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I have not read ONE good review yet. Entertainment Weekly and The Hollywood Reporter, two extremely trusted sources, panned it HARD. In particular, Jesse Eisenberg's performance was deemed Razzie-worthy. Sounds like this thing is going to bomb hard.

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6 minutes ago, Noeller said:

I have not read ONE good review yet. Entertainment Weekly and The Hollywood Reporter, two extremely trusted sources, panned it HARD. In particular, Jesse Eisenberg's performance was deemed Razzie-worthy. Sounds like this thing is going to bomb hard.

I sort of wondered if Affleck was brought on as a Plan B to Snyder.  If it bombs, perhaps Affleck takes over as the steward of the Dc Universe...

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3 minutes ago, Noeller said:

That is possible. The one thing I've read is that this movie is a better Batman movie than anything else, and Affleck's Bruce Wayne is very good. His Batman, not so much. But his Bruce Wayne is good.

I've alwasy liked Affleck and I think he's physically imposing enough to pull it off.  Ill admit though, that in the trailers, the shots they've used leave me a little cold.  Not entirely sure what it is, but its like Affleck seems to be trying too hard to be dramatic.  Maybe it's just the way the trailers are cut.  My worry when he was cast that he would be "Ben Affleck" and not "Bruce Wayne".  We'll see...I do like him though so hoping for the best.

The first trailer I liked.  The second one where Wonder Woman shows up and they have that exchange about who brought the chick or whatever they said was awful.  Then they came back with a few better ones.  One thing I've heard is the actual fight between the two is really short for a film called "Batman v Superman".

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Review I read(AP) was great moments(BvS) even up with bad moments especially when it come to casting Lex which I think we all expected when we saw the trailer. 2.5/5 stars which sounds on par with MoS which I liked.

Hey if Neil deGrasse Tyson is in it, that's good enuf for me.




Edited by FrostyWinnipeg
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yeah I dont remember anyone excited when they saw Eisenberg in that first trailer. it'd be a shame if he's the main reason for this movie to fail. I'm still gonna watch it with an open mind though, I dont wanna be predetermined to rip apart Affleck if he doesnt live up to the hype and ready to prop up Eisenberg expecting alot worse, it might screw up the movie for me

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2 minutes ago, Taynted_Fayth said:

yeah I dont remember anyone excited when they saw Eisenberg in that first trailer. it'd be a shame if he's the main reason for this movie to fail. I'm still gonna watch it with an open mind though, I dont wanna be predetermined to rip apart Affleck if he doesnt live up to the hype and ready to prop up Eisenberg expecting alot worse, it might screw up the movie for me

I've read a few reviews that say Eisenberg really nails it.  But I dislike him greatly in everything he is in.

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HD The Force Awakens leaks online...

Latino Review:

Yet even the almighty powers of Disney could not prevent the inevitable high-quality piracy of the film.
According to TorrentFreak, the full Blu-Ray rip of the film has leaked onto torrent, hosting, and streaming sites like The Pirate Bay and KickassTorrents. The first copy appeared yesterday, and within 12 hours, has already received over 250,000 downloads--a number that's expected to hit the millions before the Blu-Ray even hits the shelves.
Given the high quality of the leak, one has to wonder if this will affect the sales in any way. Of course, that'll be nearly impossible to track, because no matter what, the Blu-Ray is bound to sell gangbusters, and many STAR WARS fans are likely to purchase the film even if they couldn't wait the extra two weeks to watch it from the comforts of their own home.
If history has proven anything, it's that STAR WARS fans are completionists, and they'll flock to stores in droves just to get the latest edition of the same film they've purchased several times over. Read more at: https://tr.im/TWbeR
Edited by The Unknown Poster
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not too surprised,  theres been cam versions of the force awakens since day 1, but I did notice as of yesterday it was available in DVD quality on Kodi.

Seems like a lot of movies get released over seas ahead of time and that could be the main reason things like this happen.  realistically they should release everything at once if they are finding this is an issue with NA sales

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7 minutes ago, Taynted_Fayth said:

not too surprised,  theres been cam versions of the force awakens since day 1, but I did notice as of yesterday it was available in DVD quality on Kodi.

Seems like a lot of movies get released over seas ahead of time and that could be the main reason things like this happen.  realistically they should release everything at once if they are finding this is an issue with NA sales

Not sure how accurate that is... in this case, the European release date is 2 weeks after the NA date.

As the release dates get closer, the studio is distributing massive amounts of blu rays & digital copies so is it a surprise that some get leaked?

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4 hours ago, bigg jay said:

Not sure how accurate that is... in this case, the European release date is 2 weeks after the NA date.

As the release dates get closer, the studio is distributing massive amounts of blu rays & digital copies so is it a surprise that some get leaked?

well they sure like to uploaded "dvd" quality with subtitles long before they hit shelves. thats what Im basing my thought on

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makes me a little more excited when I hear stuff like this;



I said, ‘Look. You guys at Fox… I mean, I enjoy these movies, but we’ve been churning out these AVP whatever, they each cost a certain amount of money, they’re okay, but there’s no effort to elevate them or make them any kind of an event.’ They’re just sort of another PREDATOR. ‘Oh, there’s another one that came out.’ They said, ‘What if we said to you we want to reinvent this and really treat it with as much of an event status or as much hoopla as we would the Alien prequel, which is coming out also? We really want to make this something. The kind of movie that people line up for.’ I said, ‘Really, you’ll spend a bunch of money?’ They go, ‘Yep.’ I go, ‘Make it really scale, spectacle?’ ‘Yep.’ ‘****, that sounds interesting.’

but a little dismissive when it's followed up with this



Black continues, “I think the first one was great, and it was contained, and it was a perfect little gem for what it was. I think there’s an expansion that needs to take place and also just a love for that era, that movie, and the mythology of the PREDATOR. I think that they came to me knowing pretty much that… they said, basically, if I wanted to make PREDATOR but treat it like it was IRON MAN III instead of just another little movie. I said, ‘Let’s really do it right this time.’


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A spokesman for Walt Disney Studios announced today that the company will boycott the upcoming anti-gay legislation in Georgia if the bill is signed into law by the governor.
In the announcement, the spokesman said: “Disney and Marvel are inclusive companies, and although we have had great experiences filming in Georgia, we will plan to take our business elsewhere should any legislation allowing discriminatory practices be signed into state law,”
House Bill 757 would permit faith-based groups and organizations in the state to discriminate based on sexuality. Read more at: https://tr.im/X5MQl
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Something else interesting:

Fandango has recently run a few surveys leading up to the wide release of BATMAN v SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE, and apparently the Lady with the Golden Lasso is why most moviegoers will be seeing the film.
Gal Gadot hasn’t been a leading Hollywood actress for long but BVS will be boosting her into the upper stratosphere of movie stardom come Friday. Fandango reports that 88% of ticket buyers were excited to see WONDER WOMAN finally make an appearance on the silver screen. 60% of those polled are also interested to see how Jesse Eisenberg will play Lex Luthor, while most people also said they were likely to see the movie more than just once.
As far as the age old question of who would beat who in a fight, 59% chose BATMAN, leaving 41% voting for SUPERMAN. Read more at: https://tr.im/pogpx
Edited by The Unknown Poster
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theres some rumors going around the internets that Disney is paying people to write bad reviews on DC movies to make their Marvel  movies look better lol i say,  that's a stretch.  they just need to watch most of the DC movies to realize why some people genuinely dont like them

Edited by Taynted_Fayth
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6 minutes ago, Taynted_Fayth said:

theres some rumors going around the internets that Disney is paying people to write bad reviews on DC movies to make their Marvel  movies look better lol i say,  that's a stretch.  they just need to watch most of the DC movies to realize why some people genuinely dont like them

Ill tell you by tomorrow night if BvS is great or garbage.  Trust me.  ;-)

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