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Rod Black

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Everything posted by Rod Black

  1. And he would be able to display the chip on on his shoulders on August 29. Would we take th guy, from a team we are about to play, just for some insight? Not the Bombers. No way.
  2. Good on Calgary. Two new professional sports facilities. Just excellent for the Flames and Stamps.
  3. Simmons isn't "other teams scraps" he's a legitimate starting MLB. Something the Lions had until they lost Elimimian. Are other teams scraps considered scraps if acquired by trade? Buono obtained Arland Bruce and Kevin Glenn both by trade, and Paul Maccallum by SK wanting to cut his pay by 30%.By Rolodex, don't you really mean, The DATABASE?
  4. I'd be pretty sure the agent didn't make those tweets in a bubble without Simmons knowing the potential consequences. Being released I'm guessing, was an acceptable outcome to him.
  5. His agent tweeted, and not him? Lmao. That's creative!An agent is expected to be his advocate.
  6. As far as I know. After this weekend & what was said on twitter, who knows? If the Stamps can't trade him they just might suspend him & send him home.Why would a player go outside of his contract to adjust his working conditions?It seems there has been no complaint about the Employer adhering to the contract. So I'll presume that non compliance to a contractual right is not an issue. He has no contractual beef. Any employer has a right to expect loyalty in a public forum. Simmons Twitter posts could be characterized as insubordination, a matter of degree can be discussed, and therefore subject to sanctions. If the Stamps want to persue the matter with a trade, it is their prerogative. If they want to suspend him, that action would become an additional dispute. Seems Simmons has become a disruption in the workplace. How much of a disruption is up to the stampeders to tolerate.
  7. Are the Stampeders Organization and Simmons himself living up to the contractual obligations for each party?
  8. To be honest, I have never heard of Simmons until today. Is he that good that he can help our D? Our D appears to be coming along quite nicely. I can see them acheiving some very dominant performances THIS year. Potentially, Westerman (Defensive) and Johnny Adams (Rookie) are two players that could possibly be Western Candidates in the Player Awards.
  9. The Ti-Cats have worked hard to get where they are. Let them enjoy the good times while they can. Players coaches don't just work for the money. The whole show could fall apart with a bad hit or string of injuries. Let them have a good time. That's what I'd want for our guys. The celebrations are deserved.
  10. I dont know whether to be impressed with Marve. Seems like he won some kind of award in high school called the "Mr Football Award". Other winners have been Daunte Culpepper, Adrian Macpherson, and Tim Tebow. Played for the Hurricanes, transfered schools to Purdue. Was eligible for 6 seasons in the NCAA. He has not played in the NFL. His pa was a linebacker in the NFL. He has had three torn ACL injuries in his career.
  11. Reality has no interest in our narrative on what "should" be. "Should" only intensifies our suffering. The way to peace is not by winning the war with reality, but by surrendering our fight with what is.
  12. So he'll be back for the playoffs and the Grey Cup.
  13. Willy gives us a chance to win every game if healthy. Hes not perfect but certainly someone to build aroind. Certain posters have an agenda and wont acknowledge any info to the contrary. We don't need no stinkin agenda's.
  14. Hurgle burgle raba bobo yamu bolish. If I had a hammer, I'd hammer in the morning.
  15. Cotton has a broken arm. Willy is lower body. And he didn't say what was wrong with Adams.Adams could be a lower body injury too.Looked like chest area to me during the game.I'd laugh if it turned out to be a neck. Well not laugh. Maybe mildly amused at the speculation.
  16. Yeah but....Willy is secretly throwing the ball, in the locker room. Walters needs to admit that. Why would he lie? So maybe he'll be ready.
  17. Exactly we are 0-3 against the best two teams in the league only have to face Edmonton once more at home. 3-1 against the rest of the league. If we can win 7 or 8 games in the next eleven, we should make the playoffs. I doubt that a 9 and 9 season even with crossover potential gets us there with three teams in the east already with 4 wins. Gonna have to start counting the free squares on the bingo cards to see what our chances are for the post season. Sweeping the Riders is becoming critical. Jeez, nothing like even more pressure going into the rubber match in September.
  18. Uh. 9-9 in the west will only get a cross over if the third place team in east is 8-10 or worse. Isn't that what you meant?
  19. Exactly we are 0-3 against the best two teams in the league only have to face Edmonton once more at home. 3-1 against the rest of the league. If we can win 7 or 8 games in the next eleven, we should make the playoffs. I doubt that a 9 and 9 season even with crossover potential gets us there with three teams in the east already with 4 wins. Gonna have to start counting the free squares on the bingo cards to see what our chances are for the post season.
  20. Bellefeuille and to a lesser extent Willy holding onto the ball too long are the problems with protection. The actual OL isn't the primary problem. Flat out wrong. Willy had guys in his face when he got the snap on numerous occasions. About the only sack he took where he held the ball for even a remotely longer than he should have was a 2nd and 20 when he needed extra time to let the guys downfield get open. The OL is the entire problem with the offense. It is abysmal and was even bad by the low standard they've set for themselves tonight. They looked like they were running different plays than the guy next to them far too often. Sorry man. You're wrong. Bellefeuille, Willy, then the actual OL (in that order) are the problems with the OL. Dunno guys. Can't say the offence lost this game. They didn't score near enough obviously but special teams are the ones that crapped the bed. That's what needs to get fixed before Friday.
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