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    JohnnyAbonny reacted to Goalie in GDT Testing our offence without a QB   
    Should be a rule. If you start a game day thread and the team loses (pre or regular season and playoffs) you can’t start another one. Cuz I’m looking at this topic here and it’s 940am and it says it was started 10 hours ago aka yesterday aka not game day. 
  2. Like
    JohnnyAbonny reacted to Booch in GDT Testing our offence without a QB   
    thats what I like...if guys like him...Fox..Adams...eat em up...and Moses/Gemmel/Petrishen show well and make some impactfull plays...and based on all them save for Adams who hasn't played showing well then in 2 games...and against a lot of teams starters....how can they be sent packing?....make it hard on Osh so he just cant fall back on his old relieables....
  3. Like
    JohnnyAbonny got a reaction from Piggy 1 in GDT Testing our offence without a QB   
    I’ve been looking forward to seeing what Chris Smith can do, a number on here were happy he was signed. He seems like the returner candidate that could add the most value to the offence as a DI. 
  4. Like
    JohnnyAbonny reacted to voodoochylde in 2024 Blue Bomber Training Camp   
    It's a reason why I tend to favour a guy like Garbutt over Haba at the other end; he's a more complete, physical player .. in a vein similar to Jeffcoat in that he is responsible / disruptive on both rushing and passing downs.
    With that said, we may see more out of WJ if we establish a dominant presence inside.  I have hope for some of the new guys and what they might do to free up our ends.
  5. Like
    JohnnyAbonny reacted to JuranBoldenRules in 2024 Blue Bomber Training Camp   
    I think Bighill will be really easy to move on from and honestly will probably be a matter of the defensive coaches being less comfortable using him.
    Like last season it was pretty clear he was 4 yards away from the guy he needed to be 2 yards away from on pass plays and he was always tipping his blitzes because he couldn't get to the gap fast enough off the ball.
    When that gets even a slight bit worse he will be unplayable.
    The guys on the line are a little tougher.  Like Hardrick last season.  You could still see the little spark on runs but his pass pro was awful...but the spark was there and he'd truck guys if he moved his feet.
    I worry a lot about Jefferson without Jeffcoat....and our overall pass rush. To me Jefferson has basically lost all burst off the line the past couple years.  He wants to stand up, look around and decide if he can chase someone.  He's long so he can be disruptive in that way but if I'm an OT he's a pretty easy night these days.  Not sure he'll be too active if the guy on the other side isn't in the backfield all night.
  6. Like
    JohnnyAbonny reacted to Doublezero in 2023/2024 CFL (Non Bombers) Off Season News   
    His injury last season was a bit of a mystery, looked like high ankle sprain or hairline foot/ankle fracture. (BTW it was a dumb play call by Buck that got Grant nicked - a hand-off up the gut into high traffic on 2nd and long). IMHO Grant did not appear as lethal after returning from that injury. Took him a long time to rehab and might have had a setback after trying to come back early. No one tougher. Janarion has great vision but if you can't plant your foot to make the cut you're just not as elusive. Of course our team blocking on return teams was **** last year too ... Honestly, Argos taking a bit of a flyer unless they worked him out prior. If he is 100% healthy with nothing lingering, he is electric.
  7. Agree
    JohnnyAbonny got a reaction from johnzo in 2023/2024 CFL (Non Bombers) Off Season News   
    These are objectively atrocious. 
  8. Like
    JohnnyAbonny reacted to Goalie in 2024 Blue Bomber Training Camp   
    Does anyone get the feeling bighill might be done as an active player? Both Moses and petrishian really stood out last game and both seem to fit. Hopefully the young guys get a legit shot. Those 2 along with the new DT are definitely interesting players who seem to fit the cfl game. Will be pissed if we end up releasing a bunch of these good young players. 
  9. Like
    JohnnyAbonny reacted to Super Duper Negatron in 2024 Blue Bomber Training Camp   
    That is a total straw man
  10. Agree
    JohnnyAbonny reacted to 3rdand1.5 in 2024 Blue Bomber Training Camp   
    I'm up and I'm down, I'm hot and I'm cold, I'm in and I'm out....I'm on a Morning Big Blue Forum.....
    I am looking forward to seeing the front seven on defence tomorrow
  11. Like
    JohnnyAbonny reacted to Mike in 2024 Blue Bomber Training Camp   
    The narrative hasn’t changed at all, you (and others) just continually fail to grasp what my frustration has been about.
    I want to see these players get an apples to apples evaluation and be in a legitimate competition for a spot that *can* be won. There are several indicators that suggest this is not happening. Reps are not all equal. At this point, all things we are able to see suggest there is a very real and open competition for the last receiver spot in our starting lineup. I do wholeheartedly believe that and I don’t see anything to suggest why I shouldn’t. With that said, we still have what, eight or nine contenders and none of them are going to get a final opportunity to show their stuff with a QB with any level of experience? As I said earlier, it’s kind of a pick your poison spot - either the decision has been made and we’re keeping a lot of these guys around as a waste of time or the decision hasn’t been made and it appears that we’re not putting ourselves in the best possible position to make it.
    Then on defence, what are we doing? Is the MLB spot actually open or has it been given to Gauthier? I addressed that one earlier and I stand by what I said there. The other one that irritates me is safety. “can’t make the club from the tub” used to mean something, but it apparently doesn’t to BA. I’m glad these guys are getting some opportunities, I’m just not convinced they’re the best opportunities possible.
  12. Agree
    JohnnyAbonny got a reaction from BigBlueFanatic in 2024 Blue Bomber Training Camp   
    We’ll get the DL numbers we all wanted for this game, I’m excited to see what Fox and Adams can do. 
  13. Agree
    JohnnyAbonny got a reaction from wbbfan in 2024 Blue Bomber Training Camp   
    We’ll get the DL numbers we all wanted for this game, I’m excited to see what Fox and Adams can do. 
  14. Like
    JohnnyAbonny reacted to Booch in 2024 Blue Bomber Training Camp   
    good question,,,the system sure didnt do him any favours in Sask....mind you the talent around him was sub par too
    Another question is what would the VAJ have looked like bhind our line...with a actual run game...and our receivers??
    2022 he couldn't move...plant...or throw on run and after firat quarter should have been parked....in 2023 he had 2 reciever who had zero explosion or ability to make any move (Schoen and Bailey) and another in Demski who was maybe 80 percent and serviceable....serviceable if youhad 4 other guys who were impactful.
    I hope this yr we can see him in playoffs as healthy as healthy can be now we have Strev here as I think the team will be more apt to put him in to close out games...or jump start us if we are stagnant than they were with Brown....and keep him from taking as many shots, and being more fresh
  15. Like
    JohnnyAbonny reacted to blue85gold in 2024 Blue Bomber Training Camp   
    It was but to be fair in the playoffs he was playing with a bunch of receivers that couldn't move.
  16. Like
    JohnnyAbonny reacted to 17to85 in 2024 Blue Bomber Training Camp   
    Collaros being the top qb is a damning indictment of the quality of quarterback play in the cfl. 
    Guy was inconsistent last year. I think having streveler to take some meaningful reps in a game will help change things up if collaros gets into a funk.
  17. Like
    JohnnyAbonny reacted to Booch in 2024 Blue Bomber Training Camp   
    yeh pretty weak article
    no mention who is the front runners for anything...who needs to show well...who may be safe.....I could have wrote a better primer from where I am and seeing 2 days of camp
    I still just cringe at the comment returning stalwarts/core and Tait always tossing Thomas in there...Is he told to?...Is that what he gleens from practice?.....or is it his personal opinion...and if so it's a weak one
  18. Like
    JohnnyAbonny reacted to Mike in 2024 Blue Bomber Training Camp   
    i honestly can’t imagine this being less informative … it feels like a real deliberate thing the Bombers are doing to provide as little information about camp as possible at this rate. If it’s on purpose for gamesmanship, ok I can respect it but it sure sucks as a fan
    ”here’s your primer for the final preseason game: Collaros will not play, Demski likes to practice and we’ve had some injuries in camp”
  19. Like
    JohnnyAbonny reacted to Noeller in 2024 Blue Bomber Training Camp   
    Man zero reps with live bullets for Collaros and the O-1s seems like a recipe for a shitty game 1 June 6th .... All kinds of rusty.
  20. Haha
    JohnnyAbonny reacted to Atomic in 2024 Blue Bomber Training Camp   
    Lord Keric of Wheatfall
  21. Like
    JohnnyAbonny reacted to kelownabomberfan in 2024 Predictions Thread   
    I hope that you decided to go to Morganville, which is what they called Steinbach at the time....
  22. Haha
    JohnnyAbonny reacted to kelownabomberfan in 2024 Predictions Thread   
    but he does have to wear an onion on his belt....
  23. Like
    JohnnyAbonny reacted to Mike in 2024 Predictions Thread   
    Feels like any comeback would look like Bralon Addison. No explosiveness left.
  24. Like
    JohnnyAbonny got a reaction from Tracker in 2024 Predictions Thread   
    I don’t know, they could have a decent D I guess but I think McCheese is the worst starting QB in the league. Once teams take away their running game, I just don’t see that offence being able to keep up with anybody. 
    As far as the Riders go, coaching alone should garner them a couple more wins than last year, and I don’t see them being particularly worse in any area.
    They have a fairly solid receiver corps, and the Mace D will be average at worst imo.
    Harris isn’t going to win them a championship or anything but I see them as being above both Alberta teams right now. Solid middle tier team imo. 
  25. Like
    JohnnyAbonny reacted to JuranBoldenRules in 2024 Blue Bomber Training Camp   
    Honestly would rather have a well-rounded guy.  Lawler, Demski and Schoen are vertical threats.  There's not going to be much use for another.  Saw that even with someone like Agudosi.  Limited usefulness down the route tree and can't make a team.
    If they want speed it better be a guy who can be useful in intermediate and do something after the catch.
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