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    TBURGESS reacted to WinnipegGordo in 2023/2024 CFL (Non Bombers) Off Season News   
    They'll prolly watch the NFL kickoffs this season to help determine if they want to go that route. 
    These are the changes for the upcoming season:
    The league also announced it was ratifying other rule changes for 2024 directly relating to low blocks and decisions made by the command centre.
    Low blocks have been adjusted to further define the actions of a backfield player delivering a low block. Backfield players may block a defensive player low who is lined up across, from, or outside of the offensive tackle at the snap if the block occurs in the legal low block zone. The league also removed the requirement for the backfield player to be within the legal low block zone at the snap to make the call easier to officiate, while also heightening player safety by limiting who can be legally blocked low.
    No yards has now been added to the list of penalties that can automatically be picked up by the command centre if called incorrectly by on-field officials. Replay officials can only become involved when a clear mistake has been made.
    Tripping the quarterback behind the line of scrimmage has also been added to the list of penalties that the command centre can assist on and is now challengeable by a coach.
    Coaches are allowed to strategically use a timeout to provide the command centre with more time to automatically review a play that is not challengeable, though only one timeout can be used after the three-minute warning in the fourth quarter. Coaches still only have access to two timeouts per game.
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    TBURGESS reacted to Bubba Zanetti in 2024 Blue Bomber Training Camp   
    K-Law just bananas
  3. Like
    TBURGESS reacted to Booch in 2023/2024 CFL (Non Bombers) Off Season News   
    Yeah...but some people around here like to spin things to fit their sad narrative and uninformed view....it's expected
  4. Haha
    TBURGESS reacted to Bubba Zanetti in 2024 Blue Bomber Training Camp   
    Day one of rookie camp. WRs/DBs waiting for physicals.

  5. Like
    TBURGESS reacted to Goalie in 2024 Blue Bomber Training Camp   
    He’s 36 ffs. If there’s one guy that prob should be replaced it’s bighill. Bryant prob shortly also. It’s not crapping on a guy because his best days are behind him. It’s fact. Coaches are here to make the tough decisions when the players refuse to. Bighill shouldn’t have played the cup game last year and if this year is starting like this it’s time to let him go. Loyalty doesn’t win championships. Playing guys who are hurt don’t win championships. This isn’t kids under 10 soccer where everyone gets a turn. It’s the pros. Bighill is a liability at his age now. 
  6. Haha
    TBURGESS reacted to Rod Black in 2023/2024 CFL (Non Bombers) Off Season News   
    The guardian design will be replaced. Something more aerodynamic to allow for quicker acceleration, sensor rings to collapse during contact, and advantage to defenders during a field goal and punts. This French prototype could be popular. 
  7. Like
    TBURGESS reacted to JCon in 2024 Blue Bomber Training Camp   
    There have been a few that have pointed out Biggie's decreasing impact and high salary for a couple of years. It wasn't bad when he took a discount. 
    I just want to see competition at TC. If Biggie wins the job, then good on him. I just think it's time for succession planning. 
  8. Agree
    TBURGESS reacted to Mike in 2024 Blue Bomber Training Camp   
    Between Moses, Ayers and Gemmel if there’s not a replacement in there, there needs to be more competition brought in 
  9. Thanks
    TBURGESS reacted to DTonOB in 2024 Blue Bomber Training Camp   
    Just confirmed that it *does* carry into the season. They'll all have to miss, at least, week 1.
  10. Disagree
    TBURGESS reacted to WBBFanWest in 2024 Blue Bomber Training Camp   
    If someone thinks that we could get rid of the Canadian ratio, employ mostly all Americans trying to get into the NFL, and not adopt NFL rules is more than a bit delusional.  Get rid of the radio and the CFL is over.
  11. Like
    TBURGESS reacted to Booch in 2024 Blue Bomber Training Camp   
    the rules are what make it great...not who's under the helmet...and the best available players would make it even better....talent/competition wise....If they were all American....all Japanese...all Mexican....all white...blck...combo of all nations....and played in Canada....under the same rules...in same stadiums....wouldn't bother me one bit....If it was all Canadian tho...I'd watch...to a point....but would not pay the money I do now when attending for a sub par product....I could watch Junioor or Canadian University for that....for a fraction of the price...BTW...I was born in Canada and lived here till about 16....and moved back when I entered the work force...So i'm not some Anti-Canadian basher
  12. Agree
    TBURGESS reacted to Booch in 2024 Blue Bomber Training Camp   
    You dont get it....due to ratio to fill out the roster....many many inferior Canadians get role jobs as oppsoed to Americans...so if say an LB has a opp to compete for a job....but doesn't get it say due to another American they go with...he has no hope to make the roster on teams and try and earn a spot in practice.... the ST lb's filling out the roster will be inferior Canadians...who aren't good enough to be a Canadian starter...so guys won't come due to that...a lot of times as well they may be better than a projected Canadian Starter....but again.....won't get the job because there just isnt enough starter quality Canadians on some rosters to change your ratio...Guys careers are short as it is, and for a U.S guy to come up here, already behind the 8-ball due to ratio and risk catastrophic injury with really next to no chance to make it...they decline the offer....doubt me if you wish....but these are facts...and has happened a ton
  13. Like
    TBURGESS reacted to JuranBoldenRules in 2023/2024 CFL (Non Bombers) Off Season News   
    Did you post this 12 years ago?
  14. Agree
    TBURGESS reacted to rebusrankin in 2023/2024 CFL (Non Bombers) Off Season News   
    If you gamble on games, especially one that you played in, it should be a lifetime ban. Lemon is getting just punishment.
  15. Haha
    TBURGESS reacted to Super Duper Negatron in 2024 Blue Bomber Training Camp   
    I am in that stage of my life where any year starting with a '2' seems recent to me until I do the math.
  16. Eye Roll
    TBURGESS got a reaction from WBBFanWest in 2023/2024 CFL (Non Bombers) Off Season News   
    Barker's right. If you want equality, you have to treat everyone the same. Of course what we like to call equality is actually 'special' groups who we need to 'protect'. 
  17. Haha
    TBURGESS reacted to Mark H. in 2023/2024 CFL (Non Bombers) Off Season News   
    Some views are not debateable, they are simply incorrect.  
  18. Like
    TBURGESS reacted to Brandon in 2023/2024 CFL (Non Bombers) Off Season News   
    Barker is an idiot no question about it.
    On the same note people who are so trigger happy for firing the guy instantly are equally as dumb.   You just don't go around firing someone because you don't agree with their opinions, that is close minded. Everyone is entitled to what they believe in,  even if it is something far fetched and the majority of people would not agree with.
     If we are so sensitive on what people say ,  then why are we not equally sensitive on the actions that people do.  Kenny Lawler did something a million times worse then what old man Barker did. The morally right thing to do is fire Lawler and anyone who has a criminal record.  
    In the real world,  Barker should get a talk with his TSN HR/management and they'll give the speech saying "as an employee you represent who you work for bla bla bla"  and get a warning and everyone moves on.   I don't want to live in a world where everyone has to keep quiet and never voice their beliefs,  that's a sad place to live in.  
  19. Haha
    TBURGESS reacted to MOBomberFan in 2024 Blue Bomber Training Camp   
    I wonder if RoadGriller is still writing Justin Goltz erotica
  20. Like
    TBURGESS reacted to WinnipegGordo in 2024 Blue Bomber Training Camp   
    Looke like Michael Chis-Ike should be at practice tomorrow. Bombers have signed him.
  21. Like
    TBURGESS reacted to Pete in 2024 Blue Bomber Training Camp   
    Kramdl as mentioned before is a decent sam , my concern is hes being paid to be more than that.Especially since we dont have a strong need for a starting cdn. 
  22. Eye Roll
    TBURGESS got a reaction from BigBlueFanatic in 2023/2024 CFL (Non Bombers) Off Season News   
    Barker's right. If you want equality, you have to treat everyone the same. Of course what we like to call equality is actually 'special' groups who we need to 'protect'. 
  23. Eye Roll
    TBURGESS got a reaction from Super Duper Negatron in 2023/2024 CFL (Non Bombers) Off Season News   
    Barker's right. If you want equality, you have to treat everyone the same. Of course what we like to call equality is actually 'special' groups who we need to 'protect'. 
  24. Thanks
    TBURGESS got a reaction from Bigblue204 in 2023/2024 CFL (Non Bombers) Off Season News   
    Marcoux went on to say how she and female staff members across the league have advised CFL commissioner Randy Ambrosie the handling of this “extremely serious situation has been a complete and utter failure from top to bottom.”
    “You promised to go above and beyond the league recommendations,” she posted. “Yet at the first opportunity to do so, you did the complete opposite. You have only managed to downplay a serious situation and make women across the league feel unvalued, disrespected and unsupported. Do better.”
  25. Eye Roll
    TBURGESS reacted to JuranBoldenRules in 2023/2024 CFL (Non Bombers) Off Season News   
    Barker is an idiot trotting out a false equivalency from 15 years ago.
    Nobody is criticizing the league.  They are criticizing the Argos and idiots like Pinball and Barker.
    Barker is taking is personally because he brought Kelly to the league and is all in.
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