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Rod Black

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  1. Thanks
    Rod Black reacted to Bubba Zanetti in Passing of Ken Ploen and Gerry James   
    Football legend and a great human being. Thanks for being a Bomber. RIP Mr. Ploen.
    Couple of GOAT's going over plays in the afterlife now.

  2. Like
    Rod Black reacted to BigBlue in Passing of Ken Ploen and Gerry James   
    i cut my teeth on leo lewis and kenny ploen: inside the 10 yard line, lateral to lewis, lateral back to ploen, then a pass often to lewis, or ploen just walks into the endzone
    over and over, game after game
    now thats football
  3. Like
    Rod Black reacted to JCon in Passing of Ken Ploen and Gerry James   
    What more can you ask of a Legend? Came. Won, Stayed. 
    Truly someone our club, our city, could be proud of. Humble and kind. Kenny had it all. 
    I didn't get to see him play, except in replays, but he was always so friendly to me. 
    RIP,  Mr Ploen. 
  4. Like
    Rod Black reacted to IC Khari in Passing of Ken Ploen and Gerry James   
    Wow, a true sports hero and a great man. You will be missed Kenny. Hard to believe that he and Bud Grant passed so close to each other 😟
  5. Like
    Rod Black reacted to Goalie in Passing of Ken Ploen and Gerry James   
    He had Alzheimer’s or dementia. He couldn’t remember yesterday but he could tell you the plays they ran in the grey cup games

    my grandma had that also and it got tough after a while. Really odd seeing your older grandma acting like a teenager. Hopefully Kenny is back to being himself now. Hopefully he’s up there throwing TDs. 
  6. Like
    Rod Black reacted to WinnipegGordo in Passing of Ken Ploen and Gerry James   
    The Bombers had a jersey release event for their 50s jerseys and Kenny was on hand. I told him I was disappointed as I wanted him to sign a jersey for me but they didnt have my size made up that day.
    He said no problem, when I got the jersey I could look him up in the phone book and go to his house to get it signed.
    How many guys would make that offer?
  7. Like
    Rod Black got a reaction from Stickem in Passing of Ken Ploen and Gerry James   
    This one hurts. KP came to the Bombers and the franchise only improved. As an American he chose to make his after football life at home in Winnipeg. He was a gentleman each and every time we met. No one had a bad word to say about him. There has never been a number 11 for the Blue since his playing days. Bless you Kenny. 
  8. Go Bombers
    Rod Black got a reaction from HardCoreBlue in Passing of Ken Ploen and Gerry James   
    This one hurts. KP came to the Bombers and the franchise only improved. As an American he chose to make his after football life at home in Winnipeg. He was a gentleman each and every time we met. No one had a bad word to say about him. There has never been a number 11 for the Blue since his playing days. Bless you Kenny. 
  9. Like
    Rod Black reacted to Noeller in Passing of Ken Ploen and Gerry James   
    Sigh. This day was always gonna come, but it doesn't sting any less. One of the greatest on CFL history. 
  10. Like
    Rod Black reacted to 17to85 in Passing of Ken Ploen and Gerry James   
    God that guy just seemed like he'd be eternal. At least his legacy will be.
  11. Like
    Rod Black reacted to bustamente in Passing of Ken Ploen and Gerry James   
    Truly one of the greats what a sad day
  12. Like
    Rod Black reacted to Goalie in Passing of Ken Ploen and Gerry James   
    I have a ploen signed jersey. RIP 
  13. Thanks
    Rod Black reacted to Jpan85 in Passing of Ken Ploen and Gerry James   
    Thought this deserved its own thread. One of the greats QB in the history of the CFL
  14. Thanks
    Rod Black reacted to Geebrr in 2023/2024 CFL (Non Bombers) Off Season News   
    Not one cent of  Federal money should be put into this. 
  15. Like
    Rod Black reacted to MOBomberFan in 2023/2024 Blue Bombers Off-Season Thread (BRADY’S BACK! DALTON’S BACK!)   
    Now that we are being rewarded for it, playing 8 Canadians at times and relying less on the new Nationalized import rules seems like less of a failure to utilize the roster and more of a strategy to lock down a bonus draft pick. Great incentive to play Nationals even when you have Nationalized imports with snaps to spare
  16. Like
    Rod Black reacted to rebusrankin in 2023/2024 Blue Bombers Off-Season Thread (BRADY’S BACK! DALTON’S BACK!)   
    That bonus 2nd is nice. Three in the top 20 should let us add some good Canadian talent. No projected Sters please.
  17. Like
    Rod Black reacted to Jesse in 2023/2024 Blue Bombers Off-Season Thread (BRADY’S BACK! DALTON’S BACK!)   
    I know we're one of them. Ed Tait slipped it into one of his recent articles. 
    Winnipeg now has 10 selections in the 2024 CFL Draft — each of its picks in every round, a bonus in the second round, 20th overall, as a reward for snaps by Canadian players in 2023 and now Ottawa’s fifth-round choice, 40th overall, secured from the Brown trade. The Blue Bombers will pick 8th, 17th, 20th, 28th, 37th, 40th, 46th, 55th, 64th and 73rd overall.
  18. Like
    Rod Black reacted to Wanna-B-Fanboy in 2023/2024 Blue Bombers Off-Season Thread (BRADY’S BACK! DALTON’S BACK!)   
    He is still a free agent come February... If he feels that the ALLCAPS is not a good fit for him, he can leave. 
  19. Like
    Rod Black reacted to bb1 in 2023/2024 Blue Bombers Off-Season Thread (BRADY’S BACK! DALTON’S BACK!)   
    I have no proof but it seems reasonable to assume that Brown wanted to go there , and the Bombers accommodated him...
  20. Like
    Rod Black reacted to Brandon in Random News Items   
    This news story is making its way around the world now,   good job SQ.   
    It is not illegal to take a photo OR post a photo of someone who is in public and/or where no reasonable expectation of privacy is assumed.   Someone who is stealing a package from your front porch would fall under that category.
    If a thief were to try to make a case of defamation ,  they would have to admit guilt in stealing the package.    
    I believe what SQ is trying to avoid is people being vigilantes and/or if someone were to post false information and a witch hunt is created on an innocent party.   So in some aspects they are correct.  
    But to suggest not posting porch pirate videos online at all is just silly.   
    On the local facebook group that I'm in, people posting car thieves and porch pirates has helped out quite a bit in at least scaring some people away and/or catching them.   It's far more effective for someone to post a clear photo on Facebook where the general public instantly gets the picture so that they can look out themselves rather then calling WPS and three weeks later they finally send out a message.   
    Just my 2 cents.  
  21. Like
    Rod Black reacted to MOBomberFan in 2023/2024 Blue Bombers Off-Season Thread (BRADY’S BACK! DALTON’S BACK!)   
    O'Shea doesn't have this killer instinct to capitalize and kick an opponent while they're down it seems. Trying to imagine O'Shea gambling away a game on a 2-point convert, even with all the momentum on his side... I say he kicks a convert 99 times out of 100
    As for the actual play itself, it really sounds to me like the refs screwed up:
    - #68 Decker, normally a LT, lined up as a TE and caught the 2 point convert, but was declared ineligible. At the same time, #70 Skipper, normally the 6th OL and normally the guy to declare as eligible, simply ran onto the field and played at LT (and is therefore automatically ineligible)
    - Video shows #68 Decker approach Ref Allen and declare while #70 Skipper runs directly onto the field well away from any refs (meaning to say #70 Skipper does not appear to declare as eligible at any time) - this is where the fuckup occurs...
    - Ref Allen announces on the mic so both teams press boxes clearly hear that #70 Skipper has declared as eligible - no mention of #68 at all, despite video very clearly indicating #70 DID NOT declare, and even more than likely #68 DID declare (we can't hear the audio but what else could he possibly be doing, nevermind #70 said nothing to the ref at all and just ran on by)
    - Afterwards, Ref Allen insists that #70 declared as eligible and then went and played in an inelligible position as LT anyways, and that he never once heard from #68 (again, video shows otherwise). Ref screwed up and there is video of it, but the NFL and their ref's are beyond reproach these past few years it seems. Coach Campbell has every right to be pissed imo.
  22. Haha
    Rod Black reacted to kelownabomberfan in 2023/2024 Blue Bombers Off-Season Thread (BRADY’S BACK! DALTON’S BACK!)   
    Everyone went to Bomber games with an onion on their belt, as was the style at the time. But yellow ones, not the white ones, because of the war.
  23. Haha
    Rod Black reacted to Bigblue204 in 2023/2024 Blue Bombers Off-Season Thread (BRADY’S BACK! DALTON’S BACK!)   
    People complain about people complaining 
  24. Like
    Rod Black reacted to SpeedFlex27 in 2023/2024 Blue Bombers Off-Season Thread (BRADY’S BACK! DALTON’S BACK!)   
    I don't get it. Since when did CFL fans become the whiniest & most entitled sports fans in the world? Everything the CFL does when it comes to scheduling is never right. Always wrong. Someone always complains about something. Fans don't like Sunday games. Oh, weekend games means they have to come back from the lake. Thursday night game are stupid. Games start too late. Games start too early. Oh, it's a school night so I can't take my kids. Well, if they have to be in bed before 9 pm then don't take them as they're too young anyway. Go with someone else. The Jets play home games on Mondays & Tuesdays which is a helluva lot worse than Thursdays & no one complains. 
  25. Like
    Rod Black reacted to HardCoreBlue in 2023/2024 CFL (Non Bombers) Off Season News   
    IT help desk here.
    I’ve located the problem:
    Argos suck.
    Merry Christmas!
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