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  1. Past hour
  2. Very next play Stubblefield lying on the ground… how many of us were pointing at the tv “that’s what you get!” Football gods not bailing out the crappy play of our team, but karma served up at the appropriate dose.
  3. head scratcher.......no return guy either.....??? IF we get thumped in Ottawa, I think some serious questions are about to be asked
  4. Tony Jones was good for Edmonton in limited time last year but this annoys me because it just is another example of how we don’t want to ever recruit
  5. Today
  6. The video replay shows a definite twisting and ripping on Streves leg by this idiot, and now he's turned himself into a bald faced liar.....Someone has to talk to Stubble, and ask what the hell was all the 'attempt to injure' action on Chris's lower leg after the whistle...It was plainly seen and the CFL has the vid to prove it.....Karma is a real beeotch sometimes and the season ending injury seems to speak to that....No sympathy from this quarter when you embark on that kind of bull$hit play
  7. Okay this better get published because I'll be buying two (one for me and one for the school library) https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/kevinshinick/host-mortem-graphic-novel-from-emmy-winning-writer-and-host
  8. Classic CFL to change the rules in the middle of the week’s schedule, and not have an even playing field.
  9. If we run out of water, there'll be rioting in the streets.
  10. Elks: worst team, also the worst looking team.
  11. I think Ouelette has 7 carries for 10 yards before Ferland got ejected, so he actually had considerably better numbers after that.
  12. Crappy sports week, at least the Oilers lose game one ... 🤗
  13. Never bet against the L'ks finding a way to ****** defeat from the jaws of victory.
  14. They lost an ol to ejection and it was rough after that.
  15. I'll disagree & say Stanley Bryant was the guy who started our turnaround. He could have stayed in calgary & be part of two Grey Cups while we struggled. To see a generational player like that come here was absolutely amazing. Once a player of his calibre came here then others followed. Like we evaluated returners last year? We knew in 5 minutes they all sucked.
  16. I was watching that EPIC comeback by the Riders against the annual cellar dweller Elks this afternoon & two things came to mind: 1. Different year, same Elks. 2. And TBurgess thinks our secondary is bad? HFS.
  17. Yesterday
  18. Stupidfield reveals torn acl, lies about trying to hurt strevy. F&@$ that guy. https://3downnation.com/2024/06/08/alouettes-sam-reggie-stubblefield-reveals-torn-acl-denies-trying-to-injure-chris-streveler/
  19. 21 unanswered points from a 13 point deficit.... we used to do stuff like that. Thgis is going to be a **** week....
  20. Not great, but also zero run blocking. Never gonna write a guy off after week one.
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