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  2. Yeah I wouldn’t argue that too hard or anything, given it’s just speculation on my part. Either way I’m hoping they still bring in another body or 2 for the DL. At the very least they need Fayed plus one more (Woods) on the AR. Ideally a third guy to audition as well before Garbutt comes back- this is less likely but I’d really like to see them bring Taylor Upshaw back, you guys who know more convinced me he was better than Rivers at the end of preseason.
  3. Lmao that’s a great way to describe it. Same here.
  4. put strev in with Collaros. First down, run the bread and butter inside zone option with an iso corner play side with dalton, strev on jet motion. 2nd down Demski at r, Motion him out, and strev in, early sweep motion for play action pump the play side then draw to strev weak side counter. 3rd down if it isn’t a goal line push, pa to Demski on jet motion starting pre Snap, then toss him a screen to the wide side. Get it out early and make a db try to keep him out. They could’ve traded Collaros for a tidy sum. No matter what happens with Zach, the only way giving up on brown works out is if brown ends up a bust. If he isn’t a bust we let him walk for a guy who is about to turn 36. The only higher failure rate than young qbs getting their first shot at starting is keeping qbs closer to 40 then 30.
  5. If you’re being realistic they were never going to cut Collaros and promote Brown to starter. That may be the wrong move but let’s wait until the end of the season before we declare a winner.
  6. Jameison? Nah. Cadawaller has been our best teams guy in both games. We gave up almost 14 yards per punt in return, the 47 he was punting wasn’t great by any means. He had one really good punt that’s it.
  7. Well...there's 4 words that should never be said when talking about the Bombers. So how's everyone feeling about our off season QB decisions now? Sorry, sorry...just stirring the pot.
  8. I get what you’re saying, but normally it isn’t hard to get tc guys back. They are looking at no football and a very slim chance of an nfl look next year.
  9. They got to the 7, but failed to punch it in because they didn't even threaten to run so Ottawa shut them down.
  10. Wasn't able to watch on Thursday and have been busy the last couple of days. Just finished watching my recording and I missed the last 2min cuz of the weather delay. I take it they lost...but did they at least make it close? We had the ball...down by 6 with 2 min remaining. Did they even sniff the endzone?
  11. Today
  12. Really could use him back soon. Really in tough to be down 4 of our top 6 or 7 DLinemen.
  13. Adams, Woods at DT. Fayad, Jefferson at DE. Any way we can be hopeful for Garbutt to be back soon? If so that D Line would be good.
  14. I would think it would be more of a matter of the others availability too. If they’re living in the states, some of these dudes just aren’t willing to come back and forth, could have a different opportunity or job outside of football pop up in the interim period. They could also very well have more guys on the way. One would hope anyhow. I’ve disagreed with basically everything they’ve done through camp, I’m willing to give the benefit of the doubt on this one move.
  15. I agree. Bringing back Anthony Bennett or a Keion Adams or something would have been lazy. Fayed seems like a legit prospect, he was just injured so early on. Plus, I’ll just be happy if he’s serviceable enough to let Adams go back inside and avoid any more Jake Thomas than necessary.
  16. Sucks about Fox Yay about Smith After reading up on Ali Fayed, I’m hopeful. Ngl, I had no idea who he was. Every little bit helps along the DL right now.
  17. Brady O is the straw that stirs the drink. He consistently gets us ahead of the sticks with 5+ yard carries, which allow us to do whatever we want on 2nd down. Without him, our O is severely hampered. Lawler is great, but we were a very potent offence last year even without him. Can't say that this year. Our pass pro has been spotty at best this year, yet Buck keeps calling deep shots, which turn into shots on Collaros. He won't last past labour day at this rate. Collaros hasn't been on very much at all this year. I've always said that we became a great team the day Collaros started and we'll revert to a middle of the road team when he retires. Looks like I need to add or can't do it anymore. All that being said... All is not lost. We're 0-2. BC had to put 2 starting O lineman on their 6 game this week and their OL play was poor in week 1. It's a good chance that they lose this week. Even if they win, we're only 1 game behind them. The Riders beat Edmonton. Big deal. Everyone beats Edmonton. Even if the Riders win this week, we're only 2 games behind them. We can catch up labour day/Banjo bowl. Calgary beat Hammy. Anyone have Hammy as a good to great team? Nope! Next week is a huge game. Win it and we're back in the hunt right away. Lose it and we're looking up at all the Western teams except maybe Edmonton.
  18. He was with Toronto in 2022 and looked quite good in the handful of games he played. I thought he was a lock to make the Argos last year but I guess they had too much INT depth on the d-line. I think he's gonna be a good player in this league.
  19. Man, I wish there was an NFL Game Pass type service where we could see the all-24
  20. Bringing back Fayad is lazy old boys club??? Literally makes zero sense. Terrible take
  21. YES.....that play I almost threw my beer.....lol.....That right there is how the season has been, we don't have desire, ambition, or the balls we need....
  22. If we establish a run game, I believe the pass pro will look a lot better. Ott did not need to respect a run, gap control, RPO. I am not sure why the game plan was so bad this past game. In the first game Brady was in and we tried (but very clearly he was far from 100%), we also had Strev do a few things, correct me if I am wrong but did we not have a Demski run play?? Last week We never really used JA, at least not enough to be any threat, Strev came in short yardage and was no threat (I think he is hurt) IMO our offensive game plan against OTT. was bad. Yes execution was poor at times, and our O-line struggled in pass pro, but Zach, and the O-line had no favors with the play calling. Against BC IF brady is still out, game plan for the run game we can do, or airlift in some big bruisers......we have ratio flexibility
  23. People maybe don't realize accepting a PR position in a different country far from home and familiar faces for little pay is a pretty tough decision for any player to make. Players who are overly confident in their ability might gamble that the next opportunity to play pro football will come along shortly, others won't have the confidence to make that decision and accept whatever is offered. Rivers has a taste of fame on his resume which might open doors others don't have access to.
  24. Glad Smith is back. Fayed at least its something although I believe he has a few games experience with Toronto.
  25. With the hash mark change you always have windows to complete passes in the cfl now. If you throw as the wr breaks to the side line and lead them it can’t defended if executed properly. Qbs are up to 75% completion now. We aren’t running good schemes for sure, but we are running much of what we usually run. Yeah. Touch on the ball can become fickle with age and hand injuries. Khari lost it and that was his real trade mark skill.
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