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Everything posted by voodoochylde

  1. Only way we really control our fate is to continue to rack up wins; the team needs to take care of their business and not leave it in the hands of others.
  2. Ridiculous and arbitrary application of the rules. Hopefully things work out for Hank.
  3. I also think that there are teams across the league who also lack (or have lacked) talent on the offensive line but have done a better job schematically of masking those problems.
  4. Guys .. I hate having to step into a discussion but I believe the original topic and thread has run its course. You are more than welcome to continue this conversation in the General forum
  5. @DarrinBauming: Appears the #Bombers have added 6'4" 215lb receiver Derrick Hector (@Heck_Dawg), nephew of former NFL WR Lawyer Tillman. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qvs-PxzjHHk http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3l0FerGuz-0 http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UBAxIfNNMnc
  6. Split this out from the IGF thread in the Blue Bomber forum.
  7. Split the discussion on Politics out to a thread in General.
  8. I wonder how many folks setting up these churches share the same "to each their own" attitude as you? Call up a cowboy church and ask if they perform gay marriages? I have a pretty good idea what the answer will be... WTF does that have to do with anything? Call up a Chinese restaurant and ask them if they do fondue, if they don't should they be ridiculed on a football forum? Yes. Yes they should. #youdothatfonduethatyoudosowell
  9. We prefer the term "sovereignist" ... ;-)
  10. I'm not sure we need to go quite that far CSI.
  11. Technically Sheets is still under contract with Oakland as of today. NFL free agency will start tomorrow I believe. Tomorrow 4pm EST.
  12. Just pruned a couple of posts to deal with a somewhat obvious troll .. if I've cut one of yours, it's to get rid of the original .. Carry on!
  13. Didn't realize they were one of the contractors for the Sochi Olympics..
  14. Even from the start of the game last night, Jets didn't come out with much energy (certainly didn't play with the same intensity as they did their previous game). The intensity and desperation just weren't there (if that makes sense) .. and once they got down, Ottawa did one helluva job taking away space around the front of their net .. they played a great game.
  15. The general contractor, architect and engineering firm are all national companies.Don't let reality get in the way of a good political discussion.Exactly. Logic and facts aren't welcome on these forums. Speculation and rumors are where it's at. Without speculation and rumors .. places like this go away .. God bless the internets!
  16. Darrin Bauming ‏@DarrinBauming 28s29 seconds ago No fewer than 42 "functional and operational defects (and) construction and Building Code deficiencies" identified in stadium legal action.
  17. Single most important position on the field is the hooker (take my word, I played this position myself) .. and beer was invented so props wouldn't take over the world. That's all you need to know.
  18. Bernard Scott headed to Canada. Ex-Bengals RB Bernard Scott has signed with the CFL's Toronto Argonauts. A 2009 sixth-rounder, Scott was out of the league last season after appearing in just four combined NFL games from 2012-13. Now 31, Scott averaged 4.1 yards per carry for his NFL career. His time in the big leagues is through.
  19. Even worse when you factor in that the teams chasing the Jets all have games in hand .. really need to get the "2" down the stretch ..
  20. LOS ANGELES -- Leonard Nimoy, the actor known and loved by generations of "Star Trek" fans as the pointy-eared, purely logical science officer Mr. Spock, has died. Nimoy's son, Adam Nimoy, said the actor died Friday of end-stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease at his Los Angeles home. He was 83. Although Leonard Nimoy followed his 1966-69 "Star Trek" run with a notable career as both an actor and director, in the public's mind he would always be Spock. His half-human, half-Vulcan character was the calm counterpoint to William Shatner's often-emotional Captain Kirk on one of television and film's most revered cult series. Nimoy's ambivalence to the role was reflected in the titles of his two autobiographies, "I Am Not Spock" (1975) and "I Am Spock" (1995). After "Star Trek" ended, the actor immediately joined the hit adventure series "Mission Impossible" as Paris, the mission team's master of disguises. From 1976 to 1982 he hosted the syndicated TV series "In Search of ... " which attempted to probe such mysteries as the legend of the Loch Ness Monster and the disappearance of aviator Amelia Earhart. He played Israeli leader Golda Meir's husband opposite Ingrid Bergman in the TV drama "A Woman Called Golda" and Vincent van Gogh in "Vincent," a one-man stage show on the life of the troubled painter. He continued to work well into his 70s, playing gazillionaire genius William Bell in the Fox series "Fringe." He also directed several films, including the hit comedy "Three Men and a Baby" and appeared in such plays as "A Streetcar Named Desire," ''Cat on a Hot Tim Roof," ''Fiddler on the Roof," ''The King and I," ''My Fair Lady" and "Equus." He also published books of poems, children's stories and his own photographs. But he could never really escape the role that took him overnight from bit-part actor status to TV star, and in a 1995 interview he sought to analyze the popularity of Spock, the green-blooded space traveler who aspired to live a life based on pure logic. People identified with Spock because they "recognize in themselves this wish that they could be logical and avoid the pain of anger and confrontation," Nimoy concluded. "How many times have we come away from an argument wishing we had said and done something different?" he asked. In the years immediately after "Star Trek" left television, Nimoy tried to shun the role, but he eventually came to embrace it, lampooning himself on such TV shows as "Futurama," ''Duckman" and "The Simpsons" and in commercials. He became Spock after "Star Trek" creator Gene Roddenberry was impressed by his work in guest appearances on the TV shows "The Lieutenant" and "Dr. Kildare." The space adventure set in the 23rd century had an unimpressive debut on NBC on Sept. 8, 1966, and it struggled during its three seasons to find an audience other than teenage boys. It seemed headed for oblivion after it was canceled in 1969, but its dedicated legion of fans, who called themselves Trekkies, kept its memory alive with conventions and fan clubs and constant demands that the cast be reassembled for a movie or another TV show. Trekkies were particularly fond of Spock, often greeting one another with the Vulcan salute and the Vulcan motto, "Live Long and Prosper," both of which Nimoy was credited with bringing to the character. He pointed out, however, that the hand gesture was actually derived from one used by rabbis during Hebraic benedictions. When the cast finally was reassembled for "Star Trek - The Motion Picture," in 1979, the film was a huge hit and five sequels followed. Nimoy appeared in all of them and directed two. He also guest starred as an older version of himself in some of the episodes of the show's spinoff TV series, "Star Trek: The Next Generation." "Of course the role changed my career- or rather, gave me one," he once said. "It made me wealthy by most standards and opened up vast opportunities. It also affected me personally, socially, psychologically, emotionally. ... What started out as a welcome job to a hungry actor has become a constant and ongoing influence in my thinking and lifestyle." In 2009, he was back in a new big-screen version of "Star Trek," this time playing an older Spock who meets his younger self, played by Zachary Quinto. Critic Roger Ebert called the older Spock "the most human character in the film." Among those seeing the film was President Barack Obama, whose even manner was often likened to Spock's. "Everybody was saying I was Spock, so I figured I should check it out," Obama said at the time. Upon the movie's debut, Nimoy told The Associated Press that in his late 70s he was probably closer than ever to being as comfortable with himself as the logical Spock always appeared to be. "I know where I'm going, and I know where I've been," he said. He reprised the role in the 2013 sequel "Star Trek Into Darkness." Born in Boston to Jewish immigrants from Russia, Nimoy was raised in an Italian section of the city where, although he counted many Italian-Americans as his friends, he said he also felt the sting of anti-Semitism growing up. At age 17 he was cast in a local production of Clifford Odets' "Awake and Sing" as the son in a Jewish family. "This role, the young man surrounded by a hostile and repressive environment, so touched a responsive chord that I decided to make a career of acting," he said later. He won a drama scholarship to Boston College but eventually dropped out, moved to California and took acting lessons at the Pasadena Playhouse. Soon he had lost his "Boston dead-end" accent, hired an agent and began getting small roles in TV series and movies. He played a baseball player in "Rhubarb" and an Indian in "Old Overland Trail." After service in the Army, he returned to Hollywood, working as taxi driver, vacuum cleaner salesman, movie theater usher and other jobs while looking for acting roles. In 1954 he married Sandra Zober, a fellow student at the Pasadena Playhouse, and they had two children, Julie and Adam. The couple divorced, and in 1988 he married Susan Bay, a film production executive.
  21. You think they keep all of them around? Unless Grigsby got some balls surgically added in the offseason he's not as good as the other two guys. Call me over sensitive but really beginning to think you don't like Grigsby. He gave us high hopes coming outta camp after.cottons injury... Then we realized he can't block, barely catch and is a lightweight when any contact happens... Any dislike is based upon his brutal season with us AND then blaming everyone but himself.. That's just incorrect... catching is one of the things he is good at... I believe there was even discussion around here about how effective is would be in the slot... His blocking was also very good. One of the factors sited by O'Shea for why he kept his job so long. It wasn't initially .. Willy took a lot of unnecessary shots while he sorted his sh@t out ..
  22. Geesus. If I could produce *ANY* sort of documentation about purchase during that time I could easily get more than the basic amount .. Computer .. yep. Printer .. yep. Memory module .. yep. Graphics card .. yep. DVD Player .. yep. Gaming Console .. yep. MP3 Player .. yep (had a Rio Diamond). I know for a fact that I've made those purchases during that time frame .. no way to prove it though .. doh!
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