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Rod Black

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Everything posted by Rod Black

  1. We beat teams that we should be beating. We've only lost to teams that currently have winning records. Friday night, this week, we should have an entertaining battle at IGF. You won't see it, but Miiler is a scary effen guy when angry. Kind of lighting a fire to resolve the deficiencies. If Toronto gives away the game with penalties and we don't go there, essentially like a clean game today, we have a very good chance of a home win. All bets are off though if Willy and Darvin Adams are not playing.
  2. And apparently a hyperextended knee could result in a whole whack of different conditions. What appeared sick was Cottons arm. Left one looked broken.
  3. I am sort of saying that. But not exactly. To be clearer, the score embarrassed us.that was due to them capitalizing on our mistakes. Good teams do that.
  4. Yup, we beat em in the second half. They capitalized on turnovers, we didn't. Points off of turnovers 28, Us Zero.
  5. You could also argue that Rod lost the bet. Yeah. You could argue that. Glen "cheap suit" Suitor sucks.
  6. Last few posts. Maybe 5 to keep context.
  7. I remember the fan belly sliding, the waterfall from the upper deck, and Rick house face first. And a Lion receiver stopped from a reception because he didn't want to run into the water and maybe get his little feet wet. The water, was well onto the field of play, and over the sidelines.
  8. That's it. That's what Mbrg is talking about, I'm sure.
  9. I recall mid eighties. Must be 84, June 22 or 23. We were playing against BC sucks, with Dewalt and Fernandez, I think. A huge thunder and lighting storm that suspended the game, and flooded the sidelines. The concourse was also flooded and we were walking through all kinds of water, above the ankles to get beer. I think they gave the following years season ticket drive as, "Feel the Thunder" or something like that. Anyone recall the game and subsequent marketing campaign?
  10. I dare someone to start a new thread. "Best piece found at a Bomber home game".
  11. I've gone to Thompsons water seal and forget about any stain of any kind for he future.
  12. Is she hot? I agree we need pics here. She was very HOT! In addition, usually drunk by half time. The perfect combo. Skinny and drunk with big ****, that kind of perfect combo. BUT Nooooooooo, I had some morals. I had some ethics. I was a complete idiot. Now I'm just stuck reminding myself of her from time to time when, well you know.
  13. Being too much of a gentleman to have not banged the next seat over season ticket holder. "Trish the dish". I could have done anything, but didn't want to take advantage.
  14. Garza. Sammy ******* Garza. Was that the son in law? Yeah. He was the son in law. I worked on the ham line at Canada Packers with Mike Murphy back in the day, he wouldn't let me near his sister so she settled for Sammy. Did Jack West (wesloski) work there in HR when you were there? Spend much time at the Chalet? Or am I thinking old plant on archibald and Marion....
  15. Considering how little the team wins that's a hollow claim. Context being after decades of incompetence people around here understandably get pissed off after losses. Listen to cjob post game. You and other self proclaimed level headed posters are the vast minority. Head in sand works for some, I guess. Holio fack. "Listen to CJOB post game". Has got to be up up there with the best 3 legal arguments EVER! I actually pissed myself laughing reading that! Right up there with, I did not have sexual relations with that girl, and, I was only doing my job. I just gots to keep an eye out for this resurecction poster. He's fackin hilarious!
  16. And the cheerleaders dance routines suck, shwarma Khan isn't fresh, the team has yet to wear the awful signature aquaflage jerseys ... They need to model this franchise after the Green Bay Packers.
  17. IIRC Barrin Simpson said we would have won 10 games if we'd had a QB that year. Barrin Simpson should have turned his energies to blocking on punts rather than opinionating.
  18. I'll bet no one can remember Art Schlichter being on the negotiation list. Might as well add Jim Zorn to the list. Very high profile. Complete bust. And the dude is head coach of the Redskins!
  19. Garza. Sammy ******* Garza. Was that the son in law? Yeah. He was the son in law.
  20. Was thinking that if they had the other guys phone number in his cell, sure sign of cronyism. It's a slippery slope once they have a meal together. A second meal, heads should roll.
  21. Me thinks they need more fuel. Give'em a few more on air broadcasts.
  22. http://www.cbc.ca/player/Digital+Archives/Sports/Olympics/50+Years+of+Olympic+Broadcasting/ID/1764906358/ Yikes. 10 - 15 yards away from the terrorists!
  23. I still remember attending a job fair in 1989 and Sylvia Kuzyk was just sitting in the CKY booth with no one around her, so a friend and I went over and talked to her, though we were kind of in awe of talking to a celebrity who was on TV! Anyway, she told us that if we went to Red River college and took broadcasting, we had a chance to be broadcasters one day, and follow in the steps of their latest new young broadcasting star who she said had potential to one day be a national broadcaster. That man's name was of course, Rod Black. Of course during those days there was also Clay Young, who took to the meaning of wearing a wife beater a little too far and is now banished to Thunder Bay, forever. And Peter Young, a confident brash up and comer that is rumoured to have worn shorts while behind the desk. Neither of these were related to Angus Young, who definitely wore shorts while working and Malcolm Young, both have gone onto very lengthy and successful careers. Malcolm, sadly, suffers from dementia, has a one room spot in a personal care facility in his homeland, will never work again, but still has more of a brain than Clay Young. I'm just waiting for Throw Long to chime in on the Wells family.
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