received an apology for the late call due to the fact they were dealing with "another issue".
    After the discussion, it was made clear to him that the women's story had credibility, whether it was from security cameras, people coming forward after the fact, or both. This woman wanted nothing from the team at first.
    I have no doubt something regrettable and unacceptable happened, and you can debate how much was embellished, the woman's motivation, choices made etc. It would not surprise me to hear if no one around did nothing. How often do people see traffic accidents and don't stop? It's a human trait to think it's not me, it's someone else's problem, even though they think they would do something.
  17. Like
    itchy reacted to bb.king in Bombers Trade Willy for DB TJ Heath, Acquire Kevin Glenn   
    Prediction: Matt Nichols breaks his arm in the western final, Glenn says, "time for some unfinished business", and leads the Bomber's to a Grey Cup win!
  18. Like
    itchy reacted to rebusrankin in Dieter Brock - Next Ring of Honour Inductee   
    Who is the game day sponsor, is it the Zoo?
  19. Like
    itchy reacted to Mike in Making the league look bad: item #2837   
    After the game, I logged on while I was in my hotel (I was pretty drunk, I can't deny ) and read about 4 or 5 pages of screaming and whining that they got robbed, we got handed the win, blah blah blah.
    So I wrote "hehe"
    Logged on the next day. Banned for a week.
  20. Like
    itchy got a reaction from Noeller in The BEER thread   
    On top of that, Big Rock Brewing is planning on setting up a brew pub in the Masonic Temple at Ellice and Donald. There's a newly formed Manitoba Craft Brewer's Association being set up, with about 20 different brewer's represented, all in differing degrees of development. Those listed above are almost ready to roll, while most others will never see the light of day.
    Peg Beer Co. is being run by a former part owner of Half Pints, and Torque is being lead by the former brewer at Fort Garry. Farmery is finally gearing up to brew in MB, instead of at Muskoka.
    Good times finally for Manitoba!
  21. Like
    itchy got a reaction from TrueBlue in The BEER thread   
    On top of that, Big Rock Brewing is planning on setting up a brew pub in the Masonic Temple at Ellice and Donald. There's a newly formed Manitoba Craft Brewer's Association being set up, with about 20 different brewer's represented, all in differing degrees of development. Those listed above are almost ready to roll, while most others will never see the light of day.
    Peg Beer Co. is being run by a former part owner of Half Pints, and Torque is being lead by the former brewer at Fort Garry. Farmery is finally gearing up to brew in MB, instead of at Muskoka.
    Good times finally for Manitoba!
  22. Like
    itchy got a reaction from Noeller in The BEER thread   
    If there's anybody interested in beer, or beer collectibles, I'm VP of the Great White North Breweranists. PM me if you want more info. (I'm a long time lurker!)
    Each month we have tastings from different breweries we have visited. I was in Victoria, so I visited 10 breweries on the Island, and brought back samples from each one for the group to try. We also have an annual trip to the Mid-West (ND, SD, MN, WI, Iowa) and 10 of us hit 17 breweries in 4 days this year, bringing back samples for the group to try. We have meetings at the breweries in the city (Half Pints and Fort Garry) and have discussed the new breweries opening with those involved.
    We started as a group interested in decorating our man caves with beer collectibles, but with the explosion of new breweries, beers, labels, tap handles, signs, etc, we've had trouble keeping up! We're always looking for like minded individuals, who didn't know a group like this was out there.
  23. Like
    itchy reacted to SPuDS in Our new jersey   
    I'm digging that helmet too... Very urban camo vibe. Much liking!
  24. Like
    itchy reacted to Noeller in GDT: Winnipeg @ Montréal   
    "Kid Rock! Cooorrrrrrssssss! Milllllllt! Sssssssstoughton!!! Treeeeee Dayssssssssssssss!!!!!!" 
  25. Like
    itchy reacted to Rich in For Those Using Internet Explorer 8   
    First, you guys need to get on a modern browser!   
    Second, I have enabled the default theme that comes with the software.   You will now see a link that says Change Theme in the footer of the website.  (At least I hope IE8 lets you see it).  The link is right beside the RSS feed icon.
    If you click the link, you will see the option to change the theme to IP.Board.  The other options there are Disturbance (which is the name of the theme we are using) and the Mobile version theme.
    Since I don't have access to IE8 anywhere to test, I have no idea if this theme will be any better or not, but I am sure you guys will let me know.  If it isn't, then I will have to recruit one of you to help me find an alternative theme that does work.
    I don't know at this point if theme settings follow your profile from computer to computer.  So if you change for work, it may follow you home, but it is easy enough to switch back and forth.
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