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    JBombers reacted to Atomic in Next Up - Toronto Comes To Town For Friday Night Football - Sellout IGF   
    Agreed they should start Bailey
  2. Like
    JBombers reacted to Bubba Zanetti in Next Up - Toronto Comes To Town For Friday Night Football - Sellout IGF   
    Yeah I'd like to see Bailey in there
  3. Like
    JBombers reacted to Booch in Next Up - Toronto Comes To Town For Friday Night Football - Sellout IGF   
    I'd actually like to se what Walker brings..or Bailey..we know Lawlwr basically so let's see the others in a real game
  4. Haha
  5. Haha
    JBombers reacted to White Out in Next Up - Toronto Comes To Town For Friday Night Football - Sellout IGF   
    I fully expect to beat the Argos up, badly. So, here comes our 1st loss of the season
  6. Like
    JBombers reacted to B-F-F-C in Next Up - Toronto Comes To Town For Friday Night Football - Sellout IGF   
    I appreciate your enthusiasm but I can’t get over this feeling like this could be a trap game. I’m sure O’Shea won’t let his guys be too over confident.
  7. Haha
    JBombers reacted to blueandgoldguy in B.C. /T.O. Calg/Sask   
    If Collaros played we would have scored 45 points and won the game!!!
  8. Haha
    JBombers reacted to Booch in B.C. /T.O. Calg/Sask   
    Just panned the stands of mosaic on TV..  gobs of emptiness in upper deck but sure Ripper will say well over 30 000 lol..the goof
  9. Haha
    JBombers reacted to Wanna-B-Fanboy in Bombers @ Lewis Ward's 47 yard missed FG Pre-game Thread   
    You are the master of the backhanded compliment all things Blue Bomber. 
    I doff my hat to you sir. 
  10. Like
    JBombers reacted to Dr Zaius in 3 stars plus HH red black n blues   
    I always thought Dunigan seemed like the one Bombers homer
  11. Haha
    JBombers reacted to Mike in GDT: Bombers vs Ottawa   
    Stop it you’re embarrassing us 
  12. Like
    JBombers reacted to White Out in GDT: Bombers vs Ottawa   
    Man, I have to really give it up to the D and Hall. They've been spectacular. 
  13. Haha
    JBombers reacted to Booch in Matt Nichols Discredited Too Much? Passing Yards Are Meaningless   
    Born in 1974. Can u do the math?
    Also look at the success of an organization as a whole..not cherry pick sections of years so in my opinion the Winnipeg Football club has been more successful than the Sask Football Club..and pretty much every other one save for the Argos..
    Mind you I will give it to Sask as being bv the CFL leaders in save our butts telethons and have sold the most phoney bogus rider shares worth nothing to again..save their butts
  14. Haha
    JBombers reacted to SpeedFlex27 in Matt Nichols Discredited Too Much? Passing Yards Are Meaningless   
    At this rate Saskatchewan will catch us in 2164.
  15. Haha
    JBombers reacted to SpeedFlex27 in Matt Nichols Discredited Too Much? Passing Yards Are Meaningless   
    Jeez & in all those years you're still 6 Grey Cups behind us.Not surprising as you can't count past 13. Things get a bit sketchy after the number 10, I see.
  16. Agree
    JBombers reacted to Geebrr in Matt Nichols Discredited Too Much? Passing Yards Are Meaningless   
    It is hilarious that Rider fans like "#1990"  but would need the streak to go another 100 years to even get close to having as many Cups as we do. 
  17. Like
    JBombers reacted to Nickthesizz in Regular Season Bomber News   
    please for the love of god ship Fenner somewhere far away.
  18. Haha
    JBombers reacted to WBBFanWest in GDT: Argos @ 'Riders   
    A sneak peak at today's festivities in Riderland:

  19. Like
    JBombers reacted to rebusrankin in Matt Nichols Discredited Too Much? Passing Yards Are Meaningless   
    The first team to win a regular season game at the New Mosaic Field: The Winnipeg Blue Bombers.
    The first team to win a playoff game at the New Mosaic Field: The Winnipeg Blue Bombers.
    Forever a part of history.
  20. Agree
    JBombers reacted to Geebrr in Lions @ Stamps   
    Let's relax on Arbuckle being a starter 
  21. Agree
    JBombers reacted to rebusrankin in Larks @ Tiger-Cats. GDT.   
    I know its not even July yet but can we just crown Hamilton Eastern champ?
  22. Thanks
    JBombers reacted to do or die in Odds and Sods - 2019 - Edmonton at Winnipeg   
    Disappointing looking crowd...
    Esks take 2 penalties on first 2 series....
    Nichols has time, but can't pull trigger - sacked....
    Medlock's tricky sidewinder punt...pins Moes deep....
    Gable doing some tough running....
    Long underneath throw, that Matthews jumps up...awarded catch..
    ...but Speller holding penalty wipes that out.
    2nd and 20..Nichols throws it away, but dump rough call on Esks..
    Edmonton takes PI...5th penalty in the first 7 minutes...
    Good thing Maas cleaned up that stuff from last year.......
    Demski takes innocent looking sweep play....
    ...and bobs and weaves 35 yards with it....
    Next play, Esks dig in for Harris...but Demski plunges it in
    T. Harris converts some first downs...throwing ball well
    ...then scrambles away, and hits 20 yd pass....
    Kyrie Wilson is FAST.....comes downhill like a cannon shot....
    Blue pass rush comes alive.....Edm kicks FG.  7-3
    Nichols steps back and bombs it out to Whitehead on the stop'n go
    ....who takes it down the sideline to complete 75 yard touchdown...
    Bomber kick coverage looking very good.....
    Nevis gets in a big pop on a screen pass.  End of 1st....14-3 Bombers.
    Lapo gets too cute on 2nd and short....Lucky loses yards on reverse....
    Another nice punt from Medlock...another Esks penalty....
    Gable slashes on back to back runs for 30, then pounds for another first down.
    T. Harris hits sideline pass to set up 3rd and 1 at Bomber 35....
    Gable takes stupid shotgun hand off....and 3 Bombers stop him cold.
    Nichols hangs on to ball too long....sacked again.
    Medlock shanks punt......ball on Bomber 50.
    T. Harris scrambles for FD, then beats blitz with hot slant to the 12.
    Roh knocks down 2nd down pass....Moes settle for FG
    Harris fumbles...Esks get ball at Blue 30...
    Some Bomber mistakes, beginning to pile up here....
    Harris has all day to throw....hits a pass to the Bomber 8
    Flat pass to the 3...but Gable dragged down for no gain....
    Esks settle again for the 3.  14-9 Bombers
    Some pretty errant throws from Nichols, this quarter
    Time of possession and yards piling up for Edmonton
    Olivera goes down....cart comes on....not looking too good
    Nichols overthrows wide open Matthews, ball tipped and picked off
    T. Harris has plenty of time, again...for 20 yard pass...
    Looks like Fenner is the preferred target for tonight....
    Harris finally sacked by Jeffcoat....45 yd FG, last play of half
    14-12 Bombers just kinda hanging on here....
    2nd half...good return by Nelson...FD's from Lucky and Harris
    Nichols goes to Adams long down the middle....obvious PI.
    ...but no call.. that just has to be challenged.  MOS complies....
    Yup, PI alright...1st down on the 5. Nichols finds Harris in end zone.
    Bombers still having trouble wrapping up Gable.  Hecht misses tackle on 2nd down
    Edmonton OG's are holding like crazy...and getting away with it.
    Esks just keep boning themselves with penalties....
    Both teams now really slowing down on O...
    Esks FINALLY take a holding call...Blue D starting to pick it up
    Jeffcoat is having a pretty good game...
    Another nice punt return from Nelson.....quick and shifty...
    Hitch pass to Lucky.... gets the corner...flies up the sideline...
    ...cuts back to the middle...simply outruns everyone, into pay dirt...
    40 yard TD.  Speed kills.  Great coming out party for Whitehead...
    S. Richardson getting held quite a lot....guy is a bull.....
    Hecht forces fumble with big hit....but the Moes recover...
    Another nice Medlock punt.  Another Esks penalty.
    Nichols under throws Matthews for a pick...except it is dropped....
    Fenner gets PI....his night is just not going well.....
    Jeffcoat still coming.....sacks Harris....but D holding kills that....
    Collins takes short pass....dekes Bighill for good gain....
    Bombers amp up pressure on Harris again.  White FG again.
    Esks go into a 3 man rush.  Blue O respond with another 2 and out...
    Mike Miller doing fine work on ST's tonight.....
    Gable pounds out a couple of first downs...one guy not tackling him.
    Harris finds Gable for another FD.  White comes on for another FG..
    28-18  Nichols misses Adams.  This O having problems closing the deal..
    Adams and Woltman have combined for exactly 0 catches...
    Rios takes a dumb roughing penalty on the sidelines.  3:00 to go.
    Gable stuffed by Jeffcoat and Bighill.  Stafford converts 3rd and 2 pass....
    Nevis having a fine game, in the middle....
    Alexander misses tackle on Ellington...ball down to Bomber 25...
    Maas decides to save clock....and kick 7th FG  28-21
    1:57 left.  Harris loses 4 yards, then Nichols runs 5 and hook slides....
    A generous amount of boos...wafting down from the stands....
    Esks start at Bomber 50.  Smith flat out drops 2nd down pass...
    3rd and 4.  Ellington jumps up for it on the sidelines....Sayles knockdown.
    That should do it...Bombers running out the clock...and Harris FUMBLES!
    Esks get it back at the 50, with 33 seconds left..
    Rios knocks down 1st pass.  2nd down pass incomplete...
    3rd down play....Fenner all over receiver.  Ball incomplete.  game now over.
    Esks O put up some good numbers and great TOP. ....
    But, like golf....you drive for show...and putt for dough.  No TD's. 7 FG's
    Bomber O put up mediocre numbers.....but hit end zone 4 times...
    Worse things... than losing the numbers game..and winning football games
    2 and 0.  But need work closing out games....for the sake of my liver...
    Fortunately...its all as good as gin.
  23. Like
    JBombers reacted to Nickthesizz in GDT: Edmonton @ Winnipeg June 27, 2019   
    Lol how do you come to the conclusion Bighill looked bad? 😂 what a group of special people we have here.
    about the qb sliding you have no idea what you’re talking about lol, let’s see him go head first and lose him for the season. Great job geniuses.
    Fenner was TERRIBLE I would say cut him right now. How O’shea can keep him in the game is a mystery.
    on the kick that looked like it could be onside why did we have Harris back there? Absolute bonehead move.
    that reverse sweep to Whitehead on 2nd and 1 for negative yards while up 2 touchdowns killed all momentum, terrible play call.
    Winston Rose was phenomenal.
    Whitehead is who we thought he was.
    Bad throws by Nichols, still way too many misses on open targets, only so many more excuses I can accept. Lucky we’re still winning.
    No touchdowns allowed all game against what has been one of the best offences in the league.
    I’ll take it.
  24. Like
    JBombers reacted to BBlink in 3 stars + HH week3 eskynogo   
    Lucky is amazing. Wow. That screen pass he took to the house...seemed like he outran 3 angles nobody had any business doing 
  25. Like
    JBombers reacted to Floyd in 3 stars + HH week3 eskynogo   
    Agree with wbbfan's top 3...
    HH to Rios for stepping in and looking better than Fenner
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