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Rod Black

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Everything posted by Rod Black

  1. Sort of agree. But I'll do it anyways. Was watching the Redblacks game last Sunday with one said Rider faithful. Without a dash of doubt but staring at the tube said, well in two weeks we'll be tied with youz guys. Do you know what you just said? Yeah, we beat Ottawa and you twice. You got to wn this one first, and if not, you can't be tied. It was like I had two heads. Ten minutes later Smith gets pulled and they go on two lose AGAIN. That stink ball team, even hate mentioning the name, has lost what, 15 of the last 17? So, this SK gal says to her guy, mmmm, kiss me where it stinks. So he takes her to Regina.
  2. The two dufus' that did the deflating, actually did commit an offence. They have each lost 9 months salary. To them, that's way more than Brady. My guess is, they won't get away with it. Ironic isn't it? They should appeal. The judge viewed Brady as a defenseless hopelessly oppressed working class stiff. The truth is, Brady is a multi millionaire, with first class representation, that was involved in influencing, a conspiracy maybe, to have undue advantage by not inflating to the NFL specifications on ball pressure. A specification he obviously was very aware of. But judges have very wide decision making powers. Appeals judges only have very limited scope to overturn, a colleague's decision. Robert Kraft's post decision statement is clearly self serving and appears to embolden Tom Brady and reaffirm his self entitlement. But there's nothing illegal about that statement. It's just slimy. Why isn't Kraft making a statement about the two clods that his team suspended?
  3. So, Hardy, Peterson and Rice are still Guilty. Goodell was correct to Impose discipline. The amount of discipline was altered. It's a win for Goodell
  4. The judge didn't have to rule on the evidence involving the accusations of misconduct against Brady. Apparently the judge said the charges were unclear. Nobody in an employment relationship is ever allowed allowed to unfairly punish, not just the NFL. What's now going to happen to the two equipment guys that have been out of work since then?
  5. Yeah, someone also put his Position as Dickwad. IT DOES! Rotflmao I took a screen shot to have it before it gets changed!
  6. Wikipedia is updated already. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt_Nichols
  7. Winnipeg Blue Bombers 78 Saskatchewan Roughriders 5.
  8. Subway needs a pitchman. Tillman applied. They didn't like his resume.
  9. Brendan needs to know the shoe shine stand at Winnipeg Square is available for lease. He is unemployable.
  10. Here's hoping!! Honestly, as "major" business announcements go, I'd find dressing room & Ice Plex upgrades kind of underwhelming. EDIT: Especially given the contract uncertainty of 2 of the club's most important players. Tim Campbell teets it's an iceplex expansion with greater facilities for the Jets and Moose. Yup. Underwhelming. But we'll see.
  11. Jimmy, agreed. Significant might mean they have the money together. Like saying True Norths canoe subsiduary and ARTEIS are plowing in some many dollars to the Graham ave project.
  12. Since we're guessing, I'd guess it's the retail/commercial/ hotel/ residential development between MTS Centre and the Convention Center.
  13. So CKRM reports Smith got into a spat with the coaches, doesn't say a refusal though. http://www.620ckrm.com/ckrm-on-air/ckrm-local-sports/12084-roughrider-head-coach-corey-chamblin-says-smith-was-benched
  14. The Riders do suck. But a rookie refusing to enter a game? His mates would turn on him. That's unheard of and unbelievable. Would be remarkabley stupid. Did see Kevin Glenn being more involved on the sidelines after Smith Was pulled. Smith kept occupied by biting his nails. Not even a clipboard for him.Just like a Rider fan to come up with some excuse for losing, again.
  15. As much as I am NOT a Rider Fan and believe me I would rather slash my wrist that be one - I am kind of hoping that the Riders sweep the two from the Bombers which will put is in next year land. Then and only then can we tie a can to our OC and maybe even HC and start to put something together for 2016. Problem is who puts it together? So far the current Bomber brain trust (and that is a oxymoron if I ever heard one) have not done much to improve the team IMHO. You should be ashamed of yourself with your choice of "hoped for" scenarios.
  16. Als 251 yards rushing this game. Most by any team this year.
  17. Suits analysis tonight is spot on. But his hair awful.
  18. From what i recall, Jones wasn't really a true LB. He was a edge pass rusher 90% of the time, lining up wide off the tackle usually very close to the LOS. Watching Odell play in Tim Burke's 'jack' position reminded me of how Jones lined up. I think we could use that trio nowadays -- West at mac, Battle at wil, Jones at DE. But yeah, they'd have to bring Rod Hill or Ken Hailey along to play SAM/dime. (It'd be interesting to see how Jones would fare in today's option-happy CFL. Because the man was about one thing--destroying quarterbacks.) Given his age, I'm guessing that things would not go too well. Given his death. I know things aren't going well.
  19. In Simmons skill and size, who would you compare him too as a linebacker? Past or present comparison is fine.
  20. I sure hope so. And help us win more games. The next three would be a very good start.
  21. So when Simmons is released, is he eligible to sign a completely new contract or can the team choosing him say they will pick up the remainder of his contract, and is that scenario supported by the CBA? Waivers I'm thinking yes, he keeps his contract. Released, he starts from scratch? I suppose if the tweets are they are negotiating, then he starts fresh.
  22. In three days, Ive gone from asking who this guy was, to have him playing any position on the defence. If we sign him, he'll get four interceptions off of Calgary. On special teams he'll run back one punt and the opening kickoff for touchdowns. He'll back up Hirallahu as a punter.
  23. @ISO........thanks. fewer complaints about the government with them spreading the wealth.
  24. @sportsmentary2012....using Taman as a model is not a prudent move. Nobody is going to get Ricky Ray in a trade.
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