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  1. Past hour
  2. If you're looking to the past, which I don't think they should be, Agudosi is currently a free agent and already knows the playbook.
  3. I think after his knee injury last year, his career might be done.
  4. Maybe totally stupid suggestion, but Is Greg Ellingson worse than any in-house options we have?
  5. Without getting into the guys personal details, I have to push back against the AH bad attitude narrative. In hindsight, it was still the right move, but I mean, the guy was going through a really nasty divorce.
  6. okay people can say what they will about Tiana's Splash Mountain (but I do agree with those that say they should have kept the shadows for a Facilier scene for the final drop) but damn that must have been a treat
  7. Yesterday
  8. If he was a bit more healthy and doing his off season stuff with a better attitude I think we would’ve lost Brady to the remnants of Harris. Both got banged up too though. Darby they let walk once before as well. Rose is I think the closest, but i think that was injury related. If you go back I’d say maybe mo? But he was related to recovering from injury as well.
  9. That’s what made me excited for Pokey Wilson when the signed him. He could be huge for stretching the field. Without being there, I’d speculate the biggest loss to that room was Andrew.
  10. It’s stubbornness, or misguided loyalty. The scouting dept has brought in guys that can play. Tre Thomas made play after play in the preseason games, nothing. They stick with Wilson who hasn’t been the same since his injury in 2021.
  11. Even vets losing their jobs mid-season when talent under them in the depth chart has proven to be better. I can think of Winston Rose and Alden Darby last year and I guess that is good. Hopefully we can see some of that, but to see the depth chart really unchanged throughout training camp and nobody cut or even bumped is disappointing, especially when we did see some obvious deficiencies at the end of last season. Not sure if it is indicative of poor scouting and weak players brought in or just a stubbornness to have a vet lose a job. My hope is that, with all the changes from guys not re-signed, O'Shea didn't want too much change at one time and the top talent will eventually be allowed to start.
  12. most of the posts point to vets that have been cut in the off season, Have we cut a vet in season or even at the end of training camp? Its either a testament to poor scouting or stubbornness
  13. The way we see the team being run right now, we would’ve kept Harris over Brady.
  14. maybe a re-do from day 1 of camp actually....as a re-do of the week would get same results sadly
  15. Janarion could have been back...Remove Thomas and his salary and the portion above minimum would help off-set Grant....You could fill Thomas roster spot with a entrty level Canadian salary BOLO...was more he said eff this crap and left....sure he was due a bump but not a huge one and his standing on the sideline all gret cup with zero reps while 3 other recievers could barely run was the final straw...Woli almost left for same reason but was talked out of it.... Our PR use the last 3..4 yrs has been crap....a guy goes down...nobody was there to plug in and develop...or was developing.....we preferrred to use slugs who were already here....and not good enough to start...some whom had zero potential to ever start let alone be a viable replacement for the short term....and it just keeps going. If WJ had got knicked last season....especially when JJ was out....we would have been screwed....still are really....Garbutt is our best all around end...but he is on the shelf...and in our wise wisdom....have nobody to step in for the meantime....unless you consider guys playing out of positipn Bennett is there for the taking...serves several purposes...vet...Canadian...can be in rotation, but from what I understand...as long as we carrying Thomas there no room...forward thinking would be....who would be your better option for this yr...2025 and beyond...Thomas for limited reps...and no use on teams....and limited usefulness in those reps...and a complete non-factor for 2025...Or Bennett...very usefull for more than limited reps...can play on cover teams....is local....and has at lest 5 good to great yrs ahead of him???....I know what a smart and logical coach would do.....do any of you? And there are other instances of this...again..
  16. Has that ever happened here under mos though? All I can recall is us letting guys go in FA like drake to go to stove.
  17. kind of like what other teams do....and we used to do...before
  18. Excellent point. Old boys club lives on. If Walter’s doesn’t end their time here, or they leave vis free agency, only injury costs vets Jobs here still. Most of the teams in the league have made a move this year to elevate a new guy above a rook. Meanwhile we get older and less durable. none of whom Walter’s resigned. If mos was the gm, I think they’d all be back. They weren’t. Walter’s said we needed to get younger. Guys were offered deals. No one else grabbed jj or gray.
  19. Really not equal because I suspect if the salary cap weren't a thing some of those guys would have been back anyway.
  20. They were all money issues, Kyle blew his wad early and had nothing left to offer them above minimum pay-grade.
  21. Bailey was a money issue....not because of competition for his spot....Could've been the same thing with Janarion....Rose and Jeffcoat were done.....Gray is still hanging around.....BoLo....don't know if he was money issue???
  22. I can appreciate that, but until it comes in the form of competition, I don’t think it’s equal.
  23. Here's a list of vets who lost their spots in the off-season. Gray Bailey Rose Grant Jeffcoat Clements Funny thing is with the exception of Rose none lost their jobs directly to better players.
  24. Snead is walking around in a boot...bad pick Demski is the man in the Cap
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