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  1. Haha
    Sard got a reaction from GCJenks in Early chat- Ticats vs Champs Grey Cup Thread   
    Looks more like Fajardo after the WF
  2. Thanks
    Sard reacted to blue_gold_84 in Vaccine Debate   
    This is damn near perfect in explaining the science and effectiveness of vaccines - in the most simple of terms.
  3. Haha
    Sard got a reaction from Wanna-B-Fanboy in Early chat- Ticats vs Champs Grey Cup Thread   
    Looks more like Fajardo after the WF
  4. Agree
    Sard reacted to Geebrr in Early chat- Ticats vs Champs Grey Cup Thread   
    They probably care more about their "black out" thing.
    He sets a physical tone. I think as far as guards go he is upper tier. 
    Him telling Bailey to not touch the trophy last week, followed by the look on Bailey's face was hilarious.
    He is a legit leader in the locker room.
  5. Agree
    Sard reacted to MOBomberFan in Vaccine Debate   
    Ever heard of the Manhattan Project? Put the world's smartest people in a room together and in enough time they will figure out how to split the atom. Get all the worlds best epidemiologists together in a room and they can tackle a novel virus. It's not that crazy to imagine a concentrated effort involving the entire world's scientific community can have some amazing breakthroughs in less time than seems possible to people who aren't epidemiologists
  6. Agree
    Sard reacted to Super Duper Negatron in Vaccine Debate   
    This has been explained over and over again. Nothing about this vaccine was "rushed". Not only was the technology years in the making, but no steps in the process were skipped, they were just able to be accelerated due to an unprecedented level of funding and cooperation. These vaccines will go down as essentially the most widely tested and scrutinized in history.
  7. Agree
    Sard reacted to blue_gold_84 in Vaccine Debate   
    There's pretty much all you need to know on how the world was able to fast track this vaccine. It's almost as if humans can accomplish greatness when we work together for a common goal.
  8. Agree
    Sard reacted to blue_gold_84 in Vaccine Debate   
    The unvaccinated transmit the virus at a higher rate.
    If a few more boosters is what it'll take to get the world to a place where this particular strain of coronavirus becomes endemic on similar terms to the common cold, so be it. Being a member of functioning society requires being responsible and putting others ahead of oneself for the benefit of everyone. It's not like going to get a vaccine is some arduous undertaking, anyway.
  9. Agree
    Sard reacted to blue_gold_84 in Vaccine Debate   
    Nobody ever claimed the vaccine prevents transmission of the virus or that its efficacy remains consistent depending on variant strains. The vaccine provides a layer of protection and is designed to help reduce the severity of symptoms caused by the virus.
  10. Like
    Sard reacted to MOBomberFan in Vaccine Debate   
    LOL. Except unvaxxed people are taking up valuable ICU beds and sucking up resources resulting in a backlog of surgeries, the impacts of which will be felt in this province for years to come. Could be avoided if people did what was right for all of us, not just what was right for them. So no, they are not just as bad.
    He is not at all credible to me, no. I don't claim to understand the science at all, but it's much easier for me to believe thousands of doctors across the world are working to help us, not hurt us. He goes against that grain. If over 60% of vax recipients DID suffer from blood clots our hospitals would be overflowing with blood clot patients. Instead, our hospitals are filled with COVID patients, most of whom at this point are unvaxxed. That's all I need to see at this point. The guy is a quack and was removed from YouTube for being a quack. Misinformation is dangerous. My dad needs surgery, along with thousands of other Manitobans. He can't get it because ourhealthcare system is under water. And we're gonna act like it's okay for people to continue promoting anti-vax or vax-skepticism... nah, F that.
  11. Disagree
    Sard reacted to CodyT in Vaccine Debate   
    Well he is a practicing doctor. 30  + years. It was removed from youtibe yes.
    Im not anti vaccination.  What he says is sensible. Many of his patients were getting sick from the vaccine. He also talks about mandating kids to get the vaccine, that they are at such a low risk its actually unethical to have a perfectly healthy child get this specific jab.
    The guys not a conspiracy crazed person. Hes not anti vaccination either. Just has some concerns that he brings to light.
    I love how if you bring up any skepticism than your instantly labelled crazy or a conspiracy theorist. 
  12. Like
    Sard reacted to Pete Catan's Ghost in Vaccine Debate   
    I have worked in acute healthcare for 30 years. My wife has been a respiratory therapist for the same amount of time. My daughter has just begun her healthcare career in the medical ICU. 
    Tell me more about how being unvaccinated affects only the individual, when people are dying from the lack of surgical intervention because medical options are closed due to lack of resources. 
  13. Agree
    Sard reacted to bearpants in Biggest question coming out of Sundays win   
    It's funny because Williams was well known as a push off artist in his first go around with Edmonton... yet for some reason they never cracked down on it... and now they're still letting him get away with it... very confusing
  14. Haha
  15. Haha
    Sard got a reaction from Bubba Zanetti in Early chat- Ticats vs Champs Grey Cup Thread   
    Looks more like Fajardo after the WF
  16. Like
    Sard got a reaction from Geebrr in Early chat- Ticats vs Champs Grey Cup Thread   
    Looks more like Fajardo after the WF
  17. Haha
    Sard got a reaction from Super Duper Negatron in Early chat- Ticats vs Champs Grey Cup Thread   
    Looks more like Fajardo after the WF
  18. Agree
    Sard reacted to Goalie in Vaccine Debate   
    Pisses me off. I have a 7 year old who had 1 shot now. She's more grown up than Eli. 
    Whatever tho. **** him 
    The part that actually annoys me. He can't play but unvaxxed Masoli can. 
  19. Agree
    Sard reacted to Bigblue204 in Vaccine Debate   
    There's an on going message these days that everyone's opinion is valid. And that's just not true.
  20. Agree
    Sard reacted to SpeedFlex27 in Vaccine Debate   
    Is that what you think? That we just brainlessly follow orders blindly like zombies when it comes to the Covid vaccine? To me, it's commom sense. Why would I expose myself to a virus that will make me sick or even kill me at age 66?? Why did you get it? Seems like you fell into step to get the vaccine. Know what? I'm getting a booster on Friday. Like I said, players that don't get vaxxed next year won't play period. 
  21. Agree
    Sard reacted to Noeller in Early chat- Ticats vs Champs Grey Cup Thread   
    Anyone who doesn't get vaccinated is incredibly selfish. Full stop. 
  22. Agree
    Sard reacted to SpeedFlex27 in Vaccine Debate   
    I just don't get why we let unvaccinated players play when they can't travel. Good thing we have Gray ready to go. He can play guard or tackle. Hope he enjoys watching the game on television & not getting paid if we win. To me, it's just toal selfishness & not a team player.
  23. Agree
    Sard reacted to kelownabomberfan in 3 start another pretender crowned and Grey Cup bound   
    lol good point
    If you think about it though, those three points would have been huge for the Riders.  They would have been playing for the FG to win the game rather than needing a TD.   And if Grant hadn't brought the ball out, they would have been playing for a tie.  But it's not just about that - that return by Grant energized the Bombers which is what they needed.   You could feel the whole game change, as the Bombers realized that things were starting to finally go their way after so much nonsense.  They just took control after that and the Riders didn't have a chance.
  24. Agree
    Sard reacted to kelownabomberfan in 3 start another pretender crowned and Grey Cup bound   
    when you watch last year's WF and this year's WF you realize that these kinds of games come down to two or three plays that make all the difference.  A missed FG in this game coupled with a big return, Hansen's goal-line stop of Powell in 2019's WF.  Those plays turn games around, and they come from truly extraordinary effort at key moments.
  25. Like
    Sard reacted to kelownabomberfan in 3 start another pretender crowned and Grey Cup bound   
    it goes with what a lot of sports pundits have saying all season - the Bombers don't have to be perfect to win, but those hoping to win against the Bombers have to be darn near perfect to beat them.  When you are playing the Bombers, you can't miss 36 yard field goals.  You need every point to count.
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