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Everything posted by voodoochylde

  1. The thing I find funny about this is that Chamblin came out and said that he was often making defensive play calls last season including all the defensive play calls during the Western semifinal in Edmonton. So if he was the guy calling the shots, it's looking more and more like Hall is simply a scapegoat. Also, in knowing that, I'm not sure how attractive that situation might be to a guy like Benevides. Food for thought at any rate.
  2. Imagine the reaction around here if we demoted a coach citing differences in football philosophies but then offered to give him a secondary role within the staff?
  3. There's absolutely no redeeming quality to those jersey's at all .. To each their own... I think they that they are soo odd that they are cool.. Like a hairless cat or a white albino rat lol I'll clarify .. I don't mind digital camo .. I think there are a tonne of examples out there that I could pull that would be infinitely better than what the Bombers got this season .. ours .. terribly done .. top to bottom ..
  4. Find it funny that Chamblin cited a difference in philosophies with Hall as a reason for being terminated .. yet they are keeping him around in some capacity .. I just can't see how this would lead to anything but dysfunction within that organization ..
  5. There's absolutely no redeeming quality to those jersey's at all ..
  6. Guys, please do not let this degenerate into pettiness .. this has been an otherwise interesting conversation and I'd hate to have to intervene in the ongoing discussion.
  7. You may not like his humor .. but that dude is one self depricating son of a *****. Pretentious? Not in the least.
  8. So true. The official saw the offence, right in front of him……he doesn't know how the play will turn out, one way or another, nor should that matter. If the glove fits, situation warrants a penalty, it's simple….call it. I absolutely *HATE* the hockey mentality of "let players play". If you don't want a penalty called, don't do something stupid to begin with. In this case, if you can see the numbers on the back of a players jersey .. keep your hands off of him.
  9. I want a thumper at MLB .. a guy in the Elimimian mold .. need to set the tone right down the middle of the field ..
  10. Wasn't he released to pursue an NFL opportunity? (just vaguely remember the name .. wasn't he a late PR addition?)
  11. No one has to "support a gay lifstyle"- all people have to do is treat them the same as everyone else with the same rights and priviledges. Sexuality is not a digital either "perfectly straight" or "totally gay" choice. Sexuality is an analog thing along a sliding scale and homosexuality exists in the animal kingdom as well. I have seen a few examples of homosexuality in animals, but only when the other option wasn't available. I have also seen bulls and boars beat each other into a bloody pulp. At any rate, I don't think comparisons to the animal kingdom help homosexual rights very much. For example, many male mammals and birds do nothing to help raise their offspring. Do we then use that example to defend deadbeat dads? As my last comment on this- homosexual behaviour in animals (including primates) is not contingent on a lack of choice of partners- it appears to be innate. If you think that being gay is a matter of choice, ask yourself: when was the time when you found yourself equally attracted to both genders but made a conscious decision to go one way or another? Do you know how hard it is working down the hall from Voodoo? The sexual tension is CRAZY! But I chose not to cheat on my wife. But I can still check out his hot ass whenever I walk behind him. MEEOW! *RAWR*
  12. Any verdict on which next gen console is the one to have? I've been an XBOX guy since they've come out .. so I'm leaning toward the ONE .. that said .. anyone have any experience with the PS4 / ONE and what their preference is?
  13. In this day and age .. players don't usually stay long enough with a team for fans to really feel a connection to them .. so I definitely agree with what you're saying. My last jersey was Muamba .. (was a toss up between that and Stegall when I was getting it done) and I wish I'd gone Stegall because I don't think we see Henoc in Blue and Gold again.
  14. This team needs non imports who can step in and make an impact immediately. Best player available.
  15. Which is why I find it absolutely laughable that people might suggest O'Shea's job might have been in jeopardy as well .. A coach needs more than one year to put his stamp on a team .. unless you completely poop the bed right out of the gate .. one (or less than one) and done is setting yourself up to become a circus.
  16. Is a quote from someone??? Cuz it's just plain wrong... Cutler, Forte, Bennett, Marshall, Jeffery.... they have some of the best offensive weapons in the NFL... Defence is a different story though... Speaking as a Bears fan .. I've never been a fan of Jay Cutler. His demeanor. His leadership. His inconsistency. He's just not one of those elite talents. That said, he's easily the best quarterback the Bears have had in ages and I feel that, offensively, they don't do enough to take advantage of the weapons that they have. When you've got guys who are: 6'3, 6'4, 6'6 (Jeffrey, Marshall and Bennett) and arguably the best all purpose back in the NFL and you are still struggling .. The defensive side of the ball is a hot mess and Mel Tucker simply has to go (though Phil Emery hasn't done that team any favors with his drafting and he's been hit and miss in the FA game). They are soft against the run. Have piss poor safety play. Do not have that presence at middle linebacker that Bears teams have always had (and is ill suited to play in a Tampa-2). The defense is bad. Epically bad. Not going to get into this further (because this isn't a Bears forum) but I'll simply say this. When a team comes out and lays a deuce like they did .. against a division rival .. after a bye week .. it's on the coaches. Plain and simple.
  17. Thought I was the only one that noticed this ..
  18. I don't think anyone is getting worked up .. rather discussing the interesting timing and odd circumstances around such a move .. Norris isn't an impact player and whether or not he remained on our roster isn't a big deal .. but the point of exploration is the oddity of the schedule and how it might be at play in this situation.
  19. Good point. Our season isn't over .. it's a Winnipeg bye week .. for all intents and purposes the season is done but from a strictly "book keeping" perspective .. we wrap our season the same week as everyone else.
  20. @DarrinBauming 16m16 minutes ago Versatile Canadian LB Kyle Norris finished the year on the #Bombers practice roster. A free agent, he signed with the Alouettes today. ‏@DarrinBauming 14m14 minutes ago Normally a player acquired from another team's PR needs to be activated immediately. In this case, Winnipeg's season is over. Free agent. @DarrinBauming 12m12 minutes ago Very grey area. Pretty weird.
  21. +1 to that .. please someone summarize the presser for us poor SOBs caught in meetings ..
  22. oh there was no possibly about it. They were some kinda special bad. You know it was bad when the defensive coordinator basically tosses in the towel because of the head coach and his meddling .. it was a defense that lacked *ANY* clear direction .. identity .. or fight.
  23. I absolutely believe this to be true. I think, it was after last game, Bob Irving noted that our offense doesn't seem to have any safety valves built into it. The one example that was used was with respect to running backs assisting in pass protection and how in most offenses, they'd chip and then release out into the flats to present a target. Both he, and Doug Brown, noticed that hasn't been the case with the Bomber offense. Now, whether that's the result of a guy not knowing what his assignment is or a fundamental issue with the scheme we are running .. I don't know .. I'm not privy to that information. But I tend to think that, if a quarterback like Anthony Calvillo (a guy with a reasonably quick release and who could read a defense) struggled in the system .. and his line struggled to keep him upright .. that there are probably fundamental issues with that system and how it translates to your protection schemes. All that said, there were more than just offensive scheme issues at play last game and any time a QB takes a sack .. there's more than just bad line play (or QB play) that caused it.
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