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The Classic

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  1. Like
    The Classic reacted to Mark F in Coach Mike' Everything is' O'Shae   
    Complain that too many posts are mere opinions unsupported by facts, (complaining only about the opinions you don't like) and then pile on a new guy that has some facts, cause you don't like his opinion.
    Par for the course here. Probably more than half the posts are just complaints about some other person's posts.
  2. Like
    The Classic reacted to do or die in Week 3 (vs Ham...Now With Depth Chart)   
    We need to get out of the gate....and accomplish something.   Which is like saying, that the Titanic needed to avoid that iceberg........
  3. Like
    The Classic reacted to do or die in No more patience. ....   
    I have somewhat, the same problem with posting Odds and Sods.....
  4. Like
    The Classic reacted to Bigblue204 in Around The League Regular Season Discussion   
    yeah....keep telling yourself that. lol
  5. Like
    The Classic reacted to do or die in Which week does O'Shea get canned?   
    As far as my own "negative" approach.....
    The bottom line......  Bombers overall play is not getting it done, and the results are falling far short (yet again) of any reasonable expectation.....
    This makes it pretty difficult to accurately report on the play, during games...or make any kind of evaluation of some (ok, most) positions on this team....without it being somewhat "negative" in both content and tone....
    Believe me....it would be far more satisfying and for that matter, fun.....to be able to toss out plaudits, lolypops, and be able to stick out my chest more often.   Instead of having MY team a figure of fun, or an object of pity....
    The fans do their part...... in investing money, time, and emotion in their team.    When "payback" in the form of good play and winning doesn't happen....there will always be a letdown.    No amount of BS, excuses and wishful thinking  will fix or compensate for this....
    Particular when the light at the end of the tunnel has not become visible to the naked eye, just yet......
  6. Like
    The Classic reacted to Floyd in How we go 16 - 2 the rest of the way ...   
    Just find a quarterback, its the same problem for decades...
    Cal couldn't find a QB at the end... Reinhold never could
    f Glenn doesn't break his hand, Taman is a god instead of a goat...
    If Kelly doesn't cut Glenn, maybe him and Murphy are still here
    If Mack signs Reilly, he still has a job...
    Bombers have always tried to find a 'deal' and been wiling to settle for the second best QBs available
    Once we lucked out with Khari... maybe we'll luck out with Franklin or Cato... doubt it.
    But get ready... Nichols is the new Kerwin Bell.  Rebuild hasn't even started yet.
  7. Like
    The Classic reacted to Rod Black in About Polls   
    So he sez "oh so your Ukrainian? I alvays taught you vere a Pole Vaulter." 
  8. Like
    The Classic reacted to iso_55 in Crazy thoughts from a desperate and disillusioned Bomber fan ...   
    I remember being in the bar (Marble Club if anyone remembers) the night before the Western Final in 1984 vs the Lions. I remember discussing the game with my friends & anyone who joined in & becoming nervous thinking about going into BC Place & having to beat the Lions. Well, we did it, went to the Grey Cup & won. Unbelievable. Of the 3 we won in 84, 88 & 90 that was the most satisfying. Ending a (then) 22 year drought. Ohhh what a feeling! What a rrrrrush!
    I find it sad that loyal younger fans here that bleed blue & gold haven't been rewarded for their loyalty with a Grey Cup win. Bad players, coaching & management over the years have caused this. Maybe O'Shea & Walters turn this thing around this year. We can only hope.
  9. Like
    The Classic reacted to do or die in Crazy thoughts from a desperate and disillusioned Bomber fan ...   
    I hear ya, went through a 18 yr drought before my championship thirst was quenched........now followed by a 26 year (and counting)....with frankly no end in sight....
  10. Like
    The Classic reacted to iso_55 in Crazy thoughts from a desperate and disillusioned Bomber fan ...   
    I'll be 61 tomorrow which bums me out. Then I remember the Bombers won 7 Grey Cups in my lifetime. Then there are posters like brett_c_b who have never seen the Bombers win anything & it blows my mind. I'm thinking I'll never live long enough to see another one. I was 35 the last time this team won a Grey Cup. That is just dismally pathetic.
  11. Like
    The Classic reacted to brett_c_b in Crazy thoughts from a desperate and disillusioned Bomber fan ...   
    As someone who is only in his early 30's, I have no real memories of the bombers being a dominant, or even consistently good team. Sure we had a brief glimpse of success in the days of Jones and Stegall.  Losing games and looking terrible on offense is just my expectation. So the good of this is I get over the losses pretty quickly, as they're expected. The bad being even if we win a couple games it will be hard to enjoy as I'll know the wheels are still going to fall off after another few games.
    I didn't grow up watching or playing football, wasn't an option to play in a small town. In my teens the likes of Stegall and Brown got me interested and started watching. Then i hit my 20's. The bombers didn't win a labor day game in my 20's. Loss after loss after loss. Every year we bring in new players, every year people are optimistic for the new players. Every year regardless of what coaches/players/Gm we bring in, the team plays like the Bombers, which is a painful experience.
  12. Like
    The Classic reacted to Fatty Liver in Crazy thoughts from a desperate and disillusioned Bomber fan ...   
    Should never have cut Don Unamba as it led to the Bombers downfall and ultimately to Brexit.
  13. Like
    The Classic reacted to retro in Calgary - Canada Day   
    Ill be there with a group of 15 from my family!
  14. Like
    The Classic reacted to northof60 in Calgary - Canada Day   
    Anyone going to the game in Calgary on Canada Day?

    This is my first year in Southern Alberta after moving from the Yukon. Looking forward to the game!
  15. Like
    The Classic reacted to Noeller in Around The League Off Season Discussion   
    I have the utmost respect for people who had seasons tickets through the Al Ford years and carried on as hardcore fans through Danny Barrett and Roy Shivers, and got rewarded for their loyalty in the good times. The problem is, there are VERY few of those kind of fans. Real fans. No question, the Riders have way more passive "fans" than any other team in the league, and that's how they get so much merch sales. But I've said before, and I'll fight for this forever, that the Bombers have way more hardcore, real fans, who are there through the bad times and good. We just don't have as many passive fans...
  16. Like
    The Classic reacted to iso_55 in Main Camp   
    Why do fans crap all over Nicholls when last year we had Brohm & Marve to poop up the field after Willy went down? When he got here for a 7th round pick he had to deal with a garbage OL, the worst receiving corps in the CFL, no run game & an OC with no imagination who couldn't make adjustments during games. Considering everything, he played well.
  17. Like
    The Classic reacted to JCon in Around The League Off Season Discussion   
    This is great news for the Bombers. Completely win-win.
    If Jones is successful, this lowers the cost of rookie NI O-linemen. That's a win for us.
    If unsuccessful, Jones creates a situation where players are less interested in signing with them. That's a win for us.
    Grab some popcorn and enjoy.
  18. Like
    The Classic reacted to GCn20 in Around The League Off Season Discussion   
    Clearly this is Chris Jones' fault for the way he negotiates contracts. I am now hearing that Walters is in talks with players disgruntled about Jones and is offering a market correction. Obviously I have no sources to quote, but don't you dare question the truthfulness of my statement or it means you hate Walters and are not a Bomber fan. I will now stick my fingers in my ears and ignore all logical alternatives to my truth.
  19. Like
    The Classic reacted to rebusrankin in Around The League Off Season Discussion   
    I went to Starbucks today for a latte. I told the barista that I'd pay only $2.50 for it, citing market corrections. In related news, my latte is refusing to report.
  20. Like
    The Classic reacted to TBURGESS in Depressing Thought   
    Bomber fans are fickle?  Are you freaking kidding me?  Fans have supported the Bombers through thick and thin and theirs been tons of thin over the last quarter century.
    2014 - 7-11
    2013 - 3-15
    2012 - 6-12
    2011 - 10-8
    2010 - 4-14
    2009 - 7-11
    2008 - 8-10
    That's 1 winning season in the last 7 and we're losing this season too.  The fact that we still have 20,000+ fans going to home games shows very supportive fans indeed, not fickle ones.
  21. Like
    The Classic reacted to iso_55 in Dam rider fans   
    I'm not going to stop. I love bashing Priders. I'm sure they're all planning the parade route for the Grey Cup with Migs as the Grand Marshall after snapping a FIVE GAME LOSING STREAK. Screw the Riders & screw their fans. 
  22. Like
    The Classic reacted to gbill2004 in Dam rider fans   
    Sing it sister!
  23. Like
    The Classic reacted to gbill2004 in Dam rider fans   
    You go girl!!
  24. Like
    The Classic reacted to Blue in the loops in Dam rider fans   
  25. Like
    The Classic reacted to iso_55 in Dam rider fans   
    0-18 would still be too good for those dickheads.
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