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Everything posted by voodoochylde

  1. I don't know if you're complimenting Bucknor or criticizing the others, but Bucknor has been pretty bad from what I've seen. Durant and Glenn picked on him over and over in week 1 and he's been making Chris Randle's job a lot harder. Don't understand the hate on for Westerman .. he hasn't been as bad as people are making him out to be .. perhaps it's a case of unrealistic expectations .. expecting a guy to be a ratio breaking Canuck right out of the gates .. but through two weeks he's racked up: * 1 forced fumble, 1 sack (leads the team in this area, tied with Bass) and 5 tackles (leads the defensive line in this area, tied with Peach) These aren't spectacular numbers but I temper that with what I've seen from the defense as a whole and how that unit has played so far under Hall. I see a guy who is improving through two games played .. not some colossal bust.
  2. They compare your tests to a baseline that is done before the season, or at least that is how other sports do it. He cant hide it if he's feeling effects from a concussion. And if he can hide things then that's his problem. You could be right. But if I had to bet on the expert medical staff versus you, Im going with them. You dont hold out players because you think they are lying about an injury with ZERO evidence to make you think that. To what end? A guy is cleared after a shoulder injury but you hold him out because he might be lying? Im as sensitive as anyone to concussions but this is overkill. This is a sport where there is an inherent risk that players assume when they choose to play. If ten or twenty years from now Willy suffers effects from injuries he suffers today, that is the risk he took. All available medical care is presumably being taken. You dont start guessing or using voodoo. Leave me out of this.
  3. I think the above really illustrates what a lot of people were saying about this hit .. glad that the league is taking an appropriate stance on this and offering the explanation they did.
  4. Completely out of context but made me laugh when I initially read it: @CFL_News #Riders Taman: "My long term plan is 2 win right now."
  5. Also the rec. There were a few plays, one were Willy got pissed at JFG cause he didn't react in time to a pass....may have been the interception actually. Rec need to know when to run an option route and when to look for a ball. The greatest ever was very good at that! Yeah .. it was definitely after the interception. JFG wasn't even remotely aware the ball was coming his way and Willy was none too happy about it. There were was at least one / two more instances after Brohm came in where the blitz was on and JFG didn't appear to make that read and adjust his route accordingly .. not everyone was on the same page that game. I would say that when facing a team you know will send a blitzs on a regular basis you should always have a blitz/quick option designated and change it up so that the D can't key on one thing at that player should be ready from the snap of the ball then there should never be a miss communication... Whatever system the Bombers are using it hasn't work under Marcel B... Don't disagree at all. I don't remember who said it last year (it was either Bob Irving or Doug Brown) but they noted there didn't seem to be a safety valve or check down option built into the offense. But even if you look back at MBs body of work, he *HAS* gotten some QBs killed .. Cavillo suffered through a terrible season protection wise and started in only 13 games that season (the fewest he'd played since 1997) .. he was beaten, took a lot of punishment and people said that was the end of AC. What I recall is the Cats using many delayed/deep blitzes repeatedly yet I saw many sets with nobody but Willy behind our front 5 ... how is that thinking strategically .... where is the flexibilty in that .... it has every appearance of setting up "target practice" on the QB Others have said the same thing .. but "piss poor game plan" is all I can say to that ..
  6. @DarrinBauming Drew Willy is chucking darts, and the #Bombers are a heathy group throughout the entire roster. Only those on 6-game not practicing today. No excuses this week. I hope they get their protection issues sorted out because Hamilton laid a bit of a blueprint on how to attack this offense. And I don't expect the Als are going to respect this team, the offense or the offensive line until the Bombers demonstrate they can handle extra pressure.
  7. Now .. just to open a line of discussion .. would you suggest then (if a few coaches are on the hot seat) that O'Shea is as well? If for no other reason than he hand picked / hired these guys?
  8. Hate seeing talented Canadian players go down to injury. They are part of what sells this league and make it so accessible to fans. It's a shame.
  9. Also the rec. There were a few plays, one were Willy got pissed at JFG cause he didn't react in time to a pass....may have been the interception actually. Rec need to know when to run an option route and when to look for a ball. The greatest ever was very good at that! Yeah .. it was definitely after the interception. JFG wasn't even remotely aware the ball was coming his way and Willy was none too happy about it. There were was at least one / two more instances after Brohm came in where the blitz was on and JFG didn't appear to make that read and adjust his route accordingly .. not everyone was on the same page that game. I would say that when facing a team you know will send a blitzs on a regular basis you should always have a blitz/quick option designated and change it up so that the D can't key on one thing at that player should be ready from the snap of the ball then there should never be a miss communication... Whatever system the Bombers are using it hasn't work under Marcel B... Don't disagree at all. I don't remember who said it last year (it was either Bob Irving or Doug Brown) but they noted there didn't seem to be a safety valve or check down option built into the offense. But even if you look back at MBs body of work, he *HAS* gotten some QBs killed .. Cavillo suffered through a terrible season protection wise and started in only 13 games that season (the fewest he'd played since 1997) .. he was beaten, took a lot of punishment and people said that was the end of AC.
  10. If you've been knocked out .. you've suffered a concussion. That's not true. A concussion is a very specific injury and there's a lot of misinformation out there. You also don't have to be knocked out to suffer one. I've been in sessions done by the Dr. who works with the NHL on concussion research. He also said you heal almost instantly, the actual injury that is. You may suffer some lasting effects however. Everyone is different. He said the most dangerous aspect is taking a second hit shortly after. As in the same day. You can recover quite quickly from one. If you have been knocked out .. you have suffered a concussion. Full stop. Here's the actual medical definition for you: "The formal medical definition of concussion is a clinical syndrome characterized by immediate and transient alteration in brain function, including alteration of mental status and level of consciousness, resulting from mechanical force or trauma." Simply put, a concussion IS a traumatic brain injury. It's not more specific than that. There are a host of accompanying symptoms and those resulting symptoms can manifest themselves differently in each individual but I'd suggest that being knocked out is an "alteration of mental status and level of consciousness". ;-) I would agree with you if the knockout came as a result of his brain being rattled causing him to go unconscious. However, as a martial artist, I can tell you that there are several areas on the human body that can be struck causing a loss of consciousness that does not result in a concussion, just simply stops the blood flow to the brain temporarily. They are called pressure points and can cause a loss of consciousness and even temporary paralysis. From what I saw of the hit it sure looked like a pressure point loss of blood flow could have occurred. Two spots that render a person unconscious without causing a concussion are the side of the neck (carotid artery) and the point of the chin which also disrupts blood flow from the carotid to the brain and can cause unconsciousness (along with several other pressure points along the human body) that are not concussion related. Have you ever seen a boxer knocked out by a body punch? Happens all the time. Think he suffered a concussion? If so, I am not sure you understand the medical terminology you are reading. Being rendered unconscious is just a common symptom of a concussion, it does not create the concussion. Your brain being slammed into your skull is what causes a concussion. In my martial arts training, I have seen several people knocked unconscious by very slight pinpoint blows to the side of the neck. Sometime just a jab of a thumb from an inch away. They were not concussed. Knocked out....yeah...concussed...nope. Just a temporary disruption of blood flow and it's sleepy time. I think you are being incredibly obtuse and, to be honest, I'm not sure *YOU* know you know what you are arguing. This particular point of discussion revolves around a "blow to the head" (TBI – resulting from mechanical force / trauma) .. not pressure points, body shots, roofies, taking a nap or other means of rendering someone unconscious. So while a shot to the body might result in a “knockout” .. a kidney blow isn’t going to result in a TBI. So I stand by what I’ve said: if you’ve been knocked out – got your brain bounced around resulting in a loss of consciousness – you’ve suffered a concussion. Period. Full stop. End of story. Context is your friend. Learn to make use of it. I am not the one who tried to advance the argument that because he was unconscious he was concussed. The two are not exclusive to each other and I have told you why. I was not being obtuse, just objecting and countering a statement born of ignorance. If you don't like that, don't make hasty generalizations like the one you were making. You are trying to frame your context after the fact, perhaps next time start with it. It is entirely possible that he was knocked out due to a disruption in blood flow from the carotid artery and therefore did not suffer a concussion. A whipping motion to the neck or chin can do that without being a concussion. Those are facts. If you don't like them that's your problem not mine. You are making the awfully big assumption that he suffered brain trauma from the hit because he was unconscious. That, as I have pointed out may not have been the case. That's not being obtuse, that's understanding that there is more than one way to be rendered unconscious from that type of blow without being concussed. At the end of the day, it seems my version may very well be the correct one, as Willy will play. I'm not trying to frame the context in any way, shape or form. This conversation began as a discussion on "head injuries". That you missed the implied context is on you .. not me.
  11. Also the rec. There were a few plays, one were Willy got pissed at JFG cause he didn't react in time to a pass....may have been the interception actually. Rec need to know when to run an option route and when to look for a ball. The greatest ever was very good at that! Yeah .. it was definitely after the interception. JFG wasn't even remotely aware the ball was coming his way and Willy was none too happy about it. There were was at least one / two more instances after Brohm came in where the blitz was on and JFG didn't appear to make that read and adjust his route accordingly .. not everyone was on the same page that game.
  12. This is the new CFL .. we don't need DBs on the field anymore! (I kid I kid)
  13. Interesting - and don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't agree with you or the fact I don't believe the bombers or Willy that he doesn't have one, but that hit looked a lot more like a brain slamming into the skull than a pressure point being struck.. just saying Heh, though with the lack of pressure we've generated up front .. maybe our DL should get more familiar with pressure points?
  14. If you've been knocked out .. you've suffered a concussion. That's not true. A concussion is a very specific injury and there's a lot of misinformation out there. You also don't have to be knocked out to suffer one. I've been in sessions done by the Dr. who works with the NHL on concussion research. He also said you heal almost instantly, the actual injury that is. You may suffer some lasting effects however. Everyone is different. He said the most dangerous aspect is taking a second hit shortly after. As in the same day. You can recover quite quickly from one. If you have been knocked out .. you have suffered a concussion. Full stop. Here's the actual medical definition for you: "The formal medical definition of concussion is a clinical syndrome characterized by immediate and transient alteration in brain function, including alteration of mental status and level of consciousness, resulting from mechanical force or trauma." Simply put, a concussion IS a traumatic brain injury. It's not more specific than that. There are a host of accompanying symptoms and those resulting symptoms can manifest themselves differently in each individual but I'd suggest that being knocked out is an "alteration of mental status and level of consciousness". ;-) I would agree with you if the knockout came as a result of his brain being rattled causing him to go unconscious. However, as a martial artist, I can tell you that there are several areas on the human body that can be struck causing a loss of consciousness that does not result in a concussion, just simply stops the blood flow to the brain temporarily. They are called pressure points and can cause a loss of consciousness and even temporary paralysis. From what I saw of the hit it sure looked like a pressure point loss of blood flow could have occurred. Two spots that render a person unconscious without causing a concussion are the side of the neck (carotid artery) and the point of the chin which also disrupts blood flow from the carotid to the brain and can cause unconsciousness (along with several other pressure points along the human body) that are not concussion related. Have you ever seen a boxer knocked out by a body punch? Happens all the time. Think he suffered a concussion? If so, I am not sure you understand the medical terminology you are reading. Being rendered unconscious is just a common symptom of a concussion, it does not create the concussion. Your brain being slammed into your skull is what causes a concussion. In my martial arts training, I have seen several people knocked unconscious by very slight pinpoint blows to the side of the neck. Sometime just a jab of a thumb from an inch away. They were not concussed. Knocked out....yeah...concussed...nope. Just a temporary disruption of blood flow and it's sleepy time. I think you are being incredibly obtuse and, to be honest, I'm not sure *YOU* know you know what you are arguing. This particular point of discussion revolves around a "blow to the head" (TBI – resulting from mechanical force / trauma) .. not pressure points, body shots, roofies, taking a nap or other means of rendering someone unconscious. So while a shot to the body might result in a “knockout” .. a kidney blow isn’t going to result in a TBI. So I stand by what I’ve said: if you’ve been knocked out – got your brain bounced around resulting in a loss of consciousness – you’ve suffered a concussion. Period. Full stop. End of story. Context is your friend. Learn to make use of it.
  15. Throws three TDs after the INT and fails to perform in the clutch. Interesting.... The defense failed to perform in the clutch. How many high pressure games has he won? How many championship rings has he earned? All the stats in the world .. but can't come through when the chips are down.
  16. Completely agree. Doesn't do anything to sell the league or the game. I think Armchair GM summed it up best in that instead of addressing the problem (the inconsistent application and enforcement of the rules) .. they've tackled the symptoms .. which leads to more inconsistent application and enforcement of rules.
  17. If you've been knocked out .. you've suffered a concussion. That's not true. A concussion is a very specific injury and there's a lot of misinformation out there. You also don't have to be knocked out to suffer one. I've been in sessions done by the Dr. who works with the NHL on concussion research. He also said you heal almost instantly, the actual injury that is. You may suffer some lasting effects however. Everyone is different. He said the most dangerous aspect is taking a second hit shortly after. As in the same day. You can recover quite quickly from one. If you have been knocked out .. you have suffered a concussion. Full stop. Here's the actual medical definition for you: "The formal medical definition of concussion is a clinical syndrome characterized by immediate and transient alteration in brain function, including alteration of mental status and level of consciousness, resulting from mechanical force or trauma." Simply put, a concussion IS a traumatic brain injury. It's not more specific than that. There are a host of accompanying symptoms and those resulting symptoms can manifest themselves differently in each individual but I'd suggest that being knocked out is an "alteration of mental status and level of consciousness". ;-)
  18. If it was a concussion .. he'll go through whatever protocol has been defined by the league .. and if he's passed whatever testing is required .. is at his baseline .. the next step would be to see how he respond to exerting himself to see if it brings on symptoms. If he's symptom free after this .. there's no benefit to having him sit another week .. it's not like a sprain or a strain where the extra time to heal does you good .. you could take a huge shot and be completely fine .. a seemingly innocuous shot could trigger another concussion. Each and every person responds differently to a TBI. Again, this is all just speculation but it bodes well for his chances of playing if he's already out on the field.
  19. If you've been knocked out .. you've suffered a concussion.
  20. @WFPEdTait 20s21 seconds ago #Bombers are on the practice field, INCLUDING QB Drew Willy, who is in full gear + wearing his helmet. Will update on how much he plays #bn
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