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Colin Unger

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Posts posted by Colin Unger

  1. 6 hours ago, wbbfan said:

    The problem with that is ekakatie has done nothing. He is a lot further behind then trent corney was after his first year. Neufeld cant stay healthy and is a turn stile more often then he is serviceable. Last year in which he rode the pine for 90% of the season was the first time hes dressed in 18 games. 

    And if those two are the starters, what happens if one of them gets hurt? Atleast we have some young ni talent worth developing at OL. If we start our two ni dts (shunning the best DT we've had since doug brown) we are back to mack era NI issues when/if one misses time. Thomas was our 3rd best DT last year, but hes going to be the key stone. 


    What we are looking at on the defensive line as it stands right now is that there will be on Canadian on the field at all times.  In terms of Ekakitie.... having a full season of pro football under his belt and going home and training all offseason and then coming back to camp knowing what he needs to do to make a larger impact can make a pretty big difference over him coming in as a raw rookie. But between him, Corney, and Thomas or somebody else we might sign in free agency we can have a Canadian on the field at all times. In terms of Neufeld I'm not concerned with his level of play at guard.  He's on an offensive line which features pretty good teammates.  I would calculate for Chung and Goosen to continue to grow and improve. My concern with him is his inability to play 18 games. However, since I believe that Couture is ready to begin facing the challenge of being a starter I'm not worried about the situation. I'd like to see us pick up some sort of veteran Canadian backup to compete in training camp until we know we we've got. However, its going to be difficult to find the room once we draft another offensive lineman this year to add to the backup core of Couture, Speller, and Spooner. 

    The thing we need to keep in mind is that the draft hasn't happened yet and free-agency hasn't happened yet. I'm expecting the bombers to sign at least two additional Canadian options. Another defensive lineman and hopefully a receiver like Demski who could allow us to start two Canadians in the receiving core should injuries dictate that. We should re-engage this conversation once we know who is all coming to training camp. 

  2. 1 hour ago, pigseye said:

    $150K is not a serious offer, actually quite insulting. $300K plus bonuses would have been realistic. 

    Its likely that this was just a placeholder offer since the ticats hat a limited amount of time to make an offer or release him from thier neg list. The dollar amounts in the article don't seem realistic . It said in the article that his agent felt he was worth the same as Masoli but it also said they were asking for 500k which is way above what Masoli is schedule to make. I imagine they are still apart but not by nearly as much as this article is making it out to be.  

  3. 9 minutes ago, mbrg said:

    Also should get Coombs and LaFrance and have an four man all-Manitoba backfield.

    Not realistic or practical?  Who cares!  It would still be awesome.  You know how most amps go to 10?  Ours go to 11!  Turn the amps up to 11 Walters!

    Yeah.. I've been holding out for getting one of these Winnipeg products in our lineup. LeFrance ended up being way overpaid which is good for him. Perhaps he will end up here one day but I think he's more of a backup/change of pace guy.   I'm not really sure why Demski was't utilized more last season in Saskatchewan. He got off to a good start and then it seemed like they just never featured him again. I think in Winnipeg he would have a breakout season. 

  4. Wilder should have thought about this before he signed the contract he signed. Let's face it. He is doing this because he had a breakout year and feel he deserves to be paid more not because he's not capable of supporting his family on this amount of money.  The problem that he's going to run into is that sitting out the season doesn't benefit him financially unless he's able to make more money during the season not playing football. And if he sits out the season nobody is going to give him as much money for the 2019 season as they would have had he been playing and  producing at a high level.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Throw Long Bannatyne said:

    Sign Konar at WIL and move JSK to MLB, preserving the ratio flexibility without Hurl.

    Not a bad strategy. The only issue I see is we have Ian Wild coming back to play the Will position.  We need to give ourselves option at several positions to star more canadians. I’d love to see his sign Nick Demski and give him reps at his natural runningback position as well as slot.  Make him an option to spell Harris at times. 

  6. 7 hours ago, bluto said:

    Yes. A brutal leg break, and a nasty knee injury when he tackled a guy. There were worries that he was going to be one of those guys with potential but never made it due to being snakebit with bad luck and injury-proneness.  

    Right but at this point. The worries have been proven to be unfounded.  However, regardless of who your starting qb is you need to have a good backup in the CFL. You might get lucky one season and have no injuries from your starter but you just never know. 

  7. 8 hours ago, 3RD AND 1 said:

    I'm not trying to start anything. I'm just going to state a couple things and then let the Bomber fans discuss. 

    Bombers GM Kyle Walters tried to get Kevin Glen for a penny and a song. Telling Glen the Bombers are not willing to spend the kind of money Kevin wanted for a second QB. Walters told Glenn the money is needed elsewhere. Then they lost Glenn to the EE who stepped up for Kevin's services. Even though the EE are paying Reilly over $500K.  More than the Bombers are paying Nichols.                              So now all of a sudden the sky is falling and Walters pays even more money for Durant than Glen wanted. When it's as plain as day the Glen has been the better QB these past few seasons. Glen would have been a better Bomber than Durant. For several reasons! Most importantly Glen would have known his place on the team.  Where as now if I’m Nichols I’m thinking just a minute here. Everyone in the orginization is telling me this is my team. Yet you just signed a guy who has stated over and over that unequivocally he still wants to be a starter!!!!  Not once have the word back up been used by Darian Durant. It is not in his Vocabulary at this point in his career. It's only been other people’s words.  Darian and LaPolice had a working relationship in the past. If I’m Nichols I’m thinking… What a croque! Im going to be thinking what's really going on. They passed on Glen but went with Durant who wants to be a starter. There is no doubt that psychologically it's going to effected some of Nichols decision making both on and off the field. Bombers. Walters made a mistake signing Durant; monatarily, psychologically and of field QB support  (lack there of)

    On top of all of this. During Durants time in SK. Durant publically stated on several occasions his dislike of Bomber fans. Durant stated how much he disliked Bomber fans when Bomber fans covered the Saskatchewan #1 highway sign that welcomes you to Saskatchewan with “Welcome to Swaggerville”. You could see it and hear it in his voice. Durant hated everything to do with Winnipeg. He never ever spoke that way about any other teams fans!
    I'm sorry but Glen has a better arm than Durant. Glen is a team guy where as Darian is a me guy. Winnipeg now has a QB that figures he's going to push for the starting job at camp. 

    I honestly think this signing will not be a good one.

    OK discuss  


    Sure Walter's was trying to get Glenn for cheap (who wouldn't). However, since they didn't pony up and match or surpass the Edmonton offer I think there's more too this then simply trying to get Glenn for cheap.  LaPolice seems to really value having a dynamic short yardage unit and I just don't think that Kevin Glenn is well suited to running that package. He's not big or tall and he's never been fast. With Durant he can likely run that package really well. So when you break it down the bombers can afford to pay Durant more since he can do the job of Glenn and Lefevour. Had we signed Glenn we may have needed to pay Lefevour considerably more than a rookie will cost us to be our 3rd string quarterback. 

  8. 15 minutes ago, wbbfan said:

    I feel very much the same. I hope this move doesnt come at the expense of a starter at another position.

    That said, last year in MTL he was better then any of our back ups. And MTL was a hot mess. He fits the system, and is familiar with it. Hes the type of vet that can help all the other qbs on the roster. Strange to see him in a bomber uniform? At this point nothing is strange to me. Seen soo many faces of franchise change teams its not a shock any more. 

    This isnt the same darian durant that left the riders. But it isnt the same one that played with an awful team last year. And he doesnt have to be the riders era DD. Its a bit of a toss up between durant and glenn for who the better back up would be. Edge to glenn after last season, but Id rather have dd late in a game then glenn. 

    Between our kicker and our backup qb we might really be short changing our starting lineup.  But I personally feel it is worth it.

  9. I'm very happy with this move. You want to be in a situation where you're fully confident in your backup qb so you don't feel pressured to play a taped together Nichols out of desperation. I have confidence in Durant playing under Lapo with his all time favorite target in the receiving core. My only disappointment is we likely will have to go with a cheap 3rd string QB as a result. I really liked the work that Dan LeFevour did in short yardage last season.   It's likely only a matter of time before Dom Davis is released. Feel bad for the guy but you know... it's a business.

  10. 1 hour ago, Atomic said:

    Does this mean we can't have Bond now?

    As much as I like Bond he’s gonna be pricey and it’s simply time for us to go with 3 Canadians on the offensive line.  We have Neufeld who can take the pressure off Couture but Couture should be ready.  We also have Spooner coming back as a second year guy and will likely continue to draft and develop offensive lineman.   You don’t make the comittment we made to drafting and developing offensive lineman to start 2 Canadians there long term. 

  11. 1 hour ago, blueingreenland said:

    There is another way to look at this too: Rarely does a CFL QB look good in his 1st start/1st time getting into a game...the exceptions that I can think of were:Kent Austin, Doug Flutie and Jeff Garcia. Most guys need plenty of time. I am not saying Davis will develop into a CFL starter if given more time. I just think he was given limited reps, was hamstrung by poor play calling when in there, and then was leapfrogged by LeFevour  which most saw as a real head-stratcher.

    My problem with Davis is that he already had a rap as guy who gave up on his reads too quickly and threw to his check down too often.  When he played this year he seemed to really struggle with reading defenses.  Dave Dickenson struggled in his first game but he didn’t have a bad rap before the stamps signed him. 

  12. 21 hours ago, Noeller said:

    Would anyone look confident with that offense around them? A big reason the Bombers are front runners for Durant is Lapo and his offense.... 

    It’s just that I was referring to Davis looking shaky not Durant. I’m all in on Durant coming here.

  13. 56 minutes ago, Mark F said:

    Davis been here for several years, got one half to show something.

    thirty whole minutes of actual game time.

    That is whacky. Has never been explained in any reasonable way.

    I know the record is good, I know, who am I to question the team, I know everything is great,

    but some of the things done by the Bombers are quite hard to understand.


    The problem was that he looked incredibly shaky.  It would be one thing if he looked confident out there but for whatever reason the offense was stalling. However, that wasn’t the case. 

  14. On 2017-12-22 at 6:49 PM, tracker said:

    I have enough confidence in Walters and his scouting system that I am not going to waste any time over it. Still, Wolitarsky had better become a good player, otherwise people could say he  "Drew a blank" there.

    He’s already shown enough upside considering it was just 3rd round pick we gave up. We’ve continually drafted worse receivers higher up than that.

  15. On 2017-12-14 at 8:57 AM, Booch said:

    That's pretty much a ridiculous statement one year removed from that draft.

    Ekakitie is developing fine and will see much more use this year, Spooner as well could push for a roster spot and I bet he ends up when all said and done becoming the best 0-lineman from that draft if Gray never shows up.

    Conteh as well is gonna be another Derick Jones but I predict better and a possible starter doen the road...uber talent and physical ability there, not to mention we grabbed arguably the best punter to come out of the CIS in many many years

    Spooner has a long long way to go. He’s considered a major project at this point.  If Gray come up here within the next couple of years I wouldn’t be surprised if Spooner doesn’t ever start a game for us.  

  16. 33 minutes ago, WBBFanWest said:

    I sure hope that Walters gets it right this time.  After all, no other GM has ever drafted  someone that didn't work out.

    Even the first round can be a crapshoot in the cfl. Overall it’s about acquiring depth and some prototypical CFL starters and the odd genius pick turns into a ratio breaker. We’ve acquired plenty of all three since Walters took over.   I’ve got zero complaints when looking at the macro of his drafting. 

  17. The outcome on this play was a key moment and the missed offside call on Edmonton were turning points. But I’m more concerned about correcting the correctinle issues. We need to fire Hall and replace him with Noel Thorpe.  We need our defense to become the strength on this team not the weakness. That will make a few key outcomes during the game a moot point. 

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