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I had the chance to see Jurassic World and Terminator this past week.  Ill try not to use spoilers but be pre-warned that I might.


I would say I enjoyed Terminator more but JW was the "better" film, at least to a wider audience.


JW was easy to watch and was not offensive.  I was entertained.  But they really need to come up with a new concept.  Im not sure where they go.


As for Terminator, I appreciate their effort to re-write a new "canon" while respecting existing canon.  It was confusing though...and convoluted.  The best parts were seeing scenes from the original film re-done or from a different perspective.  The casting was fine.  I was worried about that aspect.  But Emilia Clarke was a pretty good Sarah Connor.  The one thing is, I would have had her more fit.  The in-universe explanation for her being more like the original 1984 Sarah and not the ultra fit T2 Sarah might be that she's not effected by the events in Terminator (1984) so she doesnt have the same single-minded drive and thus isnt as fit.  But that would have helped in my opinion.


Jai Courtney was okay as Kyle.  I was worried about him but he was fine.  But he lacked the war-torn intensity of Michael Biehn.  This is a trend I guess, that the actors were all fine but not as good as the originals.


And the biggest problem (SPOILER) is the fact they Borg Queen'ed Skynet.  They pretty much blew that surprise in the trailers.  It was again, not neccesary.


I think they were so concerned about not doing a rehash that they over-complicated the story.  For example, watch The Terminator (1984), it was so simple and there was no effort to stop Judgement Day, it was going to happen no matter what.  T2 upped the stakes by introducing the idea that maybe they could stop it.  T3 showed us that the events of T2 just delayed it.  And ofcourse, each film has its own paradox.  For example, in T2, it's Cyberdyne that developed the AI robotic technology based on finding the damaged Terminator from the 1984 film.  So if the Terminator had to go back to 1984 in order for Judgement Day to happen, how did it happen before he went back?  The answer, I guess, is the plot of T3 where the US military developed the AI. 


In Genisys, we get another delay but as far as I recall, its never explained why its delayed this time other than the idea of a different timeline.  if they introduce the idea that there are infinite timelines with infinite possibilities and we're just seeing a different one, then they risk alienating the audience.  Why should we care if the outcome doesnt matter.  We want to be emotionally invested in these characters by feeling that this is THE timeline, not just one of a million.  See Star Trek for how multiple time lines can alienate the audience.


They wanted to make Judgement Day, or its cause in this film, something that we the viewers could understand more from todays perspective.  Okay, I get that.  But Im not sure they needed to "paint over" everything that had come before it.


They certainly left room for sequels and left us with unanswered questions (most importantly, who sent Arnold back).  I hope we get sequels but I hope they keep them simpler. 


This might be a negative review but I really did enjoy it.  Arnold was born to play this role and he's very good at it.  He "gets" it, even when the humor doesnt seem quite right, he nails it.  And he's a better actor than he sometimes get credit for.  He acts with his eyes.  He has that ability to convey emotion with only his eyes and thats important in a film where he's essentially an emotionless robot.  The CGI was magnificent.  Seeing de-aged Arnold as the original Terminator is tremendous.  But again, I wished they had given us a few more easter eggs such as a cameo from Earl Boen as Dr Sillberman.


And they absolutely missed the boat by not casting Robert Patrick.  Lee Byung-hun was a fine T-1000 and he sort of looks like Patrick (oddly enough) so it would seem they intended to keep the same look from T2.  So why not use Patrick?  I read that they asked him and he declined feeling he was too old to do the action scenes.  I would have convinced him.  Or at the very least, use Byung-Hun but CGI Patrick's younger face on, like with Arnold.  I mean, why not?  That was a huge miss for me.


All in all, an "okay" re-start in the series.  Hopefully it rebounds at the box office after a disappointing opening weekend enough that they make the sequels.  Maybe get James Cameron back on board.  But I recommend the film.  Also, stay through the credits as there is a "mid credits" scene that really amounts to nothing but a very very brief tease for a sequel...and quite honestly, it didnt excite me because I think there are better ways to go fro the sequel then what they teased...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just watched Jurassic World with some friends...all of us agreed that the movie was laughable and extremely corny. I'm amazed that it made so much money.. It was awful.

I don't disagree. But I expecred as much and went into it with an open mind and found it suitably entertaining

I will be seeing Trainwreck tonight.

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I just watched Jurassic World with some friends...all of us agreed that the movie was laughable and extremely corny. I'm amazed that it made so much money.. It was awful.

I don't disagree. But I expecred as much and went into it with an open mind and found it suitably entertaining

I will be seeing Trainwreck tonight.


Curious to know how this is. It's about as close to meeting in the middle as the old lady and I can get. Apatow movie for me, with Hader and Vanessa Bayer starring, and a chick flick for her....

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I'm not sure I really "get" Amy Schumer. It seems like all the hype is that she's a chick who swears and says gross things.....yay. Been done for a long time before her. Hopefully there's more to it than that, in this flick. Personally, I'm more excited to see Hader get a starring role and Vanessa Bayer to get any kind of role...both fantastic comic actors.

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Trainwreck looks like garbage.


Ant-Man however, IMO, was amazing.  I loved it.  Good laughs, good acting, good action.  This just became one of my top Marvel movies I think.  And I'm not a huge fan of Paul Rudd either.  I like him but his comedy is sometimes too stupid for my liking.

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Trainwreck looks like garbage.


Ant-Man however, IMO, was amazing.  I loved it.  Good laughs, good acting, good action.  This just became one of my top Marvel movies I think.  And I'm not a huge fan of Paul Rudd either.  I like him but his comedy is sometimes too stupid for my liking.



Bill Hader would never lend his name to anything garbage would he? Amy Schumer isn't as funny as she thinks he is, but gotta give Hader a chance right? He's one of the funniest people going. 


As for not being a fan of Paul Rudd what are you insane? 

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So Trainwreck was....fantastic. It sometimes settled into a formularic "sweet" comedy but more often then not it was really great. Also lots of sports references and a few cameos by athletes.

Amy is really funny and fresh. I'm a fan. If you don't like her you surely won't like her in this. And ofcourse Hader is reat too.

I recommend. If you're gf or wife is trying to drag you out, go.

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roku wants you to give them a credit card number, to set it up. don't get that. 


probably try apple tv I guess. streaming from the computer works fine, but maybe wears out the processor. don't know.

I wouldn't worry about anything on your computer wearing out.  If something on your computer is going to wear out, it's going to wear out.  Turning your computer off and on can wear things out.  Not sure if I'd go with apple TV.  You might be better off with the Western Digital media center or something like that.  Apple products tend to only like things being run over iTunes.

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MAC or PC, it doesn't really matter. The parts inside them are fairly the same as far as hard drives and a few other components. It's luck of the draw if a part breaks down or not. I look after over 100 laptops and desktop PC's at work and most never have any issues.

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